Obama Takes Power: What Change Will the Democrats Bring?

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May 20, 2006
damn, you're always doing the same thing,

talking about a person's posts and then doing some stand up comedy that is only funny to yourself
What more do you want me to do? I'm just on a keyboard, communicating to people that have NO direct affect on my life. I see you have been a very busy poster to for the last 2 years. If you work really hard, you can be achieve your goal of 5,000 posts on siccness.net., just like your role models...lol roflmao.....
Mar 21, 2007
What more do you want me to DO I'm only a flaming homosexual? I'm just on a keyboard, communicating to people that have NO direct affect on my life. I see you have been a very busy poster to for the last 2 years. If you work really hard, you can be achieve your goal of 5,000 posts on siccness.net., just like your role models...lol roflmao.....
people here have no direct affect in your life?

well i cant see how that is good or bad. but since you are so concerned about what is affecting your life, why don't you get yourself some nice education, maybe do something good for yourself and your neighborhood?
May 20, 2006
@ 2-0-Sixx is that what you do when, you can't have a "Gathering of Minds", edit someone else's post? Dude, you need to truly take a break from the internet...
May 20, 2006
You said I have no direct affect on your life. Well comrade, I just affected it.
Let me point out the internet is not my life. My family is my life. You didn't do anything but further show what kind of a petty, worthless individual you are in this world. I know you don't have kids, and I pray that you never produce offspring, no child needs to be inluenced by such a narrow-minded individual.....

Mac Jesus

Girls send me your nudes
May 31, 2003
Obama is brining change. I seen it first hand.

On Campus the other day some students were wearing Obama t-shirts, probably like 5 of them all standing together in a circle. Probably the first time in Canadian history that canadians are sportin' t-shirts of an american president without any demeaning comments or a bullet hole in the said presidents forehead.

change is a-coming.
May 13, 2002
Let me point out the internet is not my life.
It is obviously part of your life if you have a user account and are communicating with others on this message forum. If it was not apart of your life this conversion would not be occurring.

You didn't do anything but further show what kind of a petty, worthless individual you are in this world.
Thanks for the kind words and addressing my post about what I do outside of work and the internet.

I know you don't have kids, and I pray that you never produce offspring, no child needs to be inluenced by such a narrow-minded individual.....
Narrow-minded? lmao, yeah I'm the one thats drunk off Obama.
May 24, 2007
That's why Barack Hussein Obama is President. I will enjoy watching him work. I've read about Stalin, extensively, unfortunately this is not Russia, and it is a different time.
You said that that your against people looking for a welfare handout and when told that obama is pro welfare state you rant about being resposible for yourself. You then go on and accuse people of being hypocrites for not admiting racism. And then you rant about being responsible for yourself for 30th time again. You sound like the biggest child out here and the worst hypocrite.


Apr 25, 2002
@ Heresy and 2-0-Sixx: Both of you have spent the last 7 years on the Siccness and have racked up over "30,000 POSTS" between you.
Actually, the total combined post count is just under 30k, not over 30k, and considering he is a mod, and I have been asked to be mod in various forums (due to helping out), I can see why we have these numbers. However, how are these numbers relevant to the topic?

I am definately NOT doing the same thing that I was doing 7 years ago.
So you think because we have a high post count that we are doing the same thing we were seven years ago?!?!? LMAO! All because we continue to post here?

It's obvious you two have no way of comprehending my feelings of joy towards President Barack Hussein Obama.
No, we comprehend your feelings, we simply don't share them and feel they lead to blind judgement and falsehoods.

So I ask both of you, in the next four years, what will you be doing with yourselves?
I'll be doing what I'm doing now. I'll be working towards more degrees, and I'll continue to develop new I.P.'s for companies that want to monetize exclusive content. What will you be doing? Waiting to vote for BH again?

My guess is, still on the Siccness, talking bad about what somebody else is DOING. When you guys decide to DO something, besides sit in front of you monitor, I'll be there to give you a tour of the REAL world.
What have you done within the last four months that one can consider as a contribution to society?

Get out the house sometime, enjoy the sun, smell the air, have a face-to-face conversation with a REAL person that you may not know.
In my life I've travelled to various countries, been to over 20 states, and continue to do the meet and greet thing wherever I go. Where have you been within the past four months that is outside a 500 mile radius from your shack?

Life offers more pleasure and satistisfaction than pretending to be, "Lords of the Siccness"...lol God Bless both of U.
And with this you prove me correct!
May 20, 2006
^^^^that possum blessed them vultures with life for one more day^^^otherwise they would've had to eat each other......ban's....is that the correct "netslang"????
Apr 25, 2002
I'm not really surprised at the negativity here. I'm hoping to see some change. I wanted Barack Obama to win since he announced he was running and I wanted Biden to be his VP. I'm not going to clown around and think the guy is Jesus, but I do believe there is some change coming. Of course it won't happen overnight. It takes time. If you guys really want to sit around and compare Obama, his election and his campaign to facism and the nazi’s I can’t help but feel sorry for you.
Feb 15, 2006
I'm not really surprised at the negativity here. I'm hoping to see some change. I wanted Barack Obama to win since he announced he was running and I wanted Biden to be his VP. I'm not going to clown around and think the guy is Jesus, but I do believe there is some change coming. Of course it won't happen overnight. It takes time. If you guys really want to sit around and compare Obama, his election and his campaign to facism and the nazi’s I can’t help but feel sorry for you.
All people brought to together to over come all differences all in the mystical unity of the nation by personality off the leader.sound familler?