Ya homeboy it all $tarted reppin the North $ide of the town cuz we had the Varrio on both $idez of town the Barrion on the North $ide of town waz kept klean and everyone kicked it together and it waz all good but on the other $ide of Main $t. it waz na$ty and the only time people from the North $ide of town ever went over there waz to $lang to the $krap $ide of town. there iz all kindz of na$ty hou$e$ and crackheadz walkin the $treetz over there itz krazy how if you cro$$ a $treet how much thingz change. We haven't completely changed our wayz we dont bang like NorCal doez all the way but we did adopt alot of the cau$e and all that but we do $tand by our $kin color too. We are Mexicanz and proud of it we dont have a gang called Brown Pride. To u$ that ju$t meanz our Raza i heard over there Brown Pride iz a gang and cant kick it with Norte