^^^^ EXACTLY, that re$poN$e rigth there $peak$ 4 thi$ whole thread
if U aRe EDUCATED eNough to kNow wuzz up N U aiNt No PUNK, theN let it be kNowN what U baNg with pride, i feel what mo$t of U aRe $ayiNg about out of $tate homiez but fact$ aRe fact$, we NEED to " EXPAND" N let the$e $uckaz kNow we aRe DEEP, $hit almo$t every city ha$ hella $Krapz, whY Not have eNe$ there? $hit i kNow there aRe dowN a$$ homiez iN COLORADO, TEXA$, IDAHO, aNd fuckiN POLK COUNTY FLORIDA, $hit, we aRe gettiNg DEEPER,there$ NothiNg wroNg with that. period.