SavageC - I'm not tryin to come across as some almighty know-it-all that's better than everybody. I hope you didn't take it that way. If you did, well that's you. I'm basically speaking from what I feel is the perspective of the consumer right now. Mufuckas come on here and think by talkin their shit up and promotin it on a few message boards that it's actually going to do something .... I'm not an optimist nor a pecimist (sp?) - I'm a REALIST. I'm going to be realistic when I speak. If I unintentionally piss on a few parades, there's nothing I can do about that.
Take that album you're promoting in your sig right there for instance. That is exactly what's wrong with the shit that's coming out right now. All the way down to the logo for the graphics company. I haven't heard the album mind you, but just on how you're presenting it, I'll go out on a limb and say it more than likely won't be any different than 80% of the releases that came out this year. Shall I explain?
#1 ... First off, you're making the same mistake almost all of the releases made this year. You're trying to let the features sell the album. Gone are the days when mufuckas used to buy ANYTHING that their favorite artist featured on. That shit is over with. You're making yourself a guest on your own album. I'm tellin y'all, be your own artist. It's damn near 2003, mufuckas been tryin to sell their album based on their features since ... what? .. 96-97? If you feel that's the ONLY way for you to sell records cause your a new artist then don't quit your day job cause this shit aint for you. Not just you Savage-C, I'm speaking in general on that last point.
#2 ... The cover. How many covers are there out there with the members of the group or the solo artist superimposed in front of his/her city? C'mon man. And looking at the cover, I'm poised to ask whether this is a compilation (compilations have BEEN dead) or a group album. The name don't help either. Back to the compilation point, it's hard to tell whether the 2 guys on the cover are the 'Nocturnal Hustlers' or whether it's a comp and it's called 'Nocturnal Hustlers'. And to be honest, if the 2 cats on the cover are the 'Nocturnal Hustlers' the guy on the left loses cool points for that shirt he got on. Basically saying that it would be hard based on looks and all of the shit that's come before you guys to take y'all serious. But again, I haven't heard the music.
#3 ... To the graphics company logo. I could be wrong (I've been wrong in the past), but I'm guessing the guy that did your cover has no more experience (well maybe a little more) doing covers and layouts than I do. I used to do bullshit covers back in the day just fuckin around and it's so easy to make something like what you have there it's ridiculous.
#4 ... Pervelous P Entertainment. That's good to advertise your Entertainment company. But what else you got comin? Is it really coming out? What happens if this album goes double-cardboard? Is that it? Did you waste all that time and space in a few record stores for nothing?
Savage-C, take my points seriously, but not so serious where you get to calling me out of my name and shit. Everything I stated can be said about your album, and a very large number of other albums. Like B-12-the-snake-charmer said in another post, it's too easy to make something and get it out there. And like Sick Wid It said, just because you can put something out, don't mean you need to. But again, I haven't heard your music so I won't say anything about the music. But on the surface, you got yourself an album that's been done before.