"Noah's Ark" remains discovered in Iran

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May 13, 2002
HERESY said:
Also, in response to your statement about two of every species you have to identify how mnay species were actually alive at that time. In addition, you can hit the provided link if you want to know if it were possible to fit a large number of animals on board.

ROTMFLMMFAO@the article you provided!!!

HERESY, honestly, you don't believe what the author typed.
May 13, 2002
It didn't give me any insight, other than what type of people I'm dealing with here.

Unanswered questions: approximately when exactly did Noah's ark take place? Approximately how many animals were taken on the ship?

And if I read correctly the author did state certain dinosaurs were on the boat as well!!!


Apr 25, 2002
It didn't give me any insight, other than what type of people I'm dealing with here.
made a statement about species and animals being on board. Can you tell me why the link didn't give you insight?

Unanswered questions: approximately when exactly did Noah's ark take place?
You can get several answers depending on who you ask. One way you can find out is by reserching/studying biblical chronology (starting with adam and going to Noah.)

Approximately how many animals were taken on the ship?
According to the link 16,000 different types of animals were on borad. Personally, I don't have a number.

And if I read correctly the author did state certain dinosaurs were on the boat as well!!!
May 13, 2002
HERESY said:
made a statement about species and animals being on board. Can you tell me why the link didn't give you insight?
Because everything the link provided was a bunch of bs

You can get several answers depending on who you ask. One way you can find out is by reserching/studying biblical chronology (starting with adam and going to Noah.)
Adam? As in Adam and Eve? lmao, I don't think so comrade (another scientifically impossible fairytale).

How bout you just tell me when you think it occurred? Did it happen 5 thousand years ago? 10 thousand? 50 thousand? 20 million?

According to the link 16,000 different types of animals were on borad. Personally, I don't have a number.
Ok, so according to this author 16,000 species, which two of each is 32,000 (where and how did they get this number, btw? The bible cleary states, "and of every living thing of all flesh"). So do you think it's possible that 32,000 species survived on a boat, only later to repopulate the planet? (I seriously cannot believe I’m having this discussion with another grown man!). How many people manned this boat? Was it 6 people? 6 people for 32,000 species? 32,000 cages? How did they build the boat, without cranes or factories, thousands of years ago? Not only would the boat have to be big enough to fit 32,000 species (including dinosaurs), it would have to accommodate all of the different types of food and water (without refriguration) for these animals to survive for 40 days and 40 nights (actually I think the bible says it was much longer than that, 150 days, but I'm not positive), all done with a 6 man crew (led by a 500 year old man), apparently! This 6 man crew would have to constantly tend to 32,000 species, feeding them, shoveling their shit, giving them water, for at least 40 days. Do the math - each person would have to tend to ~5,333 animals. That's 133.325 animals (if only fed once a day) or 5.55 animals per hour. They would literally have to work the entire 40 days, without sleep, non-stop.

The article does a good job disproving itself. Noah's Ark only makes sense if you don't think about it. Thinking is religions worst enemy. "Don't even think about thinking!"

It's been proven that dinosaurs did not live with man, comrade. I'm sorry but T-Rex did not live thousands of years ago.

Of course, the best arguement is that there isn't enough water on the planet to flood the entire globe. If both ice caps were to melt, we would lose all low lying land but it wouldnt be water world. No flood, no boat.
Nov 24, 2003
2-0-Sixx said:
How bout you just tell me when you think it occurred? Did it happen 5 thousand years ago? 10 thousand? 50 thousand? 20 million?
Wikipedia seems to provide some pretty good info on this subject.

wikipedia said:
For the date of the Flood, literalists rely on interpretation of the genealogies contained in Gen 5 and 11. Archbishop Ussher, using this method in the 17th century, arrived at 2349 BC, and this date still has acceptance among many. A more recent Christian fundamentalist scholar, Gerhard F. Hasel, however, summarising the current state of thought in the light of the various Biblical manuscripts (the Masoretic text in Hebrew, various manuscripts of the Greek Septuagint), and differences of opinion over their correct interpretation, demonstrated that this method of analysis can date the flood only within a range between 3402 and 2462 BC.[7] Other opinions, based on other sources and methodologies, lead to dates outside even this bracket—the deuterocanonical Book of Jubilees, for example, providing a date equivalent to 2309 BC.
So if one of these dates were hypothetically correct, the evolution of species from the representatives of each genus that Noah took to the species that inhabit earth today would need to have occurred in approximately 5000 years, rather than the current accepted millions of years.

2-0-Sixx said:
Ok, so according to this author 16,000 species, which two of each is 32,000
This article argues that in fact Noah only took 8000 types of animals or 16,000 individual animals

"Woodmorappe totals about 8000 genera, including extinct genera, thus about 16,000 individual animals which had to be aboard."

However, it also argues that each of those 8000 types represents only the genus of animals that inhabit earth today. Therefore, Noah did not take two horses, two zebras, and two donkeys but rather two “equine kind” that the horses, donkeys, zebra, etc descended from.

Also, the act of rounding up two of every animal or even 16,000 must have taken more than a lifetime, even one of 500 years. Not to mention that this task would need to have occurred in a much shorter time to account for the limited lifespan of all the species on the ark.

Suppose Noah triumphed over all these obstacles and was able to round up all these thousands of animals in a short time period (some of which would be highly dangerous including the said dinosaurs) as soon as the animals were released at the end of the storm, the carnivorous species would only need to kill one of the two representatives of each species to effectively bring that species to extinction. The appetite of the larger carnivores alone would significantly outweigh the amount of prey available to them, and not give their prey close to enough time to reproduce before they were eaten.

2-0-Sixx said:
How did they build the boat, without cranes or factories, thousands of years ago?
Which would have been the largest wooden hulled boat ever built.
Sep 28, 2002
Its easy,

God created adam and eve on a distant planet called eden. On eden homosapians could live many hundreds of years, then after a thousand or so years god made a grave decision, seeing no redeaming value in the human race save one family god comanded noah to build a great space vessel and fill it with a catalog of genetic information on all known species of eden. God then condensed the thousand mile thick atmosphere of eden culminating in a great flood. Traveling at the speed of light it took noahs family 40 eden days and 40 eden nights to arrive on earth (where species had been evolving and disapearing for many millenia) in their devine vessel. Then using gods own geonomic construction technique the animal fona of eden were brought to exist on earth.

So it was.
May 13, 2002
Mr. Nice Guy said:
Wikipedia seems to provide some pretty good info on this subject.
This article argues that in fact Noah only took 8000 types of animals or 16,000 individual animals[

"Woodmorappe totals about 8000 genera, including extinct genera, thus about 16,000 individual animals which had to be aboard."
Ahh, thanks for the info comrade


Apr 25, 2002
Because everything the link provided was a bunch of bs
You are entitled to believe so.:)

Adam? As in Adam and Eve? lmao, I don't think so comrade (another scientifically impossible fairytale).
Weather it is scientifically impossible or not is beside the point. The fact is the bible presents a chronology of Adam through Noah. It lists the age at which these people died, when people where born etc. If you were to take Noah and count backwards you'd end up at around 5,000 to 6,000 years ago.

How bout you just tell me when you think it occurred? Did it happen 5 thousand years ago? 10 thousand? 50 thousand? 20 million?
Last night.

Ok, so according to this author 16,000 species, which two of each is 32,000 (where and how did they get this number, btw? The bible cleary states, "and of every living thing of all flesh"). So do you think it's possible that 32,000 species survived on a boat, only later to repopulate the planet? (I seriously cannot believe I’m having this discussion with another grown man!). How many people manned this boat? Was it 6 people? 6 people for 32,000 species? 32,000 cages? How did they build the boat, without cranes or factories, thousands of years ago? Not only would the boat have to be big enough to fit 32,000 species (including dinosaurs), it would have to accommodate all of the different types of food and water (without refriguration) for these animals to survive for 40 days and 40 nights (actually I think the bible says it was much longer than that, 150 days, but I'm not positive), all done with a 6 man crew (led by a 500 year old man), apparently! This 6 man crew would have to constantly tend to 32,000 species, feeding them, shoveling their shit, giving them water, for at least 40 days. Do the math - each person would have to tend to ~5,333 animals. That's 133.325 animals (if only fed once a day) or 5.55 animals per hour. They would literally have to work the entire 40 days, without sleep, non-stop.

The article does a good job disproving itself. Noah's Ark only makes sense if you don't think about it. Thinking is religions worst enemy. "Don't even think about thinking!"
The author of the link covered everything you are asking. You should hit him up for more details. Better yet, you should hit him up if you want to refute it. Again, I only provided the link in response to your statement.

It's been proven that dinosaurs did not live with man, comrade. I'm sorry but T-Rex did not live thousands of years ago.
Some people believe differently, and some of these people are scientists (disputes in Carbon Dating create more speculation.)

Of course, the best arguement is that there isn't enough water on the planet to flood the entire globe. If both ice caps were to melt, we would lose all low lying land but it wouldnt be water world. No flood, no boat.
This is your opinion and you are entitled to it, but the author of the link has a different opinion. My advice to you is to take it up directly with him and dispute his claims. I often find myself disputing the author of links, essays, etc in the form of emails and essays (which bare no resemblance to my posts here.)
Mar 18, 2003
You guys can argue until you're blue in the face that it is impossible to fit [x] amount of animals onto a boat, at the end of which we can all say: "You're right, it is impossible", yet still there remains the claim that this is Noah's Ark, because you have not defeated that point. All you have done is prove that you can not fit [x] amount of animals onto a boat. Furthermore you are basing your arguement on the plausibility of so many animals boarding a boat (that was impossible to build) yet you skip over the fact that Noah is over 500 years old and communicates directly with God. I can tell you this much, if he has a direct relationship with God, certainly it is possible for him not only to fit millions of animals onto a boat, but to feed them all with crumbs, live another 500 years, and so on.

2-0-Sixx: It is also impossible for life to have formed as it has out of nothing.


Apr 25, 2002
Nitro the Guru said:
You guys can argue until you're blue in the face that it is impossible to fit [x] amount of animals onto a boat, at the end of which we can all say: "You're right, it is impossible", yet still there remains the claim that this is Noah's Ark, because you have not defeated that point. All you have done is prove that you can not fit [x] amount of animals onto a boat. Furthermore you are basing your arguement on the plausibility of so many animals boarding a boat (that was impossible to build) yet you skip over the fact that Noah is over 500 years old and communicates directly with God. I can tell you this much, if he has a direct relationship with God, certainly it is possible for him not only to fit millions of animals onto a boat, but to feed them all with crumbs, live another 500 years, and so on.

2-0-Sixx: It is also impossible for life to have formed as it has out of nothing.
I can live with this one.
May 9, 2002
Nitro the Guru said:
You guys can argue until you're blue in the face that it is impossible to fit [x] amount of animals onto a boat, at the end of which we can all say: "You're right, it is impossible", yet still there remains the claim that this is Noah's Ark, because you have not defeated that point. All you have done is prove that you can not fit [x] amount of animals onto a boat. Furthermore you are basing your arguement on the plausibility of so many animals boarding a boat (that was impossible to build) yet you skip over the fact that Noah is over 500 years old and communicates directly with God. I can tell you this much, if he has a direct relationship with God, certainly it is possible for him not only to fit millions of animals onto a boat, but to feed them all with crumbs, live another 500 years, and so on.

2-0-Sixx: It is also impossible for life to have formed as it has out of nothing.
Again....if you even BELIEVE in God..without the belief of God...eveything stated...is impossible...
May 13, 2002
5,000 to 6,000
That's all you needed to say.

Like Mr. Nice Guy pointed out, evolution of species would only have 5,000 to 6,000 years to get to where we are today, (over 20,000,000 different species).

If you don't want to refute that, then I leave it to any reader.

Last night.
Real cute.

The author of the link covered everything you are asking
Actually, he didn't.

You should hit him up for more details. Better yet, you should hit him up if you want to refute it. Again, I only provided the link in response to your statement.
You stated right before you dropped the link, "In addition, you can hit the provided link if you want to know if it were possible to fit a large number of animals on board."

I read the link, explained why I thought the info in the link you provided was bullshit/impossible and now you back away and say take it up with the author. If you do not support the article, or at the very least agree with some of it, why post it? Perhaps it's because you know when it comes to such outrageous claims such as Noah's Ark, there is no possible way you can come out looking like a rational thinker. This is one of those topics that you cannot come out on top. It boils down to faith (an extrememe amount) vs. common sense/logic, the latter always wins.

Some people believe differently, and some of these people are scientists
The overwhelming majority of the science community do not believe humans lived amongst dinosaurs. Of course you can find some wackjob scientist who thinks otherwise, possibly a foot doctor or a "christian archialogist."

It's similar to that of global warming and the science community. On the one hand, you have the vast majority that believe in global warming, which of course is backed by massive amounts of data, and on the otherhand you have a small fraction of "scientists" that either are getting paid to say differently or have some other motive.

disputes in Carbon Dating create more speculation
We've discussed this is the past, do you remember?

This is your opinion and you are entitled to it
It's actually a fact. What one believes in his own mind does not make a fact, science has already proven "my opinion" as fact for me. The authors opinion has been scientifically proven false.

My advice to you is to take it up directly
I don't want to take it up with the author I want to discuss it with you.

You asked, "However, on what grounds can YOU make the claim that it isn't Noahs Ark?" I'm responding by telling you, and anyone else who cares, why this isn't Noah's Ark and that there never was a Noah's Ark.

Nitro the Guru said:
All you have done is prove that you can not fit [x] amount of animals onto a boat. Furthermore you are basing your argument on the plausibility of so many animals boarding a boat (that was impossible to build)
I've also stated that a world flood is scientifically impossible, the technology was not available to Noah to build such a massive boat, others have pointed out it would be impossible to gather all of the animals, I pointed out that it is impossible for 6 people to tend to 16,000 animals, etc. etc. etc. There are so many flaws in this story it is absolutely amazing that any grown man with a brain could believe in such nonsense. It's almost insulting.

yet you skip over the fact that Noah is over 500 years old
Actually I pointed out he was 500 years old (another impossibility).

and communicates directly with God.
How could anyone know if he communicates with god or not? George W. Bush communicates with god too!

I can tell you this much, if he has a direct relationship with God, certainly it is possible for him not only to fit millions of animals onto a boat, but to feed them all with crumbs, live another 500 years, and so on.
Oh well that settles it! Thanks Nitro for telling me what the absolute truth is, once again. You've made me a believer, all because you say so!

This kind of explanation is unacceptable. If I ask "explain how magnets work" and someone replies with, "God allows the phenomenon to happen!" it's like talking to a 3 year old and quite frankly, this kind of reasoning only promotes ignorance. If humans always thought like this we would not be having this conversation via the Internet, or have electricity, etc.

If you want to enter rational conversations and pull this kind of crap, people are going to think your nuts (and to be honest that kind of reasoning IS nuts).

2-0-Sixx: It is also impossible for life to have formed as it has out of nothing.
This has NOTHING to do with Noah's Ark.

And if the above statement is true, then it could also be said that the universe has always existed in one form or another, no need for a creator AKA god.

Or it can also be said if the above statement is true that must mean something created god...and something created that...and something created that...and something created that...and something created that...and something created that...and something created that...etc


Apr 25, 2002
That's all you needed to say.

Like Mr. Nice Guy pointed out, evolution of species would only have 5,000 to 6,000 years to get to where we are today, (over 20,000,000 different species).

If you don't want to refute that, then I leave it to any reader.
Under the present conditions this may be applicable. However, we don't know what the conditions were like in the past, we can't "watch" the actual process of evolution, so 5k to 6k could be possible.

Real cute.
Almost as cute as that smilie face.

Actually, he didn't.
Actually he did.

I read the link, explained why I thought the info in the link you provided was bullshit/impossible and now you back away and say take it up with the author.
Lets go back to why the link was posted in the first place. YOu said:

It’s still not possible to fit 2 of every species in it.
I replied with this:

Also, in response to your statement about two of every species you have to identify how mnay species were actually alive at that time.In addition, you can hit the provided link if you want to know if it were possible to fit a large number of animals on board.
Now, I want you to pay attention to everything in bold. How can you say it would be impossible to fit two of every kind on the Ark if you yourself have no number to go on? I honestly believe you didn't understand the numbers until Nice Guy went in depth, but that is besides the point. The point is, I simply gave you a link where someone did a bit of research, did the numbers game and came to the conclusion that it was possible to fit a large number of animals on the Ark. Did I say I believed the numbers used? No. Did I say I believed the author of the link? No. Again, you said it was not possible, and I gave you something to the contrary.

Btw, I am not backing away from anyone. I said I wouldn't debate or
discuss a lot of religious topics, and I've been doing fairly well. However, don't think for one second that failing to actually present my personal opinions is a sign of weakness. I have argued, debated and
discussed many issues with many people on the board (you included) and backing away is something I'm not known for.

If you do not support the article, or at the very least agree with some of it, why post it?
I posted pics of petrified wood, but does that mean I believe the original pics that you posted were petrified wood? No. Again, you said it was not possible, and I simply gave you a link to one persons theory pertaining to the possibility. However, I WOULD like for you to exchange views with the author of the link. What will it hurt? Besides, posting the link offers a different perspective on the subject, and different perspectives are always good.

Perhaps it's because you know when it comes to such outrageous claims such as Noah's Ark, there is no possible way you can come out looking like a rational thinker. This is one of those topics that you cannot come out on top. It boils down to faith (an extrememe amount) vs. common sense/logic.
Some would agree with you. Others would disagree with you. Comrade, if I didn't know what I know I would agree with you. I would tell you that it is impossible for some "god" to tell some guy to make a boat so he and his family could escape some global flood. I would openly laugh at others and make a mockery of them and "god" right along with you.

The overwhelming majority of the science community do not believe humans lived amongst dinosaurs. Of course you can find some wackjob scientist who thinks otherwise, possibly a foot doctor or a "christian archialogist."
To imply that all scientists who believe contrary to what you are stating are wackjobs is pure evil. A difference of opinion does not mean one is a wackjob, and you are actually doing a diservice to the scientific community by promoting such a view. You have credible scientist who believe in God, the bible, etc. These men have Ph.D's, experience, knowledge etc.

It's similar to that of global warming and the science community. On the one hand, you have the vast majority that believe in global warming, which of course is backed by massive amounts of data, and on the otherhand you have a small fraction of "scientists" that either are getting paid to say differently or are ignorant on the subject.
Brother, we live in a world were things are proven 100% true one day, but totally debunked 100% the next day. You will ALWAYS have people on both sides of the fence comrade, and this is the beauty of it all. As long as people are able to share and expound upon these views in a way where no one is hurt I am for it. And speaking of global warming, have you ever thought about how it might have affected the "old world"?

We've discussed this is the past, do you remember?
Actually I do.

It's actually a fact. What one believes in his own mind does not make a fact, science has already proven "my opinion" as fact for me. The authors opinion has been scientifically proven false.
Proven false by who? You? Comrade, I can easily dispute EVERYTHING in your refutation. In fact I'll give you an example of a simple one, and this is why I really don't want to discuss the topic. You said:

The bible cleary states, "and of every living thing of all flesh"
Now, I would like for you to define what "all flesh" is using the hebrew root words. After that I would like for you to compare the DIFFERENCES of "flesh" as stated in 1 Corinthians 15:39. Simply taking "all flesh" to mean "all animals" hinders your position. The point I am making is you should be very careful when you say the bible says this or that. Why? Because many of the words in the bible have a different meaning/definition than the words we use everyday. Also, you jumped from 16,000 SPECIES to to 32,000 SPECIES. Why is this important? Well for starters 16,000 species is the number provided in the link, and proper reading of the link would not place you at 32k. If each species is PAIRED you would have 32,000 INDIVIDUAL animals. This is entirely different from 32,000 SPECIES, and you also have to identify how many of the species were "clean" and how many were "unclean."

Again, comrade this is not something I am debating or somethign I wish to discuss. What I am telling you is that what you are posting can be refuted.

I don't want to take it up with the author I want to discuss it with you.
Read my response several times.

You asked, "However, on what grounds can YOU make the claim that it isn't Noahs Ark?" I'm responding by telling you, and anyone else who cares, why this isn't Noah's Ark and that there never was a Noah's Ark.
Yes, I made the comment and it was directed to another member of the board. Why did I make the comment? I made it because a member said, "Could be petrified wood...but Noahs Ark petrified wood?No", but the problem the both of you have is you have no way of actually telling if this is indeed Noahs Ark or not. In fact, you simply said the formations looked like ROCK, but after the wood pics were shown the both of you switched up. Again, nothing you have provided has proven that the objects/formations are NOT Noahs Ark. The only thing you have disputed is the validity of the story. Big difference comrade.
Mar 18, 2003
@ 2-0-Sixx..

Oh Coy!Ocerto said:
Again....if you even BELIEVE in God..without the belief of God...eveything stated...is impossible...
Right. Which is why (If I was an atheist) if someone said to me that God told a 500 year old man to build a boat, I would respond by telling them that there is no God, and no one could live to be 500; Not that that a 500 year old man could not physically build an Ark and put 16,000 animals onto it after God told him too.