"Noah's Ark" remains discovered in Iran

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Aug 26, 2002
TROLL said:
nah u trippin homie, your thinking of judas... Noah was the pimp who collected hoz of diffrent colors in pairs of two.. the ARK was the name of his love machine.. some hatin ass fool made it rain for hella dayz and he got his shit stuck and had too call for a ride back.. when he went back for it that shit was stripped down to the hull and sittin on concrete blocks.. dam haterz i tell ya

daymmmmeee...my bad troll..

istand corrected..


5000 :cool:
May 13, 2002
I think this may be the same thing your friend was talking about but who knows, this isn't the first time "Christian archaeologists" (lol) have claimed to have found the Ark.

Maybe it really is a boat, alright, cool. That still proves nothing other than they found a really old boat! Sorry, but science proves this myth wrong. First off, a world wide flood is not possible (there just isn't enough water on our planet), and well, we don't need to get into the details about fitting millions of animals/insects onto a boat (over 100 million species on our planet). Shit, a 4 year old could tell you that's bullshit. You would need at the very least two of each species (to reproduce later), hundreds of thousands of tons of food to feed the millions of species, someway of keeping certain species away from the others, climate control, etc. There are just so many problems with this story. Anyone who honestly believes in this shit is either A). A complete wackjob, B). Stupid as fuck or C). Mentally retarted.
May 13, 2002
BUTCHER 206 said:
but but.. god did it and hes all powerful! stop asking these questions and just accept him into your heart or go to hell!
You're absolutely right!

Another thing I was thinking about is that a lot of creationists say that the earth is 6 thousand years old or so. And men lived amongst dinosaurs. So does this mean that the ark also had to accomidate all of the dinosaurs too? T-Rex kickin it next to a Zebra? What about all of the early mammals, such as the giant Sloths (weighed over five tons) and mammoths and all the other huge mammals from the last ice age?
Mar 24, 2004
2-0-Sixx said:
You're absolutely right!

Another thing I was thinking about is that a lot of creationists say that the earth is 6 thousand years old or so. And men lived amongst dinosaurs. So does this mean that the ark also had to accomidate all of the dinosaurs too? T-Rex kickin it next to a Zebra? What about all of the early mammals, such as the giant Sloths (weighed over five tons) and mammoths and all the other huge mammals from the last ice age?

there was really sloths that weigh over 5 tons?? damn...
May 9, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:

I believe this is the original satellite picture from 2003 that started this thing.

A higher resolution photo, which is not currently availible, reveals it says, "Noah wuz here you beezies!" written in the snow.
THATS their evidence????Are you fuckin kiddin me?And people actually ATE this horse shit up????

Yeah....the world is doomed...to gulibilaty and down right retardism....:dead:
May 13, 2002
I'm not positive if it's the same location or not, but the article Stealth posted, the "research" came from the Bible Archaeology Search and Exploration Institute (B.A.S.E.). There website located here

Their "research" can be found here

Here are their photos of the OBVIOUS ark!