This is some information I found cool that kinda expands on the lore and the "story" of the game and what that means exactly:
As you travel around the universe you’ll encounter individuals from several distinct races. As with everything else in the game, how they look and what they say is procedurally generated based on a set of variables defined by the Hello Games team.
You’ll be able to trade with them, gain upgrades, learn more about the game’s lore, forge alliances and so forth.
Hello Games has devised a number of distinct alien languages which, at the game’s outset, you will not be able to understand. However, as you explore the universe, discover relics and talk to new NPCs, you’ll slowly start picking up their dialects.
If you make the effort to learn the language of a particular race and interact with them regularly, your standing with them will increase. If you’re tight with a particular race, they’ll duly give you preferential treatment – cheaper prices perhaps, or better equipment. Indeed, if you want to buy a better ship that might allow you to travel to more distant star systems, you’ll need to cosy up with these factions.
Conversely, just as it would in real life, saying the wrong thing in a dialogue tree will likely result in your standing to decrease, or in the trader ripping you off, or in you losing a useful item simply out of confusion. Worse still, it might even end up in your new-found attacking you.
As has been hinted at in previous trailers, there are a number of ways to play No Man’s Sky. You can focus on exploration, on fighting, survival or on trading, and the NPC system feeds directly into this overarching framework.
“The nice thing about it is that the NPCs are divided up into different races. So one race is perhaps more focussed on exploration and science, and knowing that helps you decide how to best interact with them,” says Sean.
“If you’re playing the game for exploration’s sake, you might want to focus on that race. But if you’re playing the game and all you want to do is kill things, there are more military-based races, so you might want to try and become friends with them.”
I thought that was really cool. When the first teasers were released years ago, I was worried there wouldn't be advanced alien races/species, which was the coolest part about Starflight, so it was great to hear that wasn't the case.