Mayweather Vs Ricky Hatton, Dec 1 [almost official]

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Feb 13, 2006
Looks like Lacy and Manfredo are going at it now. Got the stream up on Windows Media Player, but keeps cuttin on and off. Probably a grip of people tryin to stream keeps sayin server is busy.
Sep 29, 2004
Round 1:
Hatton comes out aggressive, stalking a defensive floyd. Floyd lands the first good shot of the fight, a left hook. Hatton lands a great shot and catches Floyd off balance, the crowd roars..Floyd almost went down but kept his feet. Hatton has been the more effective fighter in round one due to the pressure

10-9 Hatton’s round

Round 2:
Hatton comes out fast, stalking floyd again… Floyd is doing a much better job of keeping hatton off of him this round but he still looks very uncomfortable… Theres a lot of clenching and holdinig. The ref is warning both guys to stop holding and wrestling so much… Mayweather is holding more than Hatton is surprisingly.

Mayweathers round. 19-19
Sep 29, 2004
Round 1: Hatton goes right after Mayweather at the start of the round. Floyd tries to box from the outside and paw with the jab but Hatton is not goign to let him move around so freely. Hatton lands body shots and hooks to the head while Mayweather lands various straight right hands. Caught off balance, Mayweather is hit with a shot to the top of the head that neraly floors him but is ok. Hatton is not letting Mayweather breathe as promised and is sh owing off very good hand speed. Floyd is not rattled but loses the round.
10-9 Hatton

Round 2: Hatton is not letting up as he mauls Floyd against the ropes. He is smartly using the jab to get on the inside though Mayweather has a better round by jabbing and landing the quicker and more accurate punches despite being less active. Joe Cortez issues a warning to both fighters to keep it clean.
19-19 Even
Sep 29, 2004
Round 3: Floyd Mayweather is now slipping loads of punches and though Hatton is putting on the pressure, Mayweather is being more effective. A left hook by Floyd opens up a cut over Hatton's right eye. Looks like his elbow kind of touched it too.
29-28 Mayweather

Round 3:
The fight is ugly so far, theres no consistent action because the guys are locking up when Ricky Hatton rushes in. Hatton is cut right now… Mayweather is potshotting and holding. It doesn’t look pretty at all but its getting the job done. Currently mayweather has landed 33% of his punches, and Hatton’s percentage is somewhere in the 20%s. It’s really hard to call who’s winning because theres so much holding going on.

Even round
Sep 29, 2004
Round 4: Mayweather seems to be figuring Hatton out right now and looks much more comfortable. Floyd lands the best punches of the round when two right crosses snap Hatton's head backwards. Hatton still goes to the body but his clinching on the inside.
39-37 Mayweather

Round 4:
More of the same… Floyd is landing his shots cleanly.. Hatton’s cut looks a little nasty. Floyd’s counterpunching is looking great… Ricky is definitely fighting the kind of fight he wants but Floyd is looking better and better as the fight goes on. This was the clear win for floyd

Mayweathers round. 38-37 Floyd