Mayweather vs. Pacquiao, will it happen?

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Will Mayweather vs. Pacquiao ever happen?

  • Yes

    Votes: 17 43.6%
  • No

    Votes: 10 25.6%
  • Who the hell knows at this point?

    Votes: 12 30.8%

  • Total voters
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Sicc OG
Jun 14, 2005
Did any of you guys read this Thomas Hauser interview? He put GB, Haymon, and a bunch of other people ON BLAST!!!!!!!!!!!!

Max Boxing - News - The PED Mess: Part One

“Mayweather is not doing Olympic-style testing,” Conte states. “I’ve never liked the use of that phrase. ‘Olympic’ means 24-7-365. To be effective, drug testing has to be 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year. The benefits that an athlete retains from using anabolic steroids and certain other PEDs carry over for months. That means athletes can develop their strength and speed base early and the benefits of PED use will last after that use has been discontinued. If you wait to start testing until eight to 10 weeks in advance of a fight, which is what Mayweather does, that’s not Olympic-style testing. Who knows what Mayweather or his opponent has been doing during the previous six months?”

Tests for a Mayweather fight generally begin around the time of the kick-off press tour heralding Floyd’s annual ring appearance. Floyd and his opponent agree to keep USADA advised as to their whereabouts and submit to an unlimited number of unannounced blood and urine tests. Other details (such as what drugs are being tested for, how samples are analyzed and what happens in the event of a positive test) are murky.

Mayweather and his promoter (Golden Boy Promotions) have gone to great lengths to propagate the notion that they’re in the forefront of PED testing to “clean up” boxing. In return, they’ve reaped a public relations bonanza. But some members of Team Mayweather haven’t been content to simply disseminate a positive message with regard to Floyd’s conduct. They’ve chosen instead to brand Pacquiao (Mayweather’s chief rival) as a PED user.

Floyd Mayweather Sr. declared, “[Pacquiao] can’t beat Clottey without that sh*t in him. He couldn’t beat De la Hoya without that sh*t. He couldn’t beat Ricky Hatton without that sh*t. And he couldn’t beat Cotto without that sh*t. I don’t even think he could beat that kid from Chicago [David Diaz] without that sh*t. He wouldn’t be able to beat any of those guys without enhancement drugs.”

Not to be outdone, Roger Mayweather proclaimed, “This mother**ker don’t want to take the test. That’s why the fight [Mayweather vs. Pacquiao] didn’t happen. He got that sh*t in him. That’s why he didn’t want to take the test.”

References to Pacquiao’s alleged PED use by the other defendants in the defamation action were more subtle. But their message was similar.

The court case moved slowly as litigation often does. Last year, the claims against Schaefer and De la Hoya were dismissed with the consent of Pacquiao’s attorneys after Richard and Oscar apologized and stated that they had never meant to suggest that Manny was using performance-enhancing drugs.

The Mayweathers continued to fight the complaint. Floyd’s conduct in failing to appear for a scheduled deposition on several occasions displeased the court and infuriated Pacquiao’s attorneys. The case looked like it would be a long battle of attrition. Then things changed dramatically.

Under standard sports drug-testing protocols, when blood or urine is taken from an athlete, it’s divided into an “A” and “B” sample. The “A” sample is tested first. If it tests negative, end of story. If the “A” sample tests positive, the athlete then has the right to demand that the “B” sample be tested. If the “B” sample tests negative, the athlete is presumed to be clean. But if the “B” sample also tests positive, the first positive finding is confirmed and the athlete has a problem.

On May 20, 2012, a rumor filtered through the drug-testing community that Mayweather had tested positive on three occasions for an illegal performance-enhancing drug.

More specifically, it was rumored that Mayweather’s “A” sample had tested positive on three occasions and, after each positive test, USADA had found exceptional circumstances in the form of inadvertent use and gave Floyd a waiver. This waiver, according to the rumor, negated the need for a test of Floyd’s “B” sample. And because the “B” sample was never tested, a loophole in USADA’s contract with Mayweather and Golden Boy allowed the testing to proceed without the positive “A” sample results being reported to Mayweather’s opponent or the Nevada State Athletic Commission (which had jurisdiction over the fights).

In late-May, Pacquiao’s attorneys heard the rumor. On June 4, 2012, they served document demands and subpoenas on Mayweather, Mayweather Promotions, Golden Boy and USADA calling for the production of all documents that related to PED testing of Mayweather for the Shane Mosley, Victor Ortiz and Miguel Cotto fights.

The documents were not produced. There was a delay in the proceedings while Floyd spent nine weeks in the Clark County Detention Center after pleading guilty to charges of domestic violence and harassment. Upon his release from jail on August 2nd, settlement talks heated up.

On September 25, 2012, a stipulation of settlement ending the defamation case was filed with the court. The parties agreed that the terms of settlement would be kept confidential. Prior to the agreement being signed, two sources with detailed knowledge of the proceedings told this writer that Mayweather’s initial monetary settlement offer was “substantially more” than Pacquiao’s attorneys had expected it would be and an agreement in principle was reached soon afterward.

As part of the settlement, the Mayweathers and Mayweather Promotions issued a statement that read: “Floyd Mayweather Jr., Floyd Mayweather Sr., Roger Mayweather and Mayweather Promotions wish to make it clear that they never intended to claim that Manny Pacquiao has used or is using any performance-enhancing drugs nor are they aware of any evidence that Manny Pacquiao has used performance-enhancing drugs. Manny Pacquiao is a great champion and no one should construe any of our prior remarks as claiming that Manny Pacquiao has used performance-enhancing drugs.”

I don’t know if Floyd Mayweather or Manny Pacquiao has used performance-enhancing drugs or not.

I do know that, if Mayweather’s “A” sample tested positive for a performance-enhancing drug on one or more occasions and he was given a waiver by USADA that concealed this fact from the Nevada State Athletic Commission, his opponent and the public, we have an ingredient that could contribute to the making of a scandal.

Any analysis of PED use and boxing should start with the acknowledgement that chemistry is now part of sports.

We know certain things about the use of illegal, performance-enhancing drugs:

(1) PEDs offer more than a shortcut. They take an athlete to a place that he or she might not be able to get to without them. When undertaken in conjunction with proper exercise and training, the use of PEDs creates a better athlete.

(2) PED use is often difficult to detect.Sophisticated users evade detection in the face of rigorous testing. The more money an athlete spends, the less detectible PED use is. Also, in many instances, the testing is erratic, inadequate and even corrupt. Three years ago, Victor Conte declared, “Boxing’s testing program is beyond a joke. It’s worthless. The loopholes are so big that you could drive a Mack truck through them. Many of the people who are supposed to be regulating this don’t want to know.” Now Conte says, “In some respects, things have gotten worse.”

(3) PED use is more prevalent in boxing now than ever before, particularly at the elite level. For many fighters, the prevailing ethic seems to be, “If you’re not cheating, you’re not trying.”Fighters are reconfiguring their bodies and, in some instances, look like totally different physical beings. In a clean world, fighters don’t get older, heavier and faster at the same time, but that’s what’s happening in boxing. Improved performances at an advanced age are becoming common. Fighters at age 35 are outperforming what they could do when they were 30. In some instances, fighters are starting to perform at an elite level at an age when they would normally be expected to be on a downward slide.

(4) The use of PEDs threatens the short term and long term health of the user. It’s illegal and gives an athlete who uses them an unfair competitive advantage. It also endangers fighters who are getting hit in the head harder than before by opponents.
There was a great interview with Conte on Rogan's podcast 2 yrs ago about PEDs etc. Check it out



Sicc OG
May 15, 2002
If I give you a 14 day window...$10 million pr pound penalty, gloves, ring size and agree to a 50/50 split and all I get is your promoter saying "Fuck you (me) we don't need you" and a lawsuit where I forked over money...why should I negotiate a fight in the future with you? Fast forward 5 years to the present and you desperately need me to cash you out with a BIG TIME SPLIT 60/40...why should I oblige? Fuck you...I don't need is a 66/33's what you deserve. Earn a better split by winning the 1st fight.


Sicc OG
May 15, 2002
Lets see what the Pactards say about this one.
Let's not forget Floyd called Manny out to fight back in 2012. "Step up Punk, May 5th", Manny never responded but let Bob Arum do the talking to get him out of the fight. This is the 2nd time Floyd has called Manny out with a given date.

Floyd Mayweather Jr. calls out Manny Pacquiao for May 5 fight - ESPN

"Manny Pacquiao I'm calling you out let's fight May 5th and give the world what they want to see," read Mayweather's first tweet.

One minute later, Mayweather followed with this: "My Jail Sentence was pushed back because the date was locked in. Step up Punk."

Pacquiao's promoter, Top Rank's Bob Arum, told The Los Angeles Times that Pacquiao will fight Mayweather, but not on May 5.

"June 9 is perfect," Arum told The Times from The Philippines where he is meeting with Pacquiao to talk about his next opponent. "May 5 is out, that's impossible."
Props: CZAR and CZAR


Sicc OG
May 15, 2002
Floyd is right then (in regards to Bob Arum). If Floyd wants to 2/3 of the pot for the right and if Manny is agreeing. Then what's the hold up?

Floyd is with it. May 2nd.

Manny knows he's going to get whooped. When have we ever seen Floyd in a "slug fest"? That's Manny's only shot because he can't box. Sounds like he knows he's going to get beat. He's already making excuses! lol
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Props: CZAR and CZAR
Feb 10, 2006
What's the hold up? First off, why does Floyd want it strictly on Showtime? Let's start there. From there on out, you will realize that neither one of these fighters are truly their own boss and it's easier said than done. No matter what these fighters say, they are under somebody so money will always be an issue.

FYI- Stephen Espinoza, the man that offered Manny $40 mill plus ppv, also came out with a statement saying that if Showtime doesn't like who Floyd is fighting on May, they will not allow him to fight that weekend because of Canelo.
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Sicc OG
May 15, 2002
They are both now on camera saying they want the fight next so no excuses make it happen!!! . only part I'm concerned with was when he said he offered 40 million before, then Pac lost twice, so if he's asking for the same amount " that's not going to happen" does that mean he wants Pac to get less than 40 million? hope not because that would kill the fight probably. Regardless it's good to see Floyd actually talking about it mostly positively.
Come on now 206. Floyd put Manny on blast. Manny is saying money isn't the issue to the fans but behind closed doors they're asking for the same amount they've always been asking for (so money is an issue). That's why Floyd said the "same"..... Obviously he's asking for more than $40 million.

Pacquiao is asking for the same amount that he was asking for before he got got knocked out by Marquez and losing to Bradley. That's why Floyd said he lost twice and his numbers are dipping, so he doesn't deserve what he's always been asking for. "Begging for the same amount" "not gonna happen". Seems like Floyd is getting pissed off because he wants the fight but at the right price.

Manny lies and plays too many games. One day it's "taking blood too close to the fight makes me weak", then the next day it's "you can test me in between rounds"....
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May 13, 2002
Floyd Mayweather mentions Manny Pacquiao's name, but interview offers little hope
By Kevin Iole
December 13, 2014 5:09 PM

It was a first step -- a tiny, insignificant first step -- but at least Floyd Mayweather spoke about Manny Pacquiao in an interview during a boxing card on Showtime on Friday. Mayweather's self-serving words really were not new and shouldn't cause fans to begin planning travel arrangements to see the fight.

If I had to guess, the fight is still not going to happen.

Oh, Mayweather mentioned Pacquiao's name and that in and of itself is a step in the right direction. But he took none of the blame for there being no substantive negotiations for years, and he put on conditions that seem designed more to paint Pacquiao as the bad guy rather than really come to an agreement.

Frankly, it's getting wearisome listening not only to his nonsense but also the way that Showtime babies Mayweather.

He was predictably asked a series of softball questions, but wasn't asked once about Earl Hayes or Stephanie Moseley. Mayweather was talking via FaceTime with Hayes, a rap artist and one of his close friends, when Hayes reportedly murdered Mosley, his wife, and then shot himself to death. Mayweather spoke to Los Angeles police about what his conversation with Hayes was, but he wasn't asked once about it on Showtime.

That, though, is more Showtime's failing rather than Mayweather's.

Mayweather is more at fault for the way he's handled these negotiations. Yes, he's the top fighter and the No. 1 draw in the world, but it takes two men to make the biggest fight of all-time and he conveniently ignores that.

During Friday's interview, he laid all of the blame for the fight not happening and the lack of negotiations at the feet of Pacquiao and his promoter, Top Rank CEO Bob Arum. While both of them need to accept their share of blame, Mayweather deserves an equal, if not larger amount.

He said in the interview that he would no longer agree to pay Pacqiuao $40 million for the fight, because Pacquiao lost twice since he made that offer. The fight will do an extraordinary pay-per-view business, double or triple the number that three of the four fights he's done under his Showtime contract have done.

Just like Canelo Alvarez deserves significant credit for his fight with Mayweather hitting 2.2 million sales, so, too, would Pacquiao deserve credit for what looms as the richest fight in history. It would easily surpass 2 million sales and estimates are it would gross $250 million or so.

Mayweather wants to make the bulk of that and offer Pacquiao a tiny portion.

Yeah, that's fair. (Insert sarcastic look of your choice here).

The bottom line is this: Friday's interview did nothing to advance the cause of getting the fight made.

If it happens, I'll be thrilled because it's a fight so many fans have been desperate to see.

But unless Mayweather is open to serious and fair negotiations, the idea of Mayweather-Pacquiao on May 2, 2015, is a pipe dream.
Jan 18, 2006
Manny doesn't deserve 60/40 at this point. Go fight someone else and make nothing compared to this fight if that old idiot Arum doesnt like it. Only way Manny sells a fight at this point is a against Mayweather. Floyd still sells on his own. Top Ranked trying to hold this leverage when they have none.


Sicc OG
May 15, 2002
It's how funny everybody is trippin' off of Pacquiao's tiny purse (more than he's ever made) like they're getting a cut.

Floyd for the 2nd time calls out Manny and all Manny fans can do now is cry about Manny's split.

First it was Floyd duckin', now it's Manny isn't getting enough of money even though it's not about the money....
Feb 23, 2006
They proboly gave manny some stupid offer that they knew they would not take because they dont want the fight to risky...haymon making sure if some one going to beat floyd is going to be one of his fighter$$$$ he dont give a dam about the sport..bob arum is the best promoter so far in boxing history 50 years in the game made so many many many great fights and u guys realy think hes the one avoiding the fight come on hahahahaha wake up your boy floyd and haymon are's main guy in charge of boxing said a few years ago floyd dont want to fight manny.oscar de la hoya who promotes floyd said he floyd dont want the fight..old and present boxers have said floyd is ducking and the whole world knows whos floyd ducking manny.....floyd talks shit wow and puts up more road blocks on tv hahahaha he dont want retired,drug test no fight,leave bob arum sign with tmt,and yes manny u are next i never said, 80/20,we only fighting on showtime....excuses excuses...


Apr 25, 2002
Manny doesn't deserve 60/40 at this point. Go fight someone else and make nothing compared to this fight if that old idiot Arum doesnt like it. Only way Manny sells a fight at this point is a against Mayweather. Floyd still sells on his own. Top Ranked trying to hold this leverage when they have none.
Fam, he is the number 2 draw in sport with each purse being over 20 million. Basically he is making double while Floyd is quadrupled? Here is the thing that a lot of people are missing but Tyson said it best and I'm paraphrasing now but boxers need each other to make a living. Now think of it like this, do fighters out there "need" a Floyd fight or does Floyd need better competition to finish his contractual obligations? So if Khan stopped begging for a fight, Pac said fuck it I am moving down to 140 then who is left for Floyd to fight? Thurman? Not ready. Porter, not ready. Cotto? Has to get passed Saul and even if he does GGG would be next in line.


Apr 25, 2002
It's how funny everybody is trippin' off of Pacquiao's tiny purse (more than he's ever made) like they're getting a cut.

Floyd for the 2nd time calls out Manny and all Manny fans can do now is cry about Manny's split.

First it was Floyd duckin', now it's Manny isn't getting enough of money even though it's not about the money....
The same ca be said for people pushing for Floyd to get a cut.

BOTH fighters say stupid shit but the split is RAPE. It was rape when Manny had BETTER PPV numbers and they were both TIED for p4p and its still rape now. He has one legit loss since negotiations broke down, he avenged the questionable fight and JMM has rejected offers to fight again. Again, this would be ok if this were the fifth earner or a person not ranked by any organization but he is the second earner in boxing and in the top ten for p4p. You gotta be reasonable here.
Props: Lu_ and Lu_


Sicc OG
May 15, 2002
I honestly think it's Pacquiao who never wanted the fight to be honest but he wants to pin the blame on Mayweather even though he's the one that's scared.

First it's drug testing makes me weak, then it's 50/50 or no fight.

Back in 2012, Floyd called him out to fight on May 5th of that year before going to jail. Manny "himself" never responded (even after getting called a "punk"), but Arum responded by saying "May 5th was impossible" even though he said Manny would be fighting in May since Floyd vacated that date by having to turn himself in. When the date got pushed back, Arum said June 9 because Manny has a cut that won't heal.

Floyd Mayweather Jr. calls out Manny Pacquiao for May 5 fight - ESPN

"Manny Pacquiao I'm calling you out let's fight May 5th and give the world what they want to see," read Mayweather's first tweet.

One minute later, Mayweather followed with this: "My Jail Sentence was pushed back because the date was locked in. Step up Punk."

Pacquiao's promoter, Top Rank's Bob Arum, told The Los Angeles Times that Pacquiao will fight Mayweather, but not on May 5.

"June 9 is perfect," Arum told The Times from The Philippines where he is meeting with Pacquiao to talk about his next opponent. "May 5 is out, that's impossible."

After Mayweather's sentence was delayed, Arum said he was not interested in talking to Pacquiao about fighting Mayweather in May.

"We're fighting in June, one of the four guys," Arum told last week. "My mission is to go over to the Philippines and talk about these four guys. If Manny feels he wants to go in May, he will tell me. I want to make sure Manny's cuts are healed. We won't fall under this kind of pressure. June is much more likely for Manny's fight, not May."
May 13, 2002
It's how funny everybody is trippin' off of Pacquiao's tiny purse (more than he's ever made) like they're getting a cut.

Floyd for the 2nd time calls out Manny and all Manny fans can do now is cry about Manny's split.

First it was Floyd duckin', now it's Manny isn't getting enough of money even though it's not about the money....
Seriously? Seems like the Floyd fans have been way more concerned with money than anything else. All I've been saying is there better be a FAIR offer or else the fight isn't going to happen. 60/40 in Floyd's favor, something like that, sounds fair to me. I said that from the get go. Then the usual TMT suspects on here come in talking about PPV buys against Algieri, trying to justify Jeweather's 2/3s of the pot and shit. Again way more concerned about how much Floyd makes than actually making the fight. I've been saying is it must be realistic, it must be fair or it's not gonna happen, period. Pac can say he'll fight for a can of Pepsi if he'd like,won't change what his promoter Will want.


Sicc OG
May 15, 2002
It's simple. Floyd is the A side, Pacquiao is the B side. You want to fight Floyd, accept the terms. Shane, Ortiz, Cotto, Guerrero, Canelo, and Miadana took what was offered to get him in the ring. Period!!

Pacquiao's guarantee is probably more than Shane's, Ortiz's, Cotto's, Guerrero's, Canelo's and Miadana's combined.


Apr 25, 2002
It's simple. Floyd is the A side, Pacquiao is the B side. You want to fight Floyd, accept the terms. Shane, Ortiz, Cotto, Guerrero, Canelo, and Miadana took what was offered to get him in the ring. Period!!

Pacquiao's guarantee is probably more than Shane's, Ortiz's, Cotto's, Guerrero's, Canelo's and Miadana's combined.
How many of those guys were the number two earner when he fought them? How many of them were in the top ten p4p? And no one is saying Manny gets a 50/50 split, he'll fuck no but Floyd has to be reasonable or the fight will not happen.


Apr 25, 2002
And if Pacquiao is so sure that he'll beat Floyd, take the offer with the rematch clause that is offering 20% more to the winner!
So let's say its 140 million for Floyd and 40 for Pac. Now say pac wins. He just beat Floyd Mayweather, the only person to do it in a pro fight. He makes what? 20% more which is 8 million or is it 20% more of the pot? No matter what it is, he STILL won't make 60 million.


Sicc OG
May 15, 2002
So let's say its 140 million for Floyd and 40 for Pac. Now say pac wins. He just beat Floyd Mayweather, the only person to do it in a pro fight. He makes what? 20% more which is 8 million or is it 20% more of the pot? No matter what it is, he STILL won't make 60 million.
20% of the new pot, which I think would draw in more viewers to see if Floyd can avenge his one and only loss. Floyd gets more first because he's undefeated. If Manny wins he'll get 20% more than what Floyd gets, not 20% more than 40 million. So whatever they agree to, Manny would be the A side, should he win and get 20% more. That is what Floyd is saying or what he's asking for....

As for reasonable offers, I hear you.... Floyd is asking for 7% less than what you're saying. Not that far off....

Manny needs to take it if he really want to fight Floyd that bad.
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