Many American soldiers in Iraq are Queers

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Sep 28, 2002
There are something like 20,000 mercinaries in Iraq and they get the most dangerous assignments. They die all the time and are not reported on. I'd say those guys were lucky there was a camera there or they would have just ended up another nonstatistic
May 13, 2002
Washington post has the new pictures and video. If you don't have an account there, it's simple. Just enter an email address and the rest of the shit just b.s

"In one video clip, five hooded and naked detainees stand against the wall in the darkness, each masturbating, with two other hooded detainees crouched at their feet. Another shows a prisoner handcuffed to the outside of a cell door. He repeatedly slams his head into the green metal, leaving streaks of blood before he ultimately collapses at the feet of a cameraman."

Fucking sick.

"He also said Graner repeatedly threw the detainees' meals into the toilets and said, "Eat it."

All of these american soldiers in this prison should be executed on live T.V.
May 13, 2002

Use of Dogs to Scare Prisoners Was Authorized
Military Intelligence Personnel Were Involved, Handlers Say
By Josh White and Scott Higham

Washington Post Staff Writers

Friday, June 11, 2004; Page A01

U.S. intelligence personnel ordered military dog handlers at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq to use unmuzzled dogs to frighten and intimidate detainees during interrogations late last year, a plan approved by the highest-ranking military intelligence officer at the facility, according to sworn statements the handlers provided to military investigators.

Read the rest HERE
May 13, 2002

New photos released, located HERE Warning: Graphic

An Australian TV channel has broadcast previously unpublished images showing apparent US abuse of prisoners in Iraq's Abu Ghraib jail in 2003.
The images on SBS TV are thought to be from the same source as those that caused an outcry around the world and led to several US troops being jailed.

The new images show "homicide, torture and sexual humiliation", SBS said.

They are part of a court case in the US. A judge has ruled they can be published but the case is continuing.

May 14, 2002
Hell yah that shit was wrong....But to make such a general statement as MANY American Soldiers in Iraq are queer is to bring debate. I mean come on now you really think this shit is happening all over prisons in iraq? shady shit does happen but in isolated incidents.
I worked at a Detention Facility in Iraq and I tell you our detainees recieved excellet round the clock 24/7 medical treatment.

28g w/o the bag

politically incorrect
Jan 18, 2003
metro's jurisdiction
2-0-Sixx said:
Read the title. It says MANY, not all.

Forcing Iraqi's to do shit like that sounds like some queer shit to me. Do you know what queer means?

Why do I sound like a "white conservative from mississippi?" Was it the word 'queer' or 'many?' How else should I explain it? "Many american troops in Iraq are homosexual" Is that better?
you're right... if i was an american soldier tending to an iraqi prison and i seen that shit happen... i would vomit and then promptly begin gay bashing my fellow american soldiers on site
Mar 18, 2003
^No such pictures or videos exist because it never happened, just like there are no videos of U.S. citizens (or military personal) beheading Iraqi's. The pictures you posted and the beheadings he is requesting both are a reality.
May 13, 2002
There are plenty of threads of beheadings in this forum. If dude wants to see them, there is a search feature on this website.

There are also videos and pictures of US soldiers shooting, beating, torturing Iraqi's.

Back to the topic, HERE are some more recently released photos of the Iraqi abuse by queer Amerikan soldiers. I must warn, very graphic and very homosexual.

And to be quite honest, I think these soldiers should be beheaded. Just so there is no confusion, I do NOT support the killings of innocent American journalists or medical personnel, etc. I do support the killings of these men and women involved in these war crimes.


Sicc OG
Sep 5, 2005
Abu Ghraib leaked report reveals full extent of abuse

· 1,325 images of suspected detainee abuse
· 93 video files of suspected detainee abuse
· 660 images of adult pornography
· 546 images of suspected dead Iraqi detainees
· 29 images of soldiers in simulated sexual acts

Suzanne Goldenberg in Washington
Friday February 17, 2006
The Guardian

Nearly two years after the first pictures of naked and humiliated Iraqi detainees emerged from Abu Ghraib prison, the full extent of the abuse became known for the first time yesterday with a leaked report from the US army's internal investigation into the scandal.

The catalogue of abuse, which was obtained by the online American magazine Salon, could not have arrived at a worse time for the Bush administration, coinciding with yesterday's United Nations report on abuse of detainees at Guantánamo, the release of a video showing British troops beating up Iraqi youths, and lingering anger in the Muslim world over cartoons of the prophet Muhammad.

Bush administration officials had already been fending off a new wave of anger about the torture of detainees - following the airing of graphic images from Abu Ghraib on Australian television - when Salon posted a story on its website yesterday saying it had obtained what appears to be the fullest photographic record to date of the abuse.

It said the material, gathered by the army's criminal investigation division, included 1,325 photographs and 93 video clips of suspected abuse of detainees, 546 photographs of suspected dead Iraqi detainees, as well as 660 images of adult pornography, and 29 pictures of US troops engaged in simulated sex acts. Based on date stamps, all were recorded between October 18 and December 30 2003, the same timeframe as the original scandal.

The website published 18 pictures from the prison. Aside from the ritualised images of humiliation - naked Iraqi men kneeling or lying on the ground alone or in a heap or wearing women's underwear on their heads - they also reveal the apparent normality of those bizarre scenes within Abu Ghraib. One of the pictures shows an army sergeant standing calmly to fill out paperwork on a wall. Behind him is a hooded, naked detainee. Another photograph shows Staff Sergeant Ivan Chip Frederick - who was tried for his role in the abuse scandal - trimming his fingernails beside an Iraqi who is standing on a box wearing a hood and electrical wires.

There are also images of physical violence: a blood-streaked cell, and a picture of the battered face of a corpse packed in ice. "The DVD also includes photographs of guards threatening Iraqi prisoners with dogs, homemade videotapes depicting hooded prisoners being forced to masturbate, and a video showing a mentally disturbed prisoner smashing his head against a door. Oddly, the material also includes numerous photographs of slaughtered animals and mundane images of soldiers travelling around Iraq," Salon said.

The magazine said it thought the material included all of the pictures that originally surfaced when the abuse became known in April 2004, as well as the pictures aired on Australian television. Human rights organisations have been fighting for months for the army to release a full record of the abuse at Abu Ghraib. Salon said it received the material from a member of the military who had spent time at the jail and was familiar with the investigation.

The first official response from Washington as well as Baghdad was concerned as much with the impact these new pictures of abuse could have in the Middle East at a time when anger against the west is high. A Pentagon spokesman said the release of additional images of abuse "could only further inflame and possibly incite unnecessary violence in the world".

Iraq's prime minister, Ibrahim al-Jaafari, while condemning the abuse at Abu Ghraib, noted that US soldiers had already been punished for it.

Mr Jaafari's government was also on the defensive about torture yesterday after the first direct evidence emerged that death squads had operated from within the interior ministry.

The US general in charge of training the Iraqi police, Major General Joseph Peterson, told the Chicago Tribune that the death squads that had been arresting and killing Sunnis had been operating from within the police force although they wore commando uniforms. "We have found one of the death squads," Gen Peterson told the paper. "They are a part of the police force of Iraq."

In another development, ABC television on Wednesday night aired audio tapes of Saddam Hussein's cabinet meetings during the mid-1990s, including a segment in which he says he warned Washington of a terror attack. "Terrorism is coming. I told the Americans," Saddam is heard saying, adding that he "told the British as well". However, he adds: "This story is coming, but not from Iraq.",,1711844,00.html
May 13, 2002
More pictures:

Man, these pictures are sick. One of these pictures appears to have a man restrained on the ground with something shoved up his ass.

Is this not some queer shit? Seriously, can anyone honestly argue here and say this isnt some straight up homosexual rapist shit?

Seriously, beheadings is nothing compared to having objects shoved up your ass while forced to wear women’s underwear over your face and forced to masturbate. Fuck the US military, period. Anyone and everyone in the US military is guilty by association.
Oct 10, 2004
im not sayin thats not some gay shit but from there stand point its no mercy on the other side and what there doing is making them detainees feel lower then low i me personally wouldnt take place in no fagget shit but i see what there doing
Nov 1, 2005
2-0-Sixx said:
Seriously, beheadings is nothing compared to having objects shoved up your ass while forced to wear women’s underwear over your face and forced to masturbate. Fuck the US military, period. Anyone and everyone in the US military is guilty by association.
so u woulda been o.k. with sum pics of u.s. soldiers beheading iraqis?