All everybody's been doing on here has been saying "go to this hood" and "wear this in this hood....say this in that hood....etc etc" It goes on and on and on forever. It means nothing, b/c anybody can say those things about their own city.
What San Diego canNOT say is we have a high crime rate. From 2004 - 2005, among all cities 500,000 or more (there are 32 of them in the US), San Diego ranked 28 in murder, 24th in rape, 30th in robbery and 23rd in assault. Aggregate in all together, San Diego "on paper" is #30 out of 32 large cities, and 164 out of 252 for cities larger than 80,000 people.
You guys can continue on with your 'come to this hood' or 'come down here' talk all you want. But until somebody convinces me that a city that does between 5-10 homicides per 100,000 people every year is harder or as hard as a one that does between 40-60 (as they do in the Midwest, East Coast and South), I'll continue to view San Diego as a significantly safer than average large American City.
Does this mean I think it would be safe to go to San Diego and shoot my mouth off? NO. Are there crazy people in Dago? YES. Do I understand why you guys get really defensive when some idiot calls you soft? YES. Do I love a lot of the rap music coming out of San Diego? YES. But is San Diego one of the wealthiest, safest large cities in the United States??? YES.
** I would be happy to e-mail the spreadsheet where I got all those numbers to anybody, it's something I put together this summer using the FBI Uniform Crime Reports from 2004-2005. PM me with your e-mail.