So...Yesterday. Im chillin on my front porch smokin a swisher after a blunt session. I live near Orange/El Cajon and 46th...Across the street is a run down blue and white house that is home to my
local crip gang. Everyday there is 10-20 crips all blue from thier head to thier toes posted down on a regular basis. Yesterday although was no regular day...While they were chillin out front with thier brezzies and kids (sportin blue also) a couple carfulls of bloods roll up sportin all red. They all jumped out of thier cars and started squabbin with the crips for 5-10 minutes. There was at least 20 heads out in the street throwin blows, girls, kids, and adults. I didnt see anyone hit the floor, just a lot of blows being thrown and screaming everywhere, the whole neighborhood came out to watch the event. Finally after 10 minutes the bloods ran 2 block down the street to thier waiting cars and rolled out.
I wounder whats next?
so i dont think anyone who puts a quote like this even knows SD very well, he might have just visited la joya with his moms and pops but never ventured out to the hoods: