Is it time for the world to give up religion? Probably

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Aug 13, 2005
First i forgot to post this about the nobel prize winners check the winners in 1978 for the Physics award i believe it was two of them who won for the cosmic microwave radiation, i know that sounds like it has nothing to do with all animal life starting out of water but if you have time read into it and youll see what i was saying.

You can keep calling names but it still doesnt help you prove your point which by the way doesnt exist i havent posted one mistake and if i did i would aknowledge it, yet you keep posting mistakes and disregard them. Your right some of these writings arent mine because i cant wrtie that good but the information is a well known fact among the people who know this stuff, and not that it matters but im in med school and i have studied this stuff.

And here is a link to these scientists, let me know if you need the video clips, by the way these scientist arent or atleast werent muslim at that time

Anyways im done with this post.
Aug 13, 2005
for some reason the link i put up isnt working i think copy and paste this


just add an h infront of the ttp
Jun 23, 2002
WOW...2-0 just because you dont agree with someone doesnt mean you have to bash what they believe in, you went off on dude and he still hasnt said shit to some respect...i dont give a shit if your athiest but cut the Muslim bashing...
May 13, 2002
mattjoke said:
WOW...2-0 just because you dont agree with someone doesnt mean you have to bash what they believe in, you went off on dude and he still hasnt said shit to some respect...i dont give a shit if your athiest but cut the Muslim bashing...
I responded to him the way I did based on his incomprehensive stupidity and the fact that he posts the same shit in multiple threads without following any sort of logic and seems to just randomly cut and paste information, without of course providing sources and taking credit. He destroyed this thread by pasting information and ranting on and on about shit that has nothing to do with the topic as he’s done with other threads. If he wants to defend or prove Islam or whatever, then I would suggest simply creating a topic rather than hijacking threads.

I can give a shit if he’s Muslim, Christian, Jew, Pagan, Buddhist, or Atheist. Anyone comes around here and speaks nonsense 9 out of 10 times I’m going to call them on it.

@ shoowilla,

Wow, thank you for that astonishing link. I just wasted 5 minutes of my life reading QUOTES from people. I was expecting to see some kind of proof or evidence but all I found was quotes. Again, this proves absolutely nothing. I can look up thousands of quotes from scientists that will say the Koran is full of shit. This of course would prove nothing, other than the fact these specific scientists think the Koran is BS.

Your right some of these writings arent mine
but the information is a well known fact among the people who know this stuff
Yes, it’s a well known amongst Muslims.

Anyways im done with this post.
May 11, 2002
And I have no idea what this I supposed to mean, “However fail to produce ANY scientfic law to prove this is true...” Are you suggesting the scientific community has never proved a scientific law?!?
No that is not what I was trying suggest. What I was suggesting is, the scientific keeps on trying to claim that reality is only based upon what can be proved by scientific law.


There is NO scientific study, experiment, only theory that can evern try to PROVE that the scientific community is trying to claim as the requirments for reality.


Sicc OG
Sep 5, 2005
First of all thanx heresy, u prolly kno i am new at this!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HERESY said:
You are implying that Jesus was a muslim and that is sheer lunacy.
Please clarify your statement.
The islam religion has more information on Jesus, than ANY OTHER RELIGION.
HERESY said:
Moses and Jesus were not muslim and no historical or jewish texts will validate your claims. What are the "well known items of islam" that Moses and Jesus believed in?
As a mercy from Him, Allah لىاعتو هناحبس sent many messengers to humans. They were all sent to teach people the correct and acceptable way of worshipping Allah, their Creator and the Creator of everything. All the prophets of Allah, the first of whom is Adam ملاسلا هيلع , and the last of whom is Muhammad , came with one Religion--Islam, one creed--the belief in the Oneness of Allah. They all taught that Allah is attributed with all the perfect attributes, one of which is that He does not resemble any of His creations. They taught what Allah ordered us to perform and to avoid in this life. They taught about the Judgment Day on which all of us will be judged as to whether or not we fulfilled our obligations in this life. None of them taught their people what contradicts the belief in the Oneness of Allah. Each one of them ordered his followers to believe in the rest of the prophets. Imam al-Bukhariyy related that Prophet Muhammad , sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, said:
which means: <<The prophets are like brothers from the same father with different mothers. Their Religion is one, although their Shari^ahs (rules of the Religion) differed. I am the most deserving of ^Isa (Jesus), the son of Maryam (Mary). There was no other prophet between us.>>

THE INJIL (The true bible)
^Isa(Jesus) ملاسلا هيلع received a Heavenly Book, the Injil, which contained the Shari^ah, (rules of the Religion) revealed to him. In it was the prohibition of associating partners with Allah. In it was the prohibition to consume the usurious gain (riba), pig meat, blood, and the meat of animals slaughtered inproperly. It contained the order to perform the Prayer (with bowing and prostration) twice a day. It had the order to fast (but other than the month of Ramadan), and the order to perform taharah (purification). Prophet ^Isa ملاسلا هيلع came with a Shari^ah(rules of the Religion) that made permissible some of the things which had been forbidden upon the children of Israel in the Torah. Although what is called ‘’The Bible'' today contains some true stories and alleged sayings of Prophet ^Isa ملاسلا هيلع, it does not contain the true Injil which was revealed to him.

So in order for Jesus, Adam, Abraham and Moses to become muslim (as you have constantly stated) they had to believe Jesus did not die on the cross? How do you know jesus did or didn't die for sins?Who is this person who decided to take jesus place?
So the kid went through a transformation similar to how megatron was changed to galvatron and he became jesus and died?
When Prophet ^Isa ملاسلا هيلع was 33 years old, the blasphemers among the offspring of Israel plotted to kill him, but Allah saved him from their harm. Ibn Abi Hatim and an-Nasa'iyy narrated from the route of lbn ^Abbas that he said:
Prophet ^Isa ملاسلا هيلع was in session with twelve of his elite companions in a house. He told them that some of them would blaspheme in the future. Then he asked them, ‘’Who among you would volunteer to be made to look like me, be killed in my place, and be my companion in Paradise.'' The youngest among them stood up and said, ‘’I.'' Prophet ^Isa ملاسلا هيلع told him to sit, then repeated his same question. Again, the same young man said, ‘’I.'' Again, Prophet ^Isa ملاسلا هيلع told him to sit, then asked the same question. After the same young man volunteered for the third time, Prophet ^Isa ملاسلا هيلع told him <<you are the one>>. Prophet ^Isa ملاسلا هيلع was raised to the sky from an opening in the ceiling of the house. When the Jews came after Prophet ^Isa ملاسلا هيلع, they saw that young man, whom Allah made to look similars to
^Isa ملاسلا هيلع. They took him, thinking he was Prophet ^Isa ملاسلا هيلع and crucified him
It should be noted here there are two widespread false stories about this matter. In one, it is claimed that one of ^Isa's students was paid a great sum of money to lead those Jews to ^Isa ملاسلا هيلع. However Allah made this student look like ^Isa سلا هيلعملا, so they thought he was ^Isa ملاسلا هيلع and they crucified him. In another, it is said that the person killed in place of ^Isa ملاسلا هيلع was the leader of the Jews. Both of these stories are false.
After Prophet ^Isa ملاسلا هيلع was raised to the heaven, his nation lived following his guidance, teaching, and methodology for two hundred (200) years. However, the nation of Prophet ^Isa ملاسلا هيلع did not remain steadfast to Islam. Many people who claimed to follow the rules of ^Isa perverted those rules and changed the statements of the Injil. Three hundred (300) years after Prophet ^Isa ملاسلا هيلع was raised to the sky, those who were following the ones who had perverted the teachings of Prophet ^Isa ملاسلا هيلع became very numerous, and those who were truly following the Religion of Islam were few and weak. After some five hundred (500) years, none of the believing Muslims of ^Isa's nation were left. When Prophet Muhammad began receiving Revelation, he was the only Muslim living among people on Earth, worshipping solely Allah.

Didn't you just say in order to be a muslim you have to believe jesus did not die on the cross?
So how does one become a muslim? Adhere to the five pillars of islam, deny the death of jesus or believe in everything you have listed?

Moses and Jesus were not muslim and no historical or jewish texts will validate your claims. There is a true torah written by Moses. It is in a museum in Turkey. search the web and find it. What are the "well known items of islam" that Moses and Jesus believed in?

Prophets are the greatest men that ever lived. Prophets received Revelation from Allah and conveyed it to the people. The prophets received the Revelations and conveyed them in the language that Allah ordered. The language of the scriptures is created, but Allah's Kalam (Speech)(3) is not. A messenger is a prophet who comes with abrogating some of the laws brought by the previous messenger or receives a new set of laws. Prophets were intelligent, trustworthy, and truthful. They never commit major sins and never leave their Religion. Many prophets have lived in the past. Muhammad, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him, who lived some 1400 years ago, was the last and greatest prophet.
2 Some angels may appear to people in the form of men, but without sexual organs.
3 The Kalam of Allah, has two meanings: one meaning refers to the eternal and everlasting attribute of Allah by which He orders, prohibits, promises, and threatens. Allah's Kalam is not composed of letters, words, language, or sound. The other meaning is the expression of Allah's eternal attribute which was revealed in the authentic Books of revelation that were given to the Prophets.
Other prophets before Muhammad include: Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael, Jacob, Joseph (son of Jacob), David, Solomon, Moses, and Jesus, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon all of them.
The true scriptures were Revelations received by the prophets. Moses and Jesus both received scriptures, but what are now called the Torah and the Bible have been tampered with by man and are not the true Revelations received by the great messengers Moses and Jesus. The only scripture which is unchanged and will never be changed is the Qur'an, which is the scripture Allah revealed to Muhammad , His last prophet, in clear and eloquent Arabic. Allah has promised to protect the Qur'an from any changes by man. Hence, it has remained unchanged since it was revealed some 1400 years ago. Unlike the prophets before him who were sent to a particular people, Muhammad  was sent to all people who would lived at his time and all people who would live after him until the Day of Judgment.

What is your definition of BELIEF?
belief, my definition, Is something u have been taught from someone else, that u figure out is the truth. U figure this out by thinking and proving it to yourself and other people will follow.

Gods speech is not a letter nor a sound, yet the quran which is the eternal speech of god (your words) must stay in a specific language. If it is not a letter or sound why is it written and why do you read it out loud?
The language of the scriptures is created, but Allah's Kalam (Speech) is not.
Aug 13, 2005
Hersey im not knowledgable on the history of christianity and the bible therefore i cant debate, although im currently studying about it, you posted

Originally Posted by HERESY
Moses and Jesus were not muslim and no historical or jewish texts will validate your claims. What are the "well known items of islam" that Moses and Jesus believed in?

I have article or transcript of a old debate, havent read it for a long time, about this subject that you just asked right now, its VERY long so if you want it i can start a new thread and post it up, let me know.

Also theres a video about Jesus and Islam made by a former preacher, the one i told you about Yusuf Estes VERY knowledgable on the bible etc... Has a phd in Theology, and he speaks about it, let me know and i can link you it.
Dec 25, 2003
Showilla, my nondesire to attack your link spam on the subject of Allah's divine recollection of the reproductive process proves nothing as to my "idiocy" or "proof of lack of knowledge".

You're using the Quran to validate the Quran - it's like saying "The Bible is true because the Bible says it is true". As far as the "fetus drop" phenomenon, any idiot can see that human sperm is a collection of several "drops" of liquid. Calling it divine power because the Koran says that humans came from drops is about the most wishful thinking one can do. Mohammed changed his tune on Christians and Jews, also, when it was obvious that they weren't buying Islam. He was a nobody and a scam artist, slightly better than Joseph Smith of Mormonism, but nowhere on par with Jesus as far as philosophical validity, timeless principles, or dynamic ideas.


Apr 25, 2002
Hemp said:
First of all thanx heresy, u prolly kno i am new at this!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The islam religion has more information on Jesus, than ANY OTHER RELIGION.

As a mercy from Him, Allah لىاعتو هناحبس sent many messengers to humans. They were all sent to teach people the correct and acceptable way of worshipping Allah, their Creator and the Creator of everything. All the prophets of Allah, the first of whom is Adam ملاسلا هيلع , and the last of whom is Muhammad , came with one Religion--Islam, one creed--the belief in the Oneness of Allah. They all taught that Allah is attributed with all the perfect attributes, one of which is that He does not resemble any of His creations. They taught what Allah ordered us to perform and to avoid in this life. They taught about the Judgment Day on which all of us will be judged as to whether or not we fulfilled our obligations in this life. None of them taught their people what contradicts the belief in the Oneness of Allah. Each one of them ordered his followers to believe in the rest of the prophets. Imam al-Bukhariyy related that Prophet Muhammad , sallallahu ^alayhi wa sallam, said:
which means: <<The prophets are like brothers from the same father with different mothers. Their Religion is one, although their Shari^ahs (rules of the Religion) differed. I am the most deserving of ^Isa (Jesus), the son of Maryam (Mary). There was no other prophet between us.>>

THE INJIL (The true bible)
^Isa(Jesus) ملاسلا هيلع received a Heavenly Book, the Injil, which contained the Shari^ah, (rules of the Religion) revealed to him. In it was the prohibition of associating partners with Allah. In it was the prohibition to consume the usurious gain (riba), pig meat, blood, and the meat of animals slaughtered inproperly. It contained the order to perform the Prayer (with bowing and prostration) twice a day. It had the order to fast (but other than the month of Ramadan), and the order to perform taharah (purification). Prophet ^Isa ملاسلا هيلع came with a Shari^ah(rules of the Religion) that made permissible some of the things which had been forbidden upon the children of Israel in the Torah. Although what is called ‘’The Bible'' today contains some true stories and alleged sayings of Prophet ^Isa ملاسلا هيلع, it does not contain the true Injil which was revealed to him.

So in order for Jesus, Adam, Abraham and Moses to become muslim (as you have constantly stated) they had to believe Jesus did not die on the cross? How do you know jesus did or didn't die for sins?Who is this person who decided to take jesus place?
So the kid went through a transformation similar to how megatron was changed to galvatron and he became jesus and died?
When Prophet ^Isa ملاسلا هيلع was 33 years old, the blasphemers among the offspring of Israel plotted to kill him, but Allah saved him from their harm. Ibn Abi Hatim and an-Nasa'iyy narrated from the route of lbn ^Abbas that he said:
Prophet ^Isa ملاسلا هيلع was in session with twelve of his elite companions in a house. He told them that some of them would blaspheme in the future. Then he asked them, ‘’Who among you would volunteer to be made to look like me, be killed in my place, and be my companion in Paradise.'' The youngest among them stood up and said, ‘’I.'' Prophet ^Isa ملاسلا هيلع told him to sit, then repeated his same question. Again, the same young man said, ‘’I.'' Again, Prophet ^Isa ملاسلا هيلع told him to sit, then asked the same question. After the same young man volunteered for the third time, Prophet ^Isa ملاسلا هيلع told him <<you are the one>>. Prophet ^Isa ملاسلا هيلع was raised to the sky from an opening in the ceiling of the house. When the Jews came after Prophet ^Isa ملاسلا هيلع, they saw that young man, whom Allah made to look similars to
^Isa ملاسلا هيلع. They took him, thinking he was Prophet ^Isa ملاسلا هيلع and crucified him
It should be noted here there are two widespread false stories about this matter. In one, it is claimed that one of ^Isa's students was paid a great sum of money to lead those Jews to ^Isa ملاسلا هيلع. However Allah made this student look like ^Isa سلا هيلعملا, so they thought he was ^Isa ملاسلا هيلع and they crucified him. In another, it is said that the person killed in place of ^Isa ملاسلا هيلع was the leader of the Jews. Both of these stories are false.
After Prophet ^Isa ملاسلا هيلع was raised to the heaven, his nation lived following his guidance, teaching, and methodology for two hundred (200) years. However, the nation of Prophet ^Isa ملاسلا هيلع did not remain steadfast to Islam. Many people who claimed to follow the rules of ^Isa perverted those rules and changed the statements of the Injil. Three hundred (300) years after Prophet ^Isa ملاسلا هيلع was raised to the sky, those who were following the ones who had perverted the teachings of Prophet ^Isa ملاسلا هيلع became very numerous, and those who were truly following the Religion of Islam were few and weak. After some five hundred (500) years, none of the believing Muslims of ^Isa's nation were left. When Prophet Muhammad began receiving Revelation, he was the only Muslim living among people on Earth, worshipping solely Allah.

Didn't you just say in order to be a muslim you have to believe jesus did not die on the cross?
So how does one become a muslim? Adhere to the five pillars of islam, deny the death of jesus or believe in everything you have listed?

Moses and Jesus were not muslim and no historical or jewish texts will validate your claims. There is a true torah written by Moses. It is in a museum in Turkey. search the web and find it. What are the "well known items of islam" that Moses and Jesus believed in?

Prophets are the greatest men that ever lived. Prophets received Revelation from Allah and conveyed it to the people. The prophets received the Revelations and conveyed them in the language that Allah ordered. The language of the scriptures is created, but Allah's Kalam (Speech)(3) is not. A messenger is a prophet who comes with abrogating some of the laws brought by the previous messenger or receives a new set of laws. Prophets were intelligent, trustworthy, and truthful. They never commit major sins and never leave their Religion. Many prophets have lived in the past. Muhammad, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon him, who lived some 1400 years ago, was the last and greatest prophet.
2 Some angels may appear to people in the form of men, but without sexual organs.
3 The Kalam of Allah, has two meanings: one meaning refers to the eternal and everlasting attribute of Allah by which He orders, prohibits, promises, and threatens. Allah's Kalam is not composed of letters, words, language, or sound. The other meaning is the expression of Allah's eternal attribute which was revealed in the authentic Books of revelation that were given to the Prophets.
Other prophets before Muhammad include: Adam, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Ishmael, Jacob, Joseph (son of Jacob), David, Solomon, Moses, and Jesus, may Allah's peace and blessings be upon all of them.
The true scriptures were Revelations received by the prophets. Moses and Jesus both received scriptures, but what are now called the Torah and the Bible have been tampered with by man and are not the true Revelations received by the great messengers Moses and Jesus. The only scripture which is unchanged and will never be changed is the Qur'an, which is the scripture Allah revealed to Muhammad , His last prophet, in clear and eloquent Arabic. Allah has promised to protect the Qur'an from any changes by man. Hence, it has remained unchanged since it was revealed some 1400 years ago. Unlike the prophets before him who were sent to a particular people, Muhammad  was sent to all people who would lived at his time and all people who would live after him until the Day of Judgment.

What is your definition of BELIEF?
belief, my definition, Is something u have been taught from someone else, that u figure out is the truth. U figure this out by thinking and proving it to yourself and other people will follow.

Gods speech is not a letter nor a sound, yet the quran which is the eternal speech of god (your words) must stay in a specific language. If it is not a letter or sound why is it written and why do you read it out loud?
The language of the scriptures is created, but Allah's Kalam (Speech) is not.

I can't make heads or tails of this.


Apr 25, 2002
Hemp said:
What kind of information would you like? Please be specific since i am new at this and u are a legend!!!!!!
I already asked for specific info, and I have yet to see you post it. White Devil said something in his post that I would like for you to read:

You're using the Quran to validate the Quran - it's like saying "The Bible is true because the Bible says it is true".
Think about that AND read my previous posts again.


Sicc OG
Mar 9, 2005
haha, hell yeah. And I tried to be nice in my last post, giving Hemp and Sho the ol 'believe if you will' speech. Then they go and spit this God shit in my face again.

If you want to understand life, then go out and live - don't think a book, whether the Quran, Bible or otherwise, can tell you what life is.


Sicc OG
Sep 5, 2005
Hutch said:
haha, hell yeah. And I tried to be nice in my last post, giving Hemp and Sho the ol 'believe if you will' speech. Then they go and spit this God shit in my face again.

If you want to understand life, then go out and live - don't think a book, whether the Quran, Bible or otherwise, can tell you what life is.
You're using the Quran to validate the Quran - it's like saying "The Bible is true because the Bible says it is true".

I never did, and never will. I will try to use logic proof to validate the Quran.

Okay, This is the point im trying to get at. I do understand life, better than most people around me. U may not think so, but i know so.
All im saying is every single person can live life according the way they do it now, with maybe slight changes and still be in the correct religion. These changes cannot be forced, but they are easy for the mind to comprehend. peace out!!!!!!!!!
Apr 25, 2002
In Western thought X-ianity planted the seeds of its own eventual demise: X-ian notions of truth and the absolute paved the way for rationalism, the Enlightenment and the scientific method, which make blind faith unthinkable for any educated person.
May 16, 2004
here is one of my favorite religious fairy tales out of the bible.....Human was bulding a tower to heaven so GOD struck down on it with so much force....striking upon thee and said "muthafucka...I take ith away ith. And split their tounges. And thats why there is so many languages so muthafuckas couldnt communicate and build another staircase to heaven. Peace and quit believing in tooth fairys and easter bunnys you soft ass square beezoids IM OUT!!!!!!!!!