Is it time for the world to give up religion? Probably

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Sep 16, 2002
that is pure ignorance, because 1 you don't know me or my lady u piece of shit. 2 im stating my opinion on religion mostly the muslim religion. like i said before im talkin bout all religions u fuckin idiots must be blind and arent reading my posts thoro. Im not sorry u 2 faggs are getting all butt hurt, why? does it hit close to home, u foos must beat ur wife/girlfriend.... why are u 2 getting all booty tickled? im just voicing my opinion, there is NO correct religion... and to call me a fuckin wacko? buddy u got another thing coming... all that fuckin hemp u smokin is clouding ur fuckin peabrain.... besides everybody got a fuckin opinion, not saying mine or yours is correct.... you guys are fuckin fantics or just puttin up a front tryna act smart on fuckin line.... jackasses


Sicc OG
Sep 5, 2005
W0RM_Da_C0N said:
no smart guy, ive read the quran and am re reading it now. plus my girl is muslim so she kicks me down some knowledge too. how about arranged marriages, her pops tryna get her to do some shit she don't want, i mean.... im not saying any religion is right or wrong , but things i have learned about women of islam is kinda fucked, not to mention that its hella sexist.
people don't learn by reading, Only limited information is useful reading it. A doctor doesn't become a doctor by just reading his books, he must understand it, this is where teachers come into play. If the doctor attends a class with wrong information, at his job he will never become a doctor.

W0RM_Da_C0N said:
that is pure ignorance, because 1 you don't know me or my lady u piece of shit. 2 im stating my opinion on religion mostly the muslim religion. like i said before im talkin bout all religions u fuckin idiots must be blind and arent reading my posts thoro. Im not sorry u 2 faggs are getting all butt hurt, why? does it hit close to home, u foos must beat ur wife/girlfriend.... why are u 2 getting all booty tickled? im just voicing my opinion, there is NO correct religion... and to call me a fuckin wacko? buddy u got another thing coming... all that fuckin hemp u smokin is clouding ur fuckin peabrain.... besides everybody got a fuckin opinion, not saying mine or yours is correct.... you guys are fuckin fantics or just puttin up a front tryna act smart on fuckin line.... jackasses

Now i understand fully, and I have thought about every single word i believe in. EVERY SINGLE THING I BELIEVE, I THINK ABOUT 24 hours a day. THIS IS HUMAN LOGIC. Let me tell you about God, and the correct things about God. Know if u still think im an idiot, Then i believe u are an idiot. Because i give u a desciption and u can't tell me any flaws? DO U READ, OR DO YOU JUST SKIM THROUGH IT?NOW TELL ME ABOUT GOD'S DESCRIPTION, NOT JUST U THINK"THE CORRECT RELIGION DOESN'T EXISTS" I GIVE U MANY ASPECTS AND REASONS OF WHY IT DOES EXISTS. SO READ, AND DON'T SKIM THROUGH IT LIKE AN CLOSED-MINDED IGNORANT HUMAN BEING.


God does not resemble his creations in anyway whatsoever. EVERYTHING U IMAGINE IN YOUR MIND, GOD AND HIS ATTRIBUTES ARE DIFFERENT THAN THAT. Everything u imagine in ur mind is either a space, or a color, and it contains space. Everything in ur mind is a creation of God.

The 8 directions do not contain God. Up, down, left, right, around, in, or out.(God created them)
Everything has a beginnig, except God and his attributes. This includes TIME, heaven, sky, place, stars, human brains, animals, color, space, oxygen, mars, male and female, anything u can think of. God is perfect. He does not need anything. AND I MEAN NOTHING. Every single thing that has a beginning needs or needed something. God is the only, that doesn't need anything. He does not change, grow, shrink, begin or die. Time does not run on God. Nothing that we need or we see, or feel, God doesn't need. God doesn't need fuel, or place. GOD DOESN't NEED PLACE. God does not change, He exists the same as He was ie, without a place. God exists without a place. This is the only correct answer you can say where God exists. GOD EXISTS WITHOUT A PLACE(think about it). God created the sky(God doesn't change). So God cannot change, and become in the sky(or over heaven, or in heaven.) God does not need place. Everysingle creation included place, except God.
God created the air, and space, and even place, SO He does not exists in them. God does not exists everywhere. If God existed everywhere, He would be in the bathroom and so on.(GOD IS NOT WEAK). He doesn't exists no where, because this would mean there is chance God doesn't exist.(GOd exists without a place). God see's everything without an eye or any other instrument. God see's everything unlike us. No human or anything can see everything. God see's without distance. Try to imagine that sir, Seeing without an eye, and no distance. He does not need light, color or even distance to see. He see's every seeable thing without distance. He see's our heart beat, inside the Tv, computer, He see's every seeable thing ever created. Imagine something seeing without distance, ur bones, and everything inside ur body. And God see's it without existing in it without distance. Think about that one too. God hears everything without an ear or any other instrument. God hears everything without distance or sound waves, or any other thing. Imagine that one too. God hears every single human talk, and every single song on the radio, at the same time, and He doesn't hear it loud or low volume. God doesn't hear with volume. Think about it. God has no beginning, or end, or no partner. God has Power over all creations. God has angels. Angels have free will just like humans. They only obey God. It's there choice and they only obey God. And God knew all this eternally. THINK ABOUT THIS STUFF. God has power over all creations. Which means : any single thing except God, He has power over everything. He is the creator, every single thing is a creation. The creator is not like the creations. He has power over hurricanes, plate techtonics, galaxy, humans, oxygen, ozone layer, and volcanoes, or any other possible thing u can think of. This means God is the greatest. He can part the sea if God willed. God can will for someone to die. The destiny of God, is a perfect attribute. Even evil doesn't have power over God. God has power over everything. He created every single thing on earth, a test for humans. A test to see their intellegent. God doesn't need humans, Humans need God. God knows everything. He knows every single possible thing to know. He knows what we know combined, and more. Think about it. GOD KNOWS EVERYTHING. He knows how drugs feel, He knows what scientist are going to find out, and what the scientists will never find out. He knows everything. THINK ABOUT IT. This might be a lil hard for humans, Humans think they are the smartest. NO, we have a limited brain. This is what God created. With ur human brain, try to imagine a place without lightness or darkness. Go ahead and try it for urself. NO lightness or darkness. It's not possible beacause we can only imagine what we have experienced. The next life after we die, We have never experienced it, and we cannot imagine how good or bad it will be. Everything either hellfire, or heaven is far past our imagination. God's attributes are past our imigination, because we will never experience them. These are only the attibutes of the creator. NO CREATION WILL HAVE SIMILAR ATTRIBUTES TO GOD. God exists without a place(every creation exists in a place), He knows everything(every creation does not know everything), God has no beginning(every creation has a beginning), God needs nothing(every creation need something), God hears without an ear or any other instrument(every creation needs an ear or another instrument in order to hear.) God see's everything without distance or color.(every creation needs distance to see, and color, including black and white, light and dark). God's attribute is Non-Resemblance to the Creation.(Every single creation resembles eachother in a way or not, male/female. Or every single creation is a color. And every single creations needs something. Non-Resemblance to the Creation is GOd. Humans resemble plant. BOTH CREATED IN MALE AND FEMALE.)




If you do not see God, this doesn't mean God does not exists. IF i was behind someone, and he can't see me, This doesn't mean i don't exists. If I am behind you, I can see you, even if u can't see me, therefore i exists. I don't care if u see me, I can see you, therefore i exists. GOD SEE'S EVERYTHING Therefore God exists.

Sep 16, 2002
thats great u believe all this.... i never in any of my posts incinuate that i don't believe in God, don't get it twisted dude.... all im sayin is everyone is entitled to their own opinion... i don't believe that there is ONE correct religion thats a bunch of malarky if you ask me, people have choice... hence why people are different on this earth, thats the beauty of it... nobody is the same, if we were everyone would be a robot... ya digg that? i mean thats good for you, that u put so much belief and trust in that.... all im sayin is don't try and preach to anybody, cuz im not tryin to change anyones beliefs/or mind.... im not tryin to change anyones mind whatsoever, i was stating my opinion from the get go so u can't knock that.... i believe what i do, u believe what u do... leave it at that ... enough said 100

oh yea.... nice double post (shakes head)
Dec 25, 2003
Sura 4:34 says, “Men are the managers of the affairs of women . . . Those women who are rebellious — admonish them, banish them to their couches, and beat them.”

the Koran1 gives four conflicting accounts of Muhammad’s call to be a prophet [the word, Sura, means chapter]:
  1. Suras 53 and 81 — God, or Allah as he is called in Arabic, personally appeared to Muhammad.

  2. Suras 16 and 26 — The call was from the Holy Spirit.

  3. Sura 15 — Angels issued the call.

  4. Sura 2 — Gabriel was the one who appeared to him
<LI>Sura 5:51 commands Muslims not to take Jews and Christians as friends.

<LI>Sura 9:29 commands Muslims to fight against Jews and Christians until they either submit to Allah or else agree to pay a special tax.

<LI>Sura 2:65-66 and Sura 5:60 contain references to Jews as “apes and swine to be despised and rejected.”

After the death of his wife, Muhammad married at least 11 other women (some sources place the total as high as 16). He also took several concubines. He married one girl who was only six years old and had sexual relations with her when she was 9.2 According to the Koran, only the prophet could have unlimited wives. All other Muslim men are limited to four (Sura 4:3).

2) The Hadith According to Al Bukahri, 7:64. This version of the Hadith is considered to be the most definitive collection of Is­lamic oral traditions. It consists of nine volumes. It can be found on the Internet at hadith.html.

Sura 4:34 says, “Men are the managers of the affairs of women . . . Those women who are rebellious — admonish them, banish them to their couches, and beat them.”

The Koran specifically commands that those who disobey Allah are to be tortured (Sura 8:12-14).

In one place it asserts that Allah created everything in “the twinkling of an eye” (Sura 54:49-50). Elsewhere it says that the time period of the creation was two days (Sura 41:9, 12); four days (Sura 41:10); six days (Suras 7:54, 10:4, and 32:4); in “a day equaling 1,000 years” (Sura 32:5); and also in “50,000 years” (Sura 70:4).

The Koran sanctions revenge: “If anyone transgresses . . . against you, transgress likewise against him” (Sura 2:194).

The Islamic Paradise is a place of sensual pleasure consisting of gluttonous feasts and endless sex orgies (Suras 52:17-24; 55:54-56; and 78:32-34).

Sura 5 contains the following command: “Take not Jews and Christians for friends . . . He among you who takes them for friends is one of them . . . Choose not for friends such of those who received the Scripture before you [Jews and Christians] . . But keep your duty to Allah” (verses 51, 55, 57). Extreme intolerance is commanded in Sura 5:33 — “[For those who do not submit to Allah] their punishment is . . . execution or crucifixion, or the cutting off of hands and feet, from the opposite sides, or exile from the land.”

The Koran also expresses an intolerant attitude toward any person who decides to reject the Islamic faith or convert to another religion. Such persons are to be executed (Sura 9:12). In the Hadith (the oral tradition of Muhammad’s sayings) it says “Whoever changes his religion, kill him” (Hadith 9:57). These commands are practiced in all Islamic Fundamentalist countries today.

With regard to militancy, the Koran not only condones it, it commands it:

Fighting is prescribed for you, and [some of] you dislike it. But it is possible that you dislike a thing which is good for you, and that you love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knows, and you know not (Sura 2:216).

Fight and slay the pagans wherever you find them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem of war (Sura 9:5).

Fight in the way of Allah . . . and slay them [the unbelievers] wherever you find them and drive them out . . . and fight them until . . . religion is for Allah (Sura 2:190-193).

The Koran commands Mus­lims to fight non-Muslims until they exterminate all other religions, leaving Islam as the one and only religion in the world (Suras 2:193 and 8:39). Muhammad is quoted in the Hadith as saying, “I have been ordered to fight with the people until they say, none has the right to be worshiped but Allah” (Hadith 4:196).

Regarding terror, Allah orders Muslims to terrorize non-Muslims on his behalf: “Strike terror (into the hearts of ) the enemies of Allah and your enemies” (Sura 8:60). Allah then assures his followers that he will assist them: “I will instill terror into the hearts of unbelievers. Smite them above their necks and smite all their finger-tips off them. It is not you who slay them, it is Allah” (Sura 8:12, 17).

Concerning jihad,14 the Koran guarantees Paradise to those who fight for Allah (Sura 4:74). It promises instant Paradise for those who die in battle (Suras 9:111 and 47:5-6). Dying for Allah is presented as better than living: “And if you are killed or die in the Way of Allah, forgiveness and mercy from Allah are far better than all that others may amass [of worldly wealth]” (Sura 3:157).

Martyrs are promised a sensual and luxurious life in Paradise (Sura 52:17-22). According to Al-Ghazzali, one of Islam’s greatest teachers, when a martyr reaches Paradise, he “will marry 500 companions, 4,000 virgins, and 8,000 divorced women.”15 Commenting on this statement, Randall Price, biblical teacher and Middle East expert, observed that the Islamic Paradise is “just the kind of place that adolescent, unmarried men, isolated through their lives from the opposite sex by rigid cultural standards, would die for.”16

What a fuckin laugh. I'm not sure if the Korean beats the Book of Mormon for sheer comedy value, but it might.

And for all you "fair and balanced" people, I got this article from a Christian website against Islam.

Regardless of the site though, if it says it in the Koran, it says it in the Koran.
Aug 13, 2005
HAHA yeah the same people that keep on trying to deface the true word of Islam. Churches, christian websites main goals are to try and prove islam false so they fabricate stories because thousands of christians today are becoming muslim, Especially the people high in the religion like priests and preachers etc... These are the people who know the most about the religion so if they convert that has to tell you something, Christians have to fight back somehow, including lying since you have people like ahmed deedat who didd what he did, and people like yusuf estes today, Well I have to go to school right now but i shall be back to demolish every single thing you wrote.


Sicc OG
Sep 5, 2005
HERESY said:
"Jesus was not Jewish, But he was Hebrew!"

Heresy, interesting. This is the differences between the 3 major religions. Let me tell you the difference and why i chose Islam.

1. Christians- They believe In Jesus Christ, died for the sins of man and The bible now of days. They believed Jesus was crucified, you know. First of all a prophet did not reveal the bible to humanity.(

2. Jews - They believe They murderd Jesus on the cross.

4. Islam- In order to become muslim, U must believe that Jesus did not die on the cross. This might be a world known fact that Jesus died on the cross for human sins. False.

This is what islam teaches.

Jesus was on earth for a fact. He did compose a true bible at his time, which is no longer on earth. It is with Jesus in the 2nd sky. The quran states that the bible is correct and Jesus spoke the truth. BUt, the quran was not talking about the bible these days, They were talking about the original bible composed from Jesus.

Jesus performed many miracles on earth, to prove he was a messanger of God.
Jesus knew he was going to try and be murderd on the cross. Another person with Jesus, was offering to take Jesus place and die instead of Jesus. Jesus asked 3 times, the same person replied he will die instead of him, and be in heaven with Jesus. This kid was the youngest of the crew.

This kid took Jesus's place, in the form of Jesus, and died. Jesus did not die, he was raised to the 2nd sky.

This is one of the reasons Jesus is comming back to earth, to clear up the history. And tell every human, He did not doe on the cross, and he was muslim.

Islam did not begin with Prophet Mohammed, like you think.
It is obligatory in order to be muslim, Believe in God, and God's messangers. This is obligatory. In order to become a muslim it is obligatory to believe in the following,
God, His messengers, His angels, His books, His religion, and the well known items of Islam.

The correct Islam states there were 120,000 prophets on earth, including Moses, Jesus, Mohammed. THEY WERE ALL MUSLIM, BUT NOT ALL ARABIC. ONly 4 out of the 120,000 prophets were arabic. They all spread the same message in different languages.

Now, For a correct religion to be on earth, This must be it. 120,000 prophets and messangers, and all the exact same religion. Well, and i have studied the basics of islam, There is no contradictions whatsoever.

THe quran was revealed from a prophet of God. IT is the eternal speech of God. Which means, It is an expression of God's language. Gods speech is not a letter nor a sound, its not a language, it doesnt have a start or a stop.

If u write the word God, on a peice of paper. This is not actually God, But it is an expression of the Self of God.

The quran is the expression of God's speech, therefore i follow the last messanger on earth, and i think about what he says to believe, and i decide if it is true or not. There is absolutely no contradictions in the quran. No 2 ayahs contradicting others. Many translation in other languages are not translated correctly. I Do not know of 1 correct translated quran in the english language. If u want any 2 ayahs translated that u think contradict eachother, I will get the correct translations.

Bottom line, Islam thinks No-one is the son of God. God is perfect, He doesn't need anything. They think no human will die for other sins of humans.


So you must believe in all prophets on earth were muslim. They did not speak arabic, but they spread the same 13 attributes of God, and same message. Started with Adam and ended with Mohammed.
Aug 13, 2005
Okay i only have a little bit of time before my next class starts. First i know that you dont know anything about what you posted but i will go ahead and reply. A few things first like i said before you cannot translate the Quran into anyother language it is completley different, second the Qurans language is very hard to understand you need commentary nowadays as they did back then to completeley explain what God really means. Third before i start reading the allegations i start with this, In the Quran God said basically that he dares anyone to find a mistake and they will not. This was written 1400 years ago you think people would still be muslim and be hte fastest growing religion in the world if there was a mistake. Its like taking a test or an essay and writing to your teacher that what you wrote is perfect absolutley no mistakes, you think the teacher would go to sleep without finding a mistake first. The Quran spoke about NUMEROUS things that were absolutley absurd 1400 years ago, i will only mention two of them since i posted them, the embryo and animals were created from water, and i dont believe i need to go any further in explaining those so we continue....

Sura 4:34 says, “Men are the managers of the affairs of women . . . Those women who are rebellious — admonish them, banish them to their couches, and beat them"

First off you have to read the commentary or Tafsir in arabic to understand the meaning of the verse, the tafsir will completly aswer your question but i will try to do so in a few sentences. AT first it says to leave them meaning not talking to them and not meaning divorce them, and banish them from their couches haha see what i mean when i say you cannot translate arabic into english, well anyways it means sleep in seperate beds meaning deprive them of sex, third when it says beat them i explained it the other day, When the prophet was asked what does that mean he pulled out his toothbrush made from a twig and tapped it on his hand, Thats as far as you can go with beating them, thats what was meant.

you posted
the Koran1 gives four conflicting accounts of Muhammad’s call to be a prophet [the word, Sura, means chapter]:
  1. Suras 53 and 81 — God, or Allah as he is called in Arabic, personally appeared to Muhammad.

  2. Suras 16 and 26 — The call was from the Holy Spirit.

  3. Sura 15 — Angels issued the call.

  4. Sura 2 — Gabriel was the one who appeared to him

    First off it is funny that they have the sura number but not th everse number, i tell you this There is absolutley no way that the first is correct because that goes totally against what muslims believe if you give me the verse numbers ill let you know whats correct. The other three i dont know if they are correct or not but i dont need a verse number i can answer them myself. "the call was from the holy spirit" which in arabic means the Rooh, the "rooh" is Gabriel. ANgels issued the call in the Quran it names Gabriel as an angel and the rooh, In the Quran it says that Gabriel is the one who brought down the Quran to Mohammad s.a.w. It is well known that Gabriel is an angel and also called the rooh or spirit. And in surat laylat al gadir it says the the the angels descended with the spirit with Gods permission the nigh the first verses of the Quran was revealed, but Gabriel is the one who brought it down so i dont know exactly what they where trying to accomplish by bringing those verses as a contradiction. It shows theyre lack of knowledge about the subject.

    You posted
<LI>Sura 5:51 commands Muslims not to take Jews and Christians as friends.

<LI>Sura 9:29 commands Muslims to fight against Jews and Christians until they either submit to Allah or else agree to pay a special tax.

<LI>Sura 2:65-66 and Sura 5:60 contain references to Jews as “apes and swine to be despised and rejected.”

Okay true for the first one. The second is FALSELY translated but i will continue, it was speaking in terms of at war and even if they where at war, the christians and the jews where the ones who first initiated these wars at that time, and the verse means to not stop fighting them. It doesnt say go out and attack them, all of this can be found in the tafseer. For the third one you posted its funny that a christian site would post that, there is a long explanation for those surahs but i give you a little bit of it. In the bible we find out that the Israelites became apes in all senses in which that word is used in the arabic language, by violating the commandments. Again its amazing the lack of knowledge of who ever did this piece.

You posted

After the death of his wife, Muhammad married at least 11 other women (some sources place the total as high as 16). He also took several concubines. He married one girl who was only six years old and had sexual relations with her when she was 9.2 According to the Koran, only the prophet could have unlimited wives. All other Muslim men are limited to four (Sura 4:3).

HAHA that is completely false about the prophet s.a.w marrying 11 woman he married 9, not that there is a difference that much but just to show you the lack of knowledge. He married 9 compared to muslims only allowed to marrying 4. The prophet is an example to the muslims in everything he does he is the most influental man in the world. First off back then there was no limits, until the Quran came. Mohammad s.a.w married 9 wives to show us what reasons we can marry woman for, a few of them where because their husbands have died and they didnt have anyone to take care of them and by the way they were OLD i mean really OLD. Marriage back then didnt mean sex like it means today. He married to show people the reasons in which you marry someone and God allowed him to. From my knowledge only 2 of the wives he married were becausse he really wanted to, or because he liked them. He also took several concubines??? id like to read where they got that from, but yes concubines are lawful and its in the Quran, but theres a definition of a concubine. She is a female that is taken as a prisoner of war after a battle and instead of being either killed or slaved she could be as a wife but not really a wife because she fought against the message of God but she has rights its not like people get to rape her like you see in movies this is Islam the perfect way of life. She had rights and everything read up on it. I have ran out of time i got class in 30 minutes but the thing about Mohammad s.a.w marrying a 6 year old go to and download the audio that Yusuf estes has about that that is the most asked questions to muslims by christians and he will let you all know wsup. Anyways i explained everything and discredited it up to the point that i got to, so that leads me to believe that everything else will be the same. SO if you have something precise that you are wondering about post it and ill reply, dont post something that some website that was built to discredit muslims had up which is COMPLETELEY false they have absolute no knowledge about it, but then again theyre audience is not muslims it is people like christians and you who have no knowledge about what was written, so thats why its easy to think Islam is full of lies yet when one understands he understands different. Like i said before its just something they try to do, to stop people from entering islam because they feel threatned. Not once have i heard any muslim priest or scholar say something bad about christians yet they do so all the time because they cannot attack with proofs, but with lies. In the other post i said it that christian preachers and priests and bishops etc.. are enter Islam left and right they are the ones that know the most about the religion so if they go to something else then they have to know something that the average christian doesnt know. This is not an attack against christians at all, christians are the people of the book, its just a defensive attack against the accusations that site had.
Aug 13, 2005
White Devil im i suppose to take you seriously after what you posted. You know what they say, Little knowledge is a dangerous thing, so i suggest you step it up, because you have nothing to say about my other post about the embryo and animals coming from water.
May 13, 2002
Man, you’re a fucking idiot. Cut up a pregnant bitch with a butcher’s knife and I guarantee you’ll find an embryo/fetus. Wow, what fucking great proof you have – the Koran speaks of an embryo! That must mean there is a god!

And yeah, all life started 1400 years ago from water. :rolleyes: Forget the fact that history dates back thousands and thousands of years prior, not to mention the various tests that determine life existed millions of years ago. Pffft.

You’re posts are a complete joke. Please do NOT post the same bullshit in multiple threads. You can refer to it by simply providing a link. No need to spam multiple threads.


[71:14] ...seeing that it is He (Allah) Who has created you in stages...
[35:11] And Allah created you from dust, then from a drop...
[86:6] He (man) is created from a gushing liquid.
[76:2] We created the human from a drop which is a mixture...
[32:8] Then He (Allah) made his (Adam's) progeny from a quintessence of a despised liquid.
[75:37-38] Was he (man) not a drop of semen emitted? Then he did become something leech-like which clings...
[23:14] ...We made the drop into an ALAQAH (leech-like structure), and then We changed the ALAQAH into a MUDGHAH (chewed-like substance), then We changed the MUDGHAH into IDHAAM (bones, skeleton), then We clothed the IDHAAM with LAHM (flesh, muscles), then We caused him to grow and come into being as another creation.
[22:5] ...We created you out of dust, then out of a drop, then out of a MUDGHAH, partly formed and partly unformed...

This is your fucking proof, are you kidding me????

Wow, 1400 years you don’t think people understood that when you bust a nut in a woman a baby just might come out later? Wow, you know, after re-reading your posts I am truly amazed I didn’t understand the first time! Wow, Islam is the one true religion! I am a believer! All praised to Allah!

Oh please don’t kill us with information! Lmao. Your posts have only reconfirmed my prior belief that Islam is one of the most retarded religions known to mankind. I’ve lost respect for Muslims thanks to you.


Apr 25, 2002
@Hemp if you are going to address me and show me some type of info at least give me the source. I'll indulge for a second...

"Jesus was not Jewish, But he was Hebrew!"
How is his nationality (HEBREW) of any relevence to our discussion?

Heresy, interesting. This is the differences between the 3 major religions. Let me tell you the difference and why i chose Islam.
I understand the differences between the three religions, and the info is not needed. You are implying that Jesus was a muslim and that is sheer lunacy.

1. Christians- They believe In Jesus Christ, died for the sins of man and The bible now of days. They believed Jesus was crucified, you know. First of all a prophet did not reveal the bible to humanity.(
Please clarify your statement.

2. Jews - They believe They murderd Jesus on the cross.
Which Jews (adherents to talmudism or torah) believe this? Some don't believe he existed, some say he was a rabbi and others claim he was a bastard. With that being FACT how can you say what the jews do or don't believe?

4. Islam- In order to become muslim, U must believe that Jesus did not die on the cross. This might be a world known fact that Jesus died on the cross for human sins. False.
So in order for Jesus, Adam, Abraham and Moses to become muslim (as you have constantly stated) they had to believe Jesus did not die on the cross? How do you know jesus did or didn't die for sins? What is the purpose of dying for sins?

Jesus was on earth for a fact. He did compose a true bible at his time, which is no longer on earth. It is with Jesus in the 2nd sky. The quran states that the bible is correct and Jesus spoke the truth. BUt, the quran was not talking about the bible these days, They were talking about the original bible composed from Jesus.
The bible is a collection of books. PERIOD. Jesus never wrote a bible and he has never quoted scriptures from it. He did quote from various old testament books but he did not quote from the bible. No pseudographical text agrees with your position.

Jesus performed many miracles on earth, to prove he was a messanger of God. Jesus knew he was going to try and be murderd on the cross. Another person with Jesus, was offering to take Jesus place and die instead of Jesus. Jesus asked 3 times, the same person replied he will die instead of him, and be in heaven with Jesus. This kid was the youngest of the crew.
Who is this person who decided to take jesus place?

This kid took Jesus's place, in the form of Jesus, and died. Jesus did not die, he was raised to the 2nd sky.
So the kid went through a transformation similar to how megatron was changed to galvatron and he became jesus and died?

This is one of the reasons Jesus is comming back to earth, to clear up the history. And tell every human, He did not doe on the cross, and he was muslim.
Your opinion.

Islam did not begin with Prophet Mohammed, like you think.
I haven't stated my position on Mohammed and the origins of islam so how can you assume thats what I think?

It is obligatory in order to be muslim, Believe in God, and God's messangers. This is obligatory. In order to become a muslim it is obligatory to believe in the following,God, His messengers, His angels, His books, His religion, and the well known items of Islam.
Didn't you just say in order to be a muslim you have to believe jesus did not die on the cross?

In order to become muslim, U must believe that Jesus did not die on the cross.
So how does one become a muslim? Adhere to the five pillars of islam, deny the death of jesus or believe in everything you have listed?

The correct Islam states there were 120,000 prophets on earth, including Moses, Jesus, Mohammed. THEY WERE ALL MUSLIM, BUT NOT ALL ARABIC. ONly 4 out of the 120,000 prophets were arabic. They all spread the same message in different languages.
Moses and Jesus were not muslim and no historical or jewish texts will validate your claims. What are the "well known items of islam" that Moses and Jesus believed in?

What is your definition of BELIEF?

Now, For a correct religion to be on earth, This must be it. 120,000 prophets and messangers, and all the exact same religion. Well, and i have studied the basics of islam, There is no contradictions whatsoever.
Your opinion.

THe quran was revealed from a prophet of God. IT is the eternal speech of God. Which means, It is an expression of God's language. Gods speech is not a letter nor a sound, its not a language, it doesnt have a start or a stop.
Gods speech is not a letter nor a sound, yet the quran which is the eternal speech of god (your words) must stay in a specific language. If it is not a letter or sound why is it written and why do you read it out loud?

If u write the word God, on a peice of paper. This is not actually God, But it is an expression of the Self of God.
Useless info.

There is absolutely no contradictions in the quran. No 2 ayahs contradicting others. Many translation in other languages are not translated correctly. I Do not know of 1 correct translated quran in the english language. If u want any 2 ayahs translated that u think contradict eachother, I will get the correct translations.
At this time I see no need to discuss contradictions or abrogation.
May 11, 2002
ColdBlooded said:
This thread is quickly proving the author correct
well nobody decided to discuss my posts.

What do you think the author of the article would think, when I told him that science the science community is trying to claim that, nothing but scientific law can be held as truth. However fail to produce ANY scientfic law to prove this is true...

What about our other friends in the scientfic community that would in cancer research? do you really think they're seaching for a cure? how are they going to make all their money? do you think pharmicutical companies really any cancer reasearch team to find a cure to a disease?

And what about our friends in the "scientific" community who are feeding Bush that global warming is not causing the greenhouse effect.
May 13, 2002
Don’t get science in general twisted with scientists that are funded to serve a specific agenda. Science is not a religion, it is simply the study of something. Yes, there are scientists and science institutions that distort or lie about information, but science is also used to disprove these people. We’ll take your Global Warming and Bush example. Yes, this is true that these scientists were paid to distort their findings, but the overwhelming majority of the scientific community disputed their claims and later PROVED their work to be inaccurate/false. This does not mean science is incorrect or is to blame, the blame lies solely on the individuals that knowingly released false information to the public.

And I have no idea what this I supposed to mean, “However fail to produce ANY scientfic law to prove this is true...” Are you suggesting the scientific community has never proved a scientific law?!?

Once again I am baffled by your Science Vs. Religion and anti-science stances. Science is simply an observation or study of a phenomenon; it is not a religion or some kind of cult that has its own agenda.

It’s like opposing Mathematics or physics. “Damn those mathematicians! 2+2 will one day equal 87!!!”
Apr 25, 2002
I had a geography professor that produced data for our class through glacial drilling that we are still currently within an Ice Age.

That they can show millions of years of warming and cooling patterns that the earth has gone through and that even though our temp is warming it still isn't as warm as it has been and that this just appears to be part of a cycle of warming as we come out of the most recent ice age.

Eventually as the pattern continues it will get cold again and a traditional "Ice Age' will return.

ALSO there are people that become scientists &/or doctors because they are interested in science and in helping people and aren't totally motivated by money. Their goal is to help people and society. In finding a cure for cancer they would achieve such a goal and would make their life's work more meaningful than money. In addition there would be plenty of money in a cure, not just in keeping people sick and feeding them drugs/treatments.
Aug 13, 2005
2-0-Sixx said:
Man, you’re a fucking idiot. Cut up a pregnant bitch with a butcher’s knife and I guarantee you’ll find an embryo/fetus. Wow, what fucking great proof you have – the Koran speaks of an embryo! That must mean there is a god!

And yeah, all life started 1400 years ago from water. :rolleyes: Forget the fact that history dates back thousands and thousands of years prior, not to mention the various tests that determine life existed millions of years ago. Pffft.

You’re posts are a complete joke. Please do NOT post the same bullshit in multiple threads. You can refer to it by simply providing a link. No need to spam multiple threads.


[71:14] ...seeing that it is He (Allah) Who has created you in stages...
[35:11] And Allah created you from dust, then from a drop...
[86:6] He (man) is created from a gushing liquid.
[76:2] We created the human from a drop which is a mixture...
[32:8] Then He (Allah) made his (Adam's) progeny from a quintessence of a despised liquid.
[75:37-38] Was he (man) not a drop of semen emitted? Then he did become something leech-like which clings...
[23:14] ...We made the drop into an ALAQAH (leech-like structure), and then We changed the ALAQAH into a MUDGHAH (chewed-like substance), then We changed the MUDGHAH into IDHAAM (bones, skeleton), then We clothed the IDHAAM with LAHM (flesh, muscles), then We caused him to grow and come into being as another creation.
[22:5] ...We created you out of dust, then out of a drop, then out of a MUDGHAH, partly formed and partly unformed...

This is your fucking proof, are you kidding me????

Wow, 1400 years you don’t think people understood that when you bust a nut in a woman a baby just might come out later? Wow, you know, after re-reading your posts I am truly amazed I didn’t understand the first time! Wow, Islam is the one true religion! I am a believer! All praised to Allah!

Oh please don’t kill us with information! Lmao. Your posts have only reconfirmed my prior belief that Islam is one of the most retarded religions known to mankind. I’ve lost respect for Muslims thanks to you.
Thank you for proving my point. You see like i said earlier little knowledge is a very dangerous thing. The stages in which the Quran described the embryo occur when it is so small that if someone was to cut a pregnant woman up he would have to have a MICROSCOPE to view what the Quran described that’s one thing, another thing is that the Quran describes the embryo in a progressive way therefore when you cut a pregnant lady up the fetus will no longer develop, but that doesn’t really matter now would it since they DIDNT have microscopes 1400 years ago. Also the link with the scientists (who by the way are or were atheists), you are telling me you know more than them in their own field?

And who said all life started 1400 years ago from water? In the Quran revealed 1400 years ago it stated that all animals came from water, which is what a few scientists won a nobel prize for, yet it has been in th Quran for 1400 years.

I have come to the conclusion that any further conversation with you is irrational due to the fact that you asked me for proof, therefore i provided and yet you answer back with insults and lack of knowledge? isn’t that a sign off someone on the defensive, If you actually read what I posted which I believe you did, i made you think, but your not going to let that show on siccness are you. You see, from the way i see it you need to keep your internet personality intact. You have dj mark 7 known for his sigs, Mr. Arson known for his witty comments, Hersey known for his debating, and you and a few others known as the atheists, that are right in everything they say. Stop living your internet life.
May 13, 2002

shoowilla said:
Thank you for proving my point.
What point? That you're an idiot? You're welcome.

The stages in which the Quran described the embryo occur when it is so small that if someone was to cut a pregnant woman up he would have to have a MICROSCOPE to view what the Quran described that’s one thing, another thing is that the Quran describes the embryo in a progressive way therefore when you cut a pregnant lady up the fetus will no longer develop, but that doesn’t really matter now would it since they DIDNT have microscopes 1400 years ago.
LMAO!!! Anyone who reads what I quoted will look at that and think “What the fuck is this shit?” Something “leech-like that clings”, “We made the drop into an ALAQAH (leech-like structure), and then We changed the ALAQAH into a MUDGHAH (chewed-like substance),” Yeah, ok, this is proof! Again, you’ve got to be fucking kidding me.

It doesn’t take GOD to figure out that a fetus grows inside of a woman. COMMON SENSE WILL TELL YOU THIS (the broad is getting bigger in size for 9 months and a baby comes out).

Also the link with the scientists (who by the way are or were atheists), you are telling me you know more than them in their own field?
I don’t know what you’re talking about.

And who said all life started 1400 years ago from water? In the Quran revealed 1400 years ago it stated that all animals came from water, which is what a few scientists won a nobel prize for, yet it has been in th Quran for 1400 years.

I have come to the conclusion that any further conversation with you is irrational
Funny, myself and others came to this same conclusion about you.

due to the fact that you asked me for proof, therefore i provided and yet you answer back with insults and lack of knowledge?
You’ve provided NOTHING. Quotes from the Koran, wow! I can quote the bible will that make you a Christian? In the bible it says we came from Adam and Eve, is that proof of anything? Absolutely not. At best you’ve provided information that shows that the Koran knew a fetus lived inside pregnant women. WOW, THAT IS JUST MIND BLOWING!!!

isn’t that a sign off someone on the defensive
I just think you’re an idiot, plain and simple.

If you actually read what I posted which I believe you did, i made you think,
Yes, you made me think. I was thinking how much of a moron you are and how brainless Islam truly is.

but your not going to let that show on siccness are you. You see, from the way i see it you need to keep your internet personality intact. You have dj mark 7 known for his sigs, Mr. Arson known for his witty comments, Hersey known for his debating, and you and a few others known as the atheists, that are right in everything they say.
And now you’re known for posting pointless gibberish and will forever be known as the GOM idiot.
Aug 13, 2005
First your excuse was anyone can cut a pregnant woman up and i proved you false, then it was "common sense" did you read the part where the EMBRYO IS SO SMALL THAT THE HUMAN EYE CANNOT SEE? IF THE HUMAN EYE CANNOT SEE HOW CAN WE PERCIEVE WHAT IT LOOKED LIKE? but whatever, u forgot to put this in you quoting me

[23:14] ...We made the drop into an ALAQAH (leech-like structure), and then We changed the ALAQAH into a MUDGHAH (chewed-like substance), then We changed the MUDGHAH into IDHAAM (bones, skeleton), then We clothed the IDHAAM with LAHM (flesh, muscles), then We caused him to grow and come into being as another creation.
[22:5] ...We created you out of dust, then out of a drop, then out of a MUDGHAH, partly formed and partly unformed...

The next two stages described in verse [23:14] tell of bones being made from the MUDGHAH, followed by the "clothing" of the bones with flesh or muscles. If we follow the progress of the embryo with our own eyes, we find that after approximately four weeks, a process called 'differentiation' begins, where groups of cells within the embryo transform themselves to form certain large organs. One of the earliest structures to develop in this stage is the cartilaginous basis of the human skeleton (in subsequent months, the cartilage hardens or ossifies). It is followed soon after by the appearance of a host of other organs including muscles, ears, eyes, kidneys, heart, and more. This maintains the order described in the Qur'an. Verse [23:14] concludes with the growth of the organism in the womb (and simple growth is the primary characteristic of the fetal stage) followed by its birth.

Verse [22:5] adds one more interesting note on the embryo. In this verse, the MUDGHAH is qualified with the phrase

"partly formed and partly unformed."
As alluded to above, our modern observations of embryological development have revealed how different structures and organs develop one after another through differentiation. This gives rise to unusual situations where the embryo is unevenly formed (i.e. lungs but no ears for example).

So you are telling me you are more knowledgable than these scientists?
Anyways i proved my point, you can keep trying to defend yourself with what little knowledge you have.
May 13, 2002
First off, PLEASE LINK YOUR SOURCES. Those are not your own words, they are posted online. Do not take credit for someone else’s work. Nothing you’ve posted is your own work or words, besides a few lines here and there, which only confirms that you’re an idiot and believe anything you’re told or read and cannot think for yourself, which of course explains why you’re a Muslim in the first place.

2nd, the fetus crap proves ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Again, at best it proves they knew about fetuses which is neither amazing nor proof of anything.

"partly formed and partly unformed."
Again, this proves nothing. It doesn’t take GOD to figure out a fetus GROWS inside a woman.

So you are telling me you are more knowledgable than these scientists?
Anyways i proved my point, you can keep trying to defend yourself with what little knowledge you have.
What scientists are you talking about?