If you don't like America.....why don't you leave?

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Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
Tadou, the American Dream is a fantasy made up so that you work your ass off and give your life to the country and the bullshit ideals that Christian Republicans (as well as others) want you to believe. One reason that we have so much poverty in our country is because of that "American Dream." Everyone is so busy stepping on someone else to get where they want to be that most people dont' give a shit about the next person anymore. Now how fucking Christian is that? The American Dream is only a means to get you to conform.
Jun 18, 2004
Dirty Shoez said:
fornicating, having all kinds of sex in crazy porno positions (ahem).
Still need to go get laid "my friend." You don't need to dream about it anymore...go get a nice senorita, or whatever your ramen noodle budget can allow, and just get it over with...I promise, it'll change your whole perspective on things...might even dislodge that stick up your ass.
Oct 28, 2005
*ahem* -- For the record, I said the "crazy porno positions" thing, if i remember correctly, at a time you were not signed up to this site. I am sorry it went over your head, but that is your own fault for being new here.

Sixxness said:
Tadou, the American Dream is a fantasy made up so that you work your ass off and give your life to the country and the bullshit ideals that Christian Republicans (as well as others) want you to believe. One reason that we have so much poverty in our country is because of that "American Dream." Everyone is so busy stepping on someone else to get where they want to be that most people dont' give a shit about the next person anymore. Now how fucking Christian is that? The American Dream is only a means to get you to conform.
Wow.....you're a fucking loon. Seriously, you can't be this much of a libtard freak in real life. This has GOT TO BE an act, or a recent development as a result of going to the inferior CWU and being brainwashed, or something else I can't put my finger on.

By the way: Don't you dare, in your life, speak on poverty in my presence if you are going to speak with such ignorance. You have no experience. You are a Middle-Class White Man. I am a Poor Man of Color. Liberal or not, you are not qualified to speak on the subject.
Jun 18, 2004
Dirty Shoez said:
*ahem* -- For the record, I said the "crazy porno positions" thing, if i remember correctly, at a time you were not signed up to this site. I am sorry it went over your head, but that is your own fault for being new here.
You remember incorectly, because I was the one who sonned you for saying some virginal shit like that. I am sorry I went over your memory, but that is your own fault for not checking your own reference. :dead:
Jun 18, 2004
Dirty Shoez said:
By the way: Don't you dare, in your life, speak on poverty in my presence if you are going to speak with such ignorance. You have no experience. You are a Middle-Class White Man. I am a Poor Man of Color. Liberal or not, you are not qualified to speak on the subject.
Why do you feel the need to wear poverty like a badge of honor, if anything you are perpetuating what you so often preach against in this forum. You always talk about pulling yourself up by your bootstraps, but at the same time preach about being the poorest "man of color" on earth. Why don't you shut the fuck up, get rich, and then come back to this forum and lead by example...because your words are running on empty.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
Quit acting like a bitch. You need to stop with the name calling and insults. I'm not callin you stupid. You are the one who has been brainwashed, you just don't realize it. And don't tell me what I'm qualified to speak on, cause you don't know me (this seems to be a reoccuring theme here DOOFY). For part of my life I was middle class but there were times when I didn't have shit, nada, zip, zilch, and neither did my mom who had to work 2 jobs to support us, so shut the fuck up with that.

You are the actor, and you're not a factor. You're bored cause you're in Mexico and nobody likes you so you have to get on here for attention. It's okay we all have issues, yours are just easier to point out cause of how you act. And I'll speak on poverty whenever the fuck I want. You keep on labeling yourself cause it makes you feel more comfortable with who you are, but dog, you don't know shit about the "real world." I'm done. If you would like to further this conversation, hit me up on Yahoo, Myspace, or on the PMs on here. I have nothing else to say to YOUR IGNORANT ASS!


Apr 25, 2002
Sixxness said:
Tadou, the American Dream is a fantasy made up so that you work your ass off and give your life to the country and the bullshit ideals that Christian Republicans (as well as others) want you to believe. One reason that we have so much poverty in our country is because of that "American Dream." Everyone is so busy stepping on someone else to get where they want to be that most people dont' give a shit about the next person anymore. Now how fucking Christian is that? The American Dream is only a means to get you to conform.

I agree


Apr 25, 2002
It was and is a Black artform, regardless of influences. This much is not open to debate.
Some would debate it, but thats something I won't go into.

So much of a non-argument that you can't even point out a single reason why.
Why would I need to point out a single reason why? You want me to type a ten page essay explaining why I don't disagree with your statement?

You don't need one. If you can't synthesize all the elaborations I already provided, then there is nothing more I can tell you.
You are the one who introduced the idea to our discussion. I simply wanted clarification.

The reason i said "drop all the war and politics" is because the second I say "The Black community needs Conservatism", there will be some mealy-mouthed middle-class dread-sporting fuckboy, screaming some shit about "HALLIBURTON DICK CHENEY BLOOD FOR OIL! REPUBLICANS = CONSERVATISM = WAR = DEATH = BAD!"
You just mentioned conservatism, and I have yet to see a mealy-mouthed middle-class dread-sporting fuckboy, scream anything. If people are ignorant to knowledge and do not understand it should be on YOU to teach them.

As a result, it is now a REQUIREMENT that when discussing Conservatism and the Black Community, you must make it EXPLICITLY CLEAR that you are not talking about foreign policy, economics (per se), et al. The focus must be on the Social side.
And its on you to clarify it when people don't know and ask questions.

If the Federal Government were not the main enabling body as far as Public Education goes, I would tend to agree with you. But seeing as though it is, i cannot.
Before a child enters the public (or private) education system they should learn at home. Before they learn about the Federal Government and form likes or dislikes, they should be comfortable with who they are as a person and understand their culture and community. You CANNOT expect a person to all of a sudden fall in love with the government if the person has been constantly mistreated. Before a person owes ANYTHING to their country, they first owe a service to their family and community.

Don't hate the country and don't hate the politicians for no reason.
Yes, I agree. Don't hate the country and don't hate the politicians for no reason. Have a reason for your anti-usa rhetoric, and make sure you are able to logically convey your opinions and ideas.

Just like you don't go to burger king one day and the price of everything has doubled or been sliced in half--so the country doesn't change with a wave of the hand. Progress for ONE PERSON takes time. Progress for an individual CITY can take YEARS. It is not logical to expect your country to change at the drop of a hat.
Keep this in mind when you are dealing with black youth who do not understand the things you do or have the experience you have. No it is not logical to expect a country to change at the drop of a hat. As you mentioned change takes time, but people are crying for change. People are in NEED of change, and if they don't like the current system they have a right to voice opinions.

Again, I might be able to agree with this if it wasn't such a Catch 22 situation. The more someone is out sleeping around, taking drugs, etc, the more likely they are to hate the government. (I say that without a survey-in-hand, but to me, it makes perfect sense and I hope it will to you as well.)
I do NOT like this government, and I don't do ANY of the things you mentioned. A person who is out sleeping around, taking drugs, etc, are not more likely to hate the government. They are more likely to have SELF HATRED. Why do you think they are partaking in destructive behavior? They have not been taught a sense of self worth and value, but they need to be taught these things BEFORE someone gives them a flag and "I love the troops" sticker.

When i was young, I wasn't really about shit. The only person I believed in was Mom (awwww). And Mom believed in the system. A decade later, I've now gotten further in college than anyone in the history of my family and I have her belief in the system to thank for that.
I don't have belief in the system. I have knowledge of the system, how it operates and how to conduct business. The system does not work, but I have come to understand it and work within it. Simply placing faith in a system that is DESIGNED to keep the average american BROKE will do you no good.

Yet if you asked most of them if they supported the federal government or thought it was doing a good job....we both know what the returns would be. Not good.
I've seen it go both ways.

What the people DON'T know about, is state and city government.And because of this, they are likely to blame everything on the Top Doggs. The problem is, while they're busy blaming people that are essentially out of touch--they don't even know the names of the Mayors and Senators and Governors THAT CAN PUT THEM IN TOUCH with those same Top Doggs.
100% truth.

As for your own situation...that is excellent. But if you would allow me to tell a story real quick: -- There was a man on another board a few months back that posted something to the effect of: "IF YOU FILE A FAFSA, YOU'LL BE REGISTERED FOR THE DRAFT!" -- I'm sure you already know what the problem here is. If me and a few others hadn't been around to correct this jackass, who knows the damage it could have caused. Even causing ONE PERSON to re-think filing a FAFSA would have been an egregious affront.--
...I have no comment.

So that for me is the basic situation. If you hate the government, you will be less likely to check out Community Colleges and things like these, because going to college is almost synonymous with trusting the Government to create and deliver you a job upon graduation. Just the way it goes.
I HATE the government, and I am currently enrolled in speech 1 and english 1 at the community college. People are less likely to look into college because they have NO sense of self worth and have been told they are FAILURES. They have no one to pushing them to apply themselves and believe they can NEVER get a decent paying job because they made mistakes. These are reasons people fail to look into resources availiable to them NOT a dislike for the government. I know people who have degrees in sociology to science, and they barely eat each month. I also know people who cop, chop and flip who make tens of thousands of dollars each month. What do you tell a person who has seen drugs and quick money since they were born? What do you tell a person who has been in and out of the system since he was 12 years old? Personally I'm not looking for the government to give me shit. I'll carve my own name and make my own way.

It is a serious goal of mine. I wouldn't be shit right now without my hard-working teachers from K-12. I was blessed, and I want to return the favor, even if it doesn't end up being what i do for the rest of my life.
You will NOT be able to save the world or teach everyone, but you owe it to yourself, your history, your people, your family and community to touch ONE person.


Mickey Fallon
Sep 10, 2002
Tomato Alley
Change your sig from a Malcolm X to an MLK one and you'll have a point. Malcolm X was a huge proponent of segregation. He's views and those of his father were greatly influenced by Garvey.

Not to pick a fight or anything, but many people get "Separation" and "segregation" confused.

"The black masses don't want segregation nor do we want integration. What we want is complete separation."-Malcolm X

Separation makes more sense than segregation, in terms of building community and social power for the oppressed.

As for the original proposal in this thread, I'm surprised people still miss the point. It doesn't make sense that someone should go to another country to "appreciate" what we have here in America. Your argument of visiting another country so that u can see how "easy" it is to live here can be used for almost anything. "You like coke? why not try PEPSI!" "The Beatles? No way, u dont know what ur talkin about, listen to the Monkees!" This point sounds dumb, but it makes total sense. That, for some reason, if u dislike America, that u have to go to another country, to realize how "good we have it". It's a total nonissue, because we know how other countries are from reading about them and hearing about them, and if we've never been there, people with their head on straight shouldn't judge them, but people still do. People IN THIS COUNTRY think they don't have to visit anywhere else to appreciate America. That's not to say people shouldn't travel, they should, and they will make their own realizations about the importance of where they come from, and gain personal growth, blah blah blah. But for people who don't like something in this country, going to another country won't solve the problem they're having. "I love living here, but I dislike Pat Buchanan. Ok, well, fuck, all i need to do is go live in Tanzania to realize how cool he is!" You're piecing things together that won't provide anything. I can't think of the type of argument ur making, but its along the lines of a wrong cause and effect. Leaving the country for a while will somehow discover this newfound love for America that's been inside of us foerver. Crazy liberals are all pro-America at heart, right? so just go to another country and realize that u LOVE america.

If you have a leaky faucet, u dont sell ur house. U fix it. And that's what people here are trying to do. America is about change, and people still don't see it.
Oct 28, 2005
Sixxness said:
Quit acting like a bitch. You need to stop with the name calling and insults. I'm not callin you stupid. You are the one who has been brainwashed, you just don't realize it.
And that statement right there is how i know you are a dolt and a puppet.

I am concrete in my views and literally wreck anyone that opposes me. Brainwashed people are not capable of this. You on the other hand run off at the mouth regularly and are put in your place.

Speaking of brainwashing: Remember that one time you were GG-brainwashed and yelled out "FUCK STREET LEVEL", then went back and erased it, then apologized, etc? That was priceless.

And don't tell me what I'm qualified to speak on, cause you don't know me (this seems to be a reoccuring theme here DOOFY). For part of my life I was middle class but there were times when I didn't have shit, nada, zip, zilch, and neither did my mom who had to work 2 jobs to support us, so shut the fuck up with that.
And thats the difference between you and me: i have never in my life been middle class.

I don't want to hear about your "zilch" shit either. For your kind, not being able to afford the $485/month SUV payment is "struggling". But even when you're "struggling", you still own your house, have 3 cars, eat out several times a week, etc. Trust me--I know your kind 10x better than you know mine.

You are the actor, and you're not a factor. You're bored cause you're in Mexico and nobody likes you so you have to get on here for attention. It's okay we all have issues, yours are just easier to point out cause of how you act.
Verily you must be right, friend. Even though you act like a faggy goth kid, have had braids and worn a doo rag, etc. I am indeed the actor.

And I'll speak on poverty whenever the fuck I want. You keep on labeling yourself cause it makes you feel more comfortable with who you are, but dog, you don't know shit about the "real world." I'm done. If you would like to further this conversation, hit me up on Yahoo, Myspace, or on the PMs on here. I have nothing else to say to YOUR IGNORANT ASS!
Heh. OK. I will go on Yahoo right now and we will talk.

L Mac-a-docious said:
You remember incorectly, because I was the one who sonned you for saying some virginal shit like that. I am sorry I went over your memory, but that is your own fault for not checking your own reference. :dead:
It was said one month after you joined. Oops. Either way, your comment is meaningless. You might as well be sitting back chastising a Priest for trying to give Marriage/Relationship advice.

L Mac-a-docious said:
Why do you feel the need to wear poverty like a badge of honor, if anything you are perpetuating what you so often preach against in this forum. You always talk about pulling yourself up by your bootstraps, but at the same time preach about being the poorest "man of color" on earth. Why don't you shut the fuck up, get rich, and then come back to this forum and lead by example...because your words are running on empty.
I am living this American Dream, friend. I am well within my means to speak on A.D. if there is some Middle-Class yuppie present telling me the AD doesn't exist.

Get off my dick, BTW. Let the man handle his own arguments.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
I don't have an SUV. You have me stereotyped like you know me, like we've been homies. You don't show respect, so I don't give you any. I didn't apologize for saying what I said either. I said I realized I shouldn't have said it. I also changed my words to be directed at the individual talking shit, rather than others that had nothing to do with it. There's a difference, and if you can't see that I'm sorry because I'm not going to sit here and explain myself to you. Go to the beach/pool/kick it spot, drink a fucking corona, smoke a joint, chill with your bitch, and go back to "living" im Mexico. Most people there don't have computers, so I'm sure you know what it's like living there too huh. But I'm done with all your childish games, insults, and accusing bullshit, cause you don't know me, and I do'nt know you. But I know you're not worth the time or effort.
Oct 28, 2005
HERESY said:
Some would debate it, but thats something I won't go into.
Please do, but we will take it to another thread.

Why would I need to point out a single reason why? You want me to type a ten page essay explaining why I don't disagree with your statement?
1) See above.

2) You need to stop chopping up paragraphs, and just respond to whole topics at once.

You are the one who introduced the idea to our discussion. I simply wanted clarification.
Then you need to meet me half way. Summarize what I already said, add a few things of your own choosing, and ask if the new elaboration still rings true.

That is one thing you are going to notice about me now. I no longer put up with pointless question-asking. You need to phrase your question in the form of a statement, and then ask if it is agreed upon.

You just mentioned conservatism, and I have yet to see a mealy-mouthed middle-class dread-sporting fuckboy, scream anything. If people are ignorant to knowledge and do not understand it should be on YOU to teach them.
They are not screaming anything because i included the word social; and then elaborated upon what I meant.

Are you honestly not going to be satisfied until i waste 10-20 minutes of my time tracking down an instance of where this happened? Trust me--it has happened. I have no reason to lie about such a petty thing.

And its on you to clarify it when people don't know and ask questions.
You are not a moderator. You are a participant. If you need clarification, then you need to learn how to draw that information out of the other person without using questions or making challenges. If you cannot do this, that is your own fault.

Before a child enters the public (or private) education system they should learn at home. Before they learn about the Federal Government and form likes or dislikes, they should be comfortable with who they are as a person and understand their culture and community. You CANNOT expect a person to all of a sudden fall in love with the government if the person has been constantly mistreated. Before a person owes ANYTHING to their country, they first owe a service to their family and community.
I do not understand what you mean by 'owe a service', but the rest is very agreeable.

"I see no problem in hating a country IF you have a logical reason for doing so" -- This was your original comment. I responded that, seeing as though the Government is the main enabling body for things such as Education, I do not agree.

This has nothing to do with how a child is raised or what they learn growing up. We need to raise our kids to trust the Government 100%, and once they graduate college and find a good paying job, they can believe whatever the fuck they want.

The point is that regardless of what you believe about the Government, people need to be rising out of poverty and living better lives. This is SEVERELY HINDERED when people walk around acting like victims and hating the Gov't that is capable of giving them that better life.

Yes, I agree. Don't hate the country and don't hate the politicians for no reason. Have a reason for your anti-usa rhetoric, and make sure you are able to logically convey your opinions and ideas.
The matter is thus settled.

Keep this in mind when you are dealing with black youth who do not understand the things you do or have the experience you have. No it is not logical to expect a country to change at the drop of a hat. As you mentioned change takes time, but people are crying for change. People are in NEED of change, and if they don't like the current system they have a right to voice opinions.
It also need be understood that not every black youth in the country lives in NYC, Seattle, Los Angeles, et al.

There is a difference between voicing your opinion, and doing like i mentioned earlier and literally tricking people into not filing their FAFSA, which was just plain despicable.

Also despicable, but not quite as much, is politicians that run around yelling "Poor people cannot afford college!" They need to understand that, over time, this ! statement turns into a . statement. "Poor people cannot afford college" the single mother tells herself. "P.P.C.A.C.", the unemployed worker tells himself. And it is saddening.

I do NOT like this government, and I don't do ANY of the things you mentioned. A person who is out sleeping around, taking drugs, etc, are not more likely to hate the government.
First of all, you are mischaracterizing what i said. Second of all, I would still disagree. As for the mischaracterization: "The more someone is out sleeping around, taking drugs, etc, the more likely they are to hate the government."

You are telling me the average crackhead is more likely to trust the government than the average non-crackhead? The same of a common ho? Surely you jest.

They are more likely to have SELF HATRED.
And hypocrisy. This hypocrisy usually manifests itself in a hate and rejection of authority, specifically, Police and the U.S. Government.

Why do you think they are partaking in destructive behavior? They have not been taught a sense of self worth and value, but they need to be taught these things BEFORE someone gives them a flag and "I love the troops" sticker.
How is that so? Are you telling me that people like our friends Sixxness and JoMoDo, who admittedly do drugs, do not have self worth and value?

These people have all the self-worth and value in the world. They CHOOSE to do drugs and they CHOOSE to hate the government.

I don't have belief in the system. I have knowledge of the system, how it operates and how to conduct business. The system does not work, but I have come to understand it and work within it. Simply placing faith in a system that is DESIGNED to keep the average american BROKE will do you no good.
Then i guess this is the part where we disagree.

When a single mother applies for Community College, I want you to tell me how the system is going to fail her. I want you to explain to me, someone who has filed 4 FAFSA's and received numerous grants, how much this woman can expect and in what percentages. Then once you're done guessing, I will go ask my single-parent Mother and she will give you the real figures. And then of course, you'll explain how she's the exception and not the rule, and we'll continue in this endless circle.

The system works fine. You need to understand that the real problems do not lie in "The System", but in the economies and systems of the cities and areas you are living in.

I've seen it go both ways.
In what numbers? 99/1? 'Technically' that's "both ways". But in reality, it is not.

100% truth.
...I have no comment.
It is a true story. I will find you the link if you would like.

I HATE the government, and I am currently enrolled in speech 1 and english 1 at the community college. People are less likely to look g.into college because they have NO sense of self worth and have been told they are FAILURES. They have no one to pushing them to apply themselves and believe they can NEVER get a decent paying job because they made mistakes. These are reasons people fail to look into resources availiable to them NOT a dislike for the government.
This is the part where we disagree. You say all these things independent of being taught a hate for the government; I include the being taught part.

What sense does it make to say, "You're a loser and a failure, but the government is great!" People who believe in the government don't say these things. They have been subconsciously preparing these people that they are berating and insulting to hate the government the same way they do.

And if i might add: I still don't understand why you are speaking from the point of view of a VERY limited minority of the population. I have several friends who, most likely, have NEVER in their LIVES been called failures by any parent or teacher, etc. Yet, they don't feel the need to go to college, even though it would be better for them. This is the reality for most Americans, IMO; and not the one you are promoting.

I know people who have degrees in sociology to science, and they barely eat each month. I also know people who cop, chop and flip who make tens of thousands of dollars each month. What do you tell a person who has seen drugs and quick money since they were born? What do you tell a person who has been in and out of the system since he was 12 years old? Personally I'm not looking for the government to give me shit. I'll carve my own name and make my own way.
Good for them. Your example sounds like the typical "History major" angle. It and ones like it are worthless degrees unless you go on to Graduate school.

BTW...Where in your example is the 99% of drug users who don't turn into dealers, but end up in jail or dead or fucked-up instead? Or are you going to sit there and tell me that a drug-user is more likely to become a big-time dealer, than a college graduate is to find a good-paying job? You can't be serious.

You will NOT be able to save the world or teach everyone, but you owe it to yourself, your history, your people, your family and community to touch ONE person.

But all the cliches aside, I will not stop until I am actively convincing poor people and minorities to move into smaller, safer cities and get this good education and opportunity shit.

But people like you running around being successful and at the same time hating the government, are not going to make my job any easier.


Apr 25, 2002
Please do, but we will take it to another thread.
I have voiced my opinions on this subject in the past. No need to make another thread about it.

1) See above.
See the above.

2) You need to stop chopping up paragraphs, and just respond to whole topics at once.
Who are you to tell me what I need to do? I do what I want to do, and if you don't like how I respond you don't NEED to reply.

Then you need to meet me half way. Summarize what I already said, add a few things of your own choosing, and ask if the new elaboration still rings true.
Which is what I basically did a paragraph or two after I asked the question. However, you are the one presenting the topic so its on you to clarify. You should be thankful someone DID ask you to clarify your statement before voicing opinions.

That is one thing you are going to notice about me now. I no longer put up with pointless question-asking. You need to phrase your question in the form of a statement, and then ask if it is agreed upon.
This is NOT Jeopardy and you are NOT Alex. I couldn't care less if you are going to put up with pointless question-asking or if you have wasted time doing so in the past. YOU need to clarify what you say regardless regardless of ANYONE asking you to or not.

They are not screaming anything because i included the word social; and then elaborated upon what I meant.
Do you honestly believe the majority of people you come across know what social conservatism is? You are giving mankind too much credit. I asked what YOUR definition was because I honestly feel your definition does not truly describe social conservatism.

Are you honestly not going to be satisfied until i waste 10-20 minutes of my time tracking down an instance of where this happened? Trust me--it has happened. I have no reason to lie about such a petty thing.
You wasted time saying it would happen, and why should I trust you?

You are not a moderator.You are a participant.[/
I never implied I was a mod. How is this relevent?

If you need clarification, then you need to learn how to draw that information out of the other person without using questions or making challenges.
The clarification was not to benefit me but benefit others and yourself. I did draw info from what you said and told you I agree with you IF that was YOUR definition of social conservatism. The true definition and practice of social conservatism exceeds your miniscule definition which is another reason why you should have clarified yourself from the start. It is a dead issue now.

I do not understand what you mean by 'owe a service', but the rest is very agreeable.
If you need clarification, then you need to learn how to draw that information out of the other person.

This was your original comment. I responded that, seeing as though the Government is the main enabling body for things such as Education, I do not agree.
The government should not be free of skepticism simply because they provide education.

This has nothing to do with how a child is raised or what they learn growing up.
It has everything to do with how a child is raised and what they learn growing up, especially when you claim immoral behavior leads to distrust of the government.

We need to raise our kids to trust the Government 100%
If you are not a member of the global elite, trusting the government 100% is sheer lunacy. Even if you are a member of the global elite it is still lunacy. Trust the government 100% for what? If you were to say trust in God or trust in yourself 100% I would agree with you. Trust in the government 100% and be a mindless lamb fit for the slaughter? The government has never given the poor a fair shake, so why should anyone trust a government that has constantly shown it does not have the peoples best interest in mind?

and once they graduate college and find a good paying job, they can believe whatever the fuck they want.
People can believe what they want to as soon as they have convictions and a reason for believing the way they do. You have many people that will NEVER go to college and NEVER land a good paying job, but you feel they should remain a silent voice? Your social conservatism sounds more like elitism with every post you make.


Apr 25, 2002
The point is that regardless of what you believe about the Government, people need to be rising out of poverty and living better lives.
I agree with you.

This is SEVERELY HINDERED when people walk around acting like victims and hating the Gov't that is capable of giving them that better life.
What hinders them more self hatred or hatred for the government? What is more of a stumbling block not having someone to mentor you and boost your self worth or placing trust in a government that continues to do a misjustice to your people? Before you can tackle issues one may have with the government, you must first adress why they have the issues. The government is not capable of giving ANYONE a better life. Each man is capable of giving HIMSELF a better life.

The matter is thus settled.
IMHO it was never a matter to be settled.

It also need be understood that not every black youth in the country lives in NYC, Seattle, Los Angeles, et al.There is a difference between voicing your opinion, and doing like i mentioned earlier and literally tricking people into not filing their FAFSA, which was just plain despicable.
No one has implied all black youth live in big cities. Your point? The government does many despicable acts each day. Deal with it.

Also despicable, but not quite as much, is politicians that run around yelling "Poor people cannot afford college!" ...And it is saddening.
Yes it is saddening, and if a politician is saying this shouldn't that be one more reason NOT to trust the government 100% as you suggested? Poor people can afford college if they know of the resources availiable to them. A lot of people may want to go to college but don't know how to go about doing it. I have witnessed this first hand and continue to see it each day.

First of all...You are telling me the average crackhead is more likely to trust the government than the average non-crackhead? The same of a common ho? Surely you jest
I have not mischaracterized anything. I distrust the government MORE than the average crackhead so whats my excuse? The average crackhead PROBABLY has a REASON for not trusting the government and will differ based on experience. You may encounter a drugged out army vet who detests the government. His issue may be stem from being denied benefits or physical disabilities that prevent him from holding a job and force him to live in shelters.

And hypocrisy. This hypocrisy usually manifests itself in a hate and rejection of authority, specifically, Police and the U.S. Government.
Have you considered the root of the problem? The household. The one parent in the home, the father pushing drugs and in and out of jail, the mother with a different man each night? The parent telling the child they are a mistake and destroying any and all sense of self worth and dignity? Rejection of authority starts at HOME.

How is that so? Are you telling me that people like our friends Sixxness and JoMoDo, who admittedly do drugs, do not have self worth and value?
I have no comment on Sixxness and JoMoDo and have no knowledge of them doing drugs. I thought we were discussing black children are they black?

These people have all the self-worth and value in the world. They CHOOSE to do drugs and they CHOOSE to hate the government.
It has also been proven that the government you suggest trusting 100% does business with drug cartels. What is your point?

When a single mother applies for Community College, ...And then of course, you'll explain how she's the exception and not the rule, and we'll continue in this endless circle.
We won't continue an endless circle, and her experiences are not applicable to everyone. Can everyone who is broke go to school and possibly earn a degree? Yes if they are DISCIPLINED, have the capacity to learn and have the ability to tap into resources availiable.

The system works fine.
It does not. Especially when the judicial system is designed to hinder progress and not rehabilitate.

You need to understand that the real problems do not lie in "The System", but in the economies and systems of the cities and areas you are living in.
True, but these are strands within a greater web. I vote on a local level, but does that mean these people are not prone to error or have my interest in mind?

In what numbers? 99/1? 'Technically' that's "both ways". But in reality, it is not.
Actually, in my experiences it has leaned more towards acceptance of the government and often reminds me of the relationship between Sambo and Massa.

What sense does it make...They have been subconsciously preparing these people that they are berating and insulting to hate the government the same way they do.
It makes as much sense as telling someone to trust the government 100%. They have been subconsciously doing it because it has been done to THEM. It is a cycle that NEEDS to be broken.

And if i might add:...This is the reality for most Americans, IMO; and not the one you are promoting
I am speaking from my point of view and for ME. Like you, I have friends who have never experienced the above and they feel they don't need college. In each instance it is a case of the person NOT being able to learn (because they have NOT learned HOW to learn) or not having discipline.

Good for them. Your example sounds like the typical "History major" angle. It and ones like it are worthless degrees unless you go on to Graduate school.
I have walked the streets of Frisco, Oakland, Camden, San Diego, Chicago, L.A. and Harlem and made it a point to talk to those who are considered the dredge of society. You have people who have DEGREES eating out of GARBAGE CANS. We live in a world where blessings come and go - one minute you are up and the next you are down. Always remember that because ANYONE of us can be in that position within a matter of moments.

BTW...Where in your example is the 99% of drug users who don't turn into dealers,...You can't be serious.
Quite the opposite. From what I see most dealers become users and users continue to use. Big-time dealers are usually those who have been in the game and actually make a BUSINESS out of it. But, why are you mentioning drug users when I mentioned dealers? The user is not relevent please stick to what has been posted.

What do you tell a person who has seen drugs and quick money since they were born? What do you tell a person who has been in and out of the system since he was 12 years old?

But people like you running around being successful and at the same time hating the government, are not going to make my job any easier.
My job is to make MY life easier. Good day.
Jul 10, 2002
Dirty Shoez said:
How is that so? Are you telling me that people like our friends Sixxness and JoMoDo, who admittedly do drugs, do not have self worth and value?

These people have all the self-worth and value in the world. They CHOOSE to do drugs and they CHOOSE to hate the government.

1st off, let’s keep my name out your mouth (or off the keyboard or whatever) unless it’s a direct conversation.

2nd try to find an instance where I have flat out and blatantly stated I ‘…hate the gov’t..’ as you so proclaim. Time after time you fail to understand it is not the gov’t which I detest, rather the officials within the system who dictate private interest over indigent public needs (and according to your perspective, one would think you would too)…

3rd I guess this’ll be something we’ll have to agree to disagree with, but Cannabis (aka HEMP, bud, ect.) are not DRUGS (like Meth, Coke, Ex, Acid, or any OTC or pharmaceutical heroin based prescription pill), especially in my book.. ( It’s an herbal gift from the almighty… Despite the crooked DEA (or accompanied FDA, ATF, ect.) classification as a schedule 1, however this is another thread.

I guess this is kinda the same way I consider dropping White PHOSPHORUS (element #15 on the periodic table) on a civilan population a gross human right violation and use of Chemicle weapon, despite the US gov’t dissenting ‘Official Position’

Hey I know, since the Dutch hasn’t sprayed the mid-East with Napalm, why don’t I go move to the Netherlands for a year, b/c Marijuana is legal there, I‘d be so much more knowledgeable… (stops and thinks), actually, not a bad idea, oops except for the fact that I’ve already visited there, and guess what, I’d rather live in SEATTLE, network with local musicians, coach JV baseball, enjoy the support of and giving back to my family and community, advocate the enforcement of international/domestic human rights, stay active and informed in local and federal politics, and develop a greater understanding of Real Estate (and other self-directed hustles).

Wait a minute, how can anyone do that without first living in a 3rd (or even 4th world country, which by the way are even ‘worse’ than my fictional prespective of unidentifiable 3rd word countries) for a 2-3 years….

Anyway, I hadn’t intended to spend so much time, ah well.

Oh yeah, Heresy… I know this was not specifically directed toward me, however it is intriguing…

Heresy said:
…you owe it to yourself, your history, your people, your family and community to touch ONE person.

Out of curiosity, does one’s own children count? (or is this question in lieu of or addition to…?)

Just saw this

Dirty Shoez said:
Good for them. Your example sounds like the typical "History major" angle. It and ones like it are worthless degrees unless you go on to Graduate school.
Ahh to be young and naive. Your Degree doesn’t ultimately dictate your professional field. I know religion majors who started out as a temp answering phones, and is now one of the top associates in a contracting firm. I know finance majors who’ve become DJ’s.

As I’m sure you’ll come to see, more often than not, it’s who you know not what you know, and what you’re willing to sacrifice….

And one more thing,

Tadou, do you know what gov’t system your ideals share… the Khmer Rouge, have the people move out to small towns and villages out of the city and teach children to have 100% faith in the gov’t. (there’s no plausible way for corruption there)

Imagine how much better it would be to just bow down to an omnipotent oppressive autocratic regime which only favor‘s the WEALTHY (see Chris Rocks definition of wealth)…

Afterall that’s what you’ll end up with if the people remain uniformed & uneducated, hence ’No Child Left Behind’ and Fox News!


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
Dirty Shoez said:
How is that so? Are you telling me that people like our friends Sixxness and JoMoDo, who admittedly do drugs, do not have self worth and value?

These people have all the self-worth and value in the world. They CHOOSE to do drugs and they CHOOSE to hate the government.

Like he already said, keep my name out of your mouth unless you're speaking/typing directly to me. My name isn't dick, so keep it out of your mouth... :dead: And you don't wreck any arguments except your own, you're just too blind to see it. I'd also like to say that I do NOT hate our government, I just strongly disagree with the way it's being lead, who is leading it, and the reasons they are leading it. I'm allowed to believe what I want, just as you are, but the difference is you DO NOT EVER show respect. So you won't get it back until you stop acting like a little hoe cake. Oh yeah, what happened to hittin me up on Yahoo? I still got the same screen name. Got somethin to say to/about me, say it to ME.
Jun 18, 2004
Dirty Shoez said:
It was said one month after you joined. Oops. Either way, your comment is meaningless. You might as well be sitting back chastising a Priest for trying to give Marriage/Relationship advice.
Is that right?...Oops, look what I found...

L Mac-a-docious said:

tadou said:
2) you're a fuckin weirdo, doing doggystyle and other crazy Porno shit.

If you dont like anti-Abortion mail, here's an idea: STOP FUCKING.

Wow...now everything comes clear...If doggystyle is weird and crazy, then I don't want to be anything else, cause I'm gonna hit it from the back, slap her ass, and videotape it at the same time. What, do you have a sheet with a hole in it waiting for the night you get married? And as for "STOP FUCKING" that sounds like someone who hasn't started yet.

Dirty Shoez said:
I am living this American Dream, friend. I am well within my means to speak on A.D. if there is some Middle-Class yuppie present telling me the AD doesn't exist.
What part of the American dream is living in Mexico?


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
Hey Tadou, weren't you also in AA because of a drinking problem/dui/mip (or some shit)? Now tell me how you justify talking about someone else's "drug problems/drug use"? You speak all this bullshit and point fingers...Well buddy, seems like you're the only one who has fingers pointed away from you-isn't that shocking? Not really, cause since you can't get anyone to suck your dick you must have to do it yourself.

And much applause to L-Mac for that question, "what part of the American dream is living in Mexico?"

Cause if you're a true blue American, you'd want to be in YOUR country and ONLY your country. And that American Dream you speak of is an illussion. It's a way that the gov't has brain washed people into comforming to their beliefs, because the ONLY way you can acheive the American Dream is by doing what the gov't tells you...Well, if you wanna be the gov't's bitch and get butt fucked by them all day, you go right ahead.