If you don't like America.....why don't you leave?

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Oct 28, 2005
I do both. That's why I type the way I do, employ the vocabulary that I employ, and use cool words like thus and verily.

People need to take that Anti-USA shit to a Non-USA board. That is the way I feel. Every time I see one of these threads, they might as well be saying "FUCK HIP-HOP" or "FUCK WASHINGTON STATE." I am simply not going to put up with it.
May 13, 2002
Tadou, why do you have such a problem with people who are progressive and want society to advance? Just because people are against the current government or capitalism does not make them Anti-Amerikan. Anti-US Government, but not necessarily anti-Amerikan.

What about African Amerikans and the civil rights movement? Should they have saved their money and left to Africa or stay in their own home and fight for change?

I know there are better places to live than America. The standard of living is much higher in several countries, but why should I leave my own home just because I oppose the government?
Oct 28, 2005
Now we are getting back to the subject. That being said, I point again to my original post.

I am not saying to leave forever (the centerpiece of my proposal). What I am saying is, maybe you would do better to check out a few different countries, preferrably, for a year or more each. See how easy they are to live in. See how you get treated. Talk to some people that have lived in these countries, and find out what THEY think about THEIR governments.

If you have student loans or something like this, of course it will be hard. But other than that, it is not a big deal. As 'Progressives' and "open-minded" people, I'm sure most of you know French or German or both, or any of several other languages. Right? So it wouldn't be shit for you to pick up and leave to any of a number of non-English speaking countries.

This isn't about fighting for change. This isn't about sticking it out, or not running away from a fight. This is about being a sheltered Liberal and a talking head, pointing your scrawny finger at other people for being closed-minded, instead of pointing 2 back at yourself.


Apr 25, 2002
Dirty Shoez said:
People need to take that Anti-USA shit to a Non-USA board. That is the way I feel. Every time I see one of these threads, they might as well be saying "FUCK HIP-HOP" or "FUCK WASHINGTON STATE." I am simply not going to put up with it.
Why should people take Anti-USA shit to a Non-Usa board? As you can see not everyone here supports the usa so what is the point of creating a robotic forum? This is the gathering of minds forums and I understand you have opinions, but I welcome the diversity and different views. I believe in God, but you will never see me getting butt hurt over an athiest or anti god thread.

If someone says fuck hip hop or fuck washington state what does it matter? It won't change anything. Someone can tell me fuck the bay area all day long and I'll simply laugh and give them more ammo to keep doing it. Will the state of seattle defend YOU if someoen said "fuck tadou"?


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
Dirty Shoez said:
BTW, if you're going to call someone, of all things, ignorant, try not to say "YOUR IGNORANT"; say You're instead.

Then you should try spelling ignorant right.

Dirty Shoez said:
other ignroant shit.
That's from your first post. And I didn't see you reply to my answer to your question.
Oct 28, 2005

This is a good point. But still, it cannot come to pass.

Hip-Hop is a Black artform. We can argue this until we are blue in the faces, but regadless of any White/Latino contributions...it just is. And what the Black community needs right now, is Social Conservatism. Drop all the politics and war and economics and all this other shit. Social Conservatism. We need strong families; intelligent, college-educated parents; and bright young Black children that are ready to take on the world. We need less abortions and pre-marital sex, and more parental involvement and personal integrity.

The last thing we need is a generation of kids who feel alienated and hate the government, and as a result, don't even bother filing FAFSA's or considering college, and are content to spend all their money at the club, fornicating, having all kinds of sex in crazy porno positions (ahem). This is why Anti-USA [government] stuff gets on my nerves. Because the end result is that less Black (and other Poor) people move ahead in society, because they lack the initiative to sift through the spin and find the intellectuality. They just go with the general perception and leave it at that.

Being a poor person and a Black...I believe I have just cause to do what I do. I am working towards a bachelors right now, which inshallah will lead to a Master's in Teaching and a job as a teacher in a minority school district (Tacoma or Seattle). So time will tell if i'm full of shit or really about what I'm saying.
Oct 28, 2005
Sixxness said:
Then you should try spelling ignorant right.
And the correct spelling of ignorant is.....?

That's from your first post. And I didn't see you reply to my answer to your question.
I can answer the question. When you leave, you are running away from a problem that you perceive to be a threat. If you stay and try to change what you believe is wrong that builds character.
Don't twist my shit around to mean "IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, THEN LEAVE!" or other ignroant shit. Don't whine that "This is my country too!" shit.
Stop wasting my time.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
Oh shut the fuck up. You spelled it wrong, and got called on it when you probably forgot. Now go back to whatever is it you do in Mexico besides get on here cause you ain't got shit to do.

Just in case you need me to point it out....You spelled "IGNORANT" as "ignroant." And why don't you stop wasting everyone else's time by being a true republican and twisting shit around so that you don't have to actually reply to people's responses. You won't let the conversation advance to anything but what you want it to be, again acting like a fucking republican, let go man, you can't control everything, things will still be okay.
Jul 10, 2002
Dirty Shoez said:
Friend, U Mad right now. That is just the way it is. Your stint here as a 2-0/ColdBlooded tagger-on is over. You are the weakest link and I am going to target you every time. That's gotta piss you off.
The way what is, your boring jibberish about how amazing you think you are? My opinions are formulated on their own, independent of other Siccness members. Some members share similar points of view, others are conflicting.

I’ve never had an e-stalker before. You’ll know if it pizz’s , me off. Right now, I think your lil’ boy crush is kinda cute, and I’m flattered with your obsession (it’s kinda gay on your behald, but still cute nonetheless lil’ guy)

Dirty Shoez said:
Don't even waste my time with your "lack common sense", "book smart" shit. You are jealous that I am brilliant and you are not; and you would do or say literally anything to change that perception. But verily, you cannot. You are incapable of doing so. It cannot be done by you. Such a proposition, yourself thus employed in the persuit thereof, will not come to fruition. I'm running out of ways to say it.
I’ve never denied you’RE education, you just don’t know how things in urban cities work (especially not in America). Your big city life experience is summed up as a foreign exchange STUDENT for a semester (maybe two). Your ideals (social and political) have been inculcated due to your backwood existence.

Dirty Shoez said:
BTW, if you're going to call someone, of all things, ignorant, try not to say "YOUR IGNORANT"; say You're instead. And before you try to come back with some Spell-check retort again, make sure you note the added irony of the word ignorant; that you would ignore something so elementary in your overzealous attempt to insult me.
That’s a good point and it is ironic. I’ll keep it in mind. You shouldn’t start a sentence with a conjunction either, it’s okay with me though. Wow, what a coincidence of how you ignored this general rule (go ahead and give a reason about how this is an exception). Keep in mind this is a msg. board and I almost never spell or grammar check let alone proof read my ideas on an internet msg. board. (This is b/c I already graduated college with my degree, so if I ain’t getting’ paid it’s not really worth my time to proofread). Also, there’s little zeal in my truth, if you’RE insulted, guess that’s your problem huh…

Dirty Shoez said:
Originally Posted by Dirty Shoez
What i said was the truth. You're running around yelling about the Geneva Conventions, and you haven't even read the shit before. You're a faker.
Aricle 3, part 1 of the 4th Geneva Convention ‘Persons taking no active part in the hostilities, including POWs; shall in all circumstances be treated humanely. ‘

The use of White Phosphorus on sleeping women and children sure constitutes inhumane traetment in my book.

Dirty Shoez said:
"are you refering to my Ukrainian wife (who can fluently pick up a language in less than a year, Hebrew, Japanese, English, Russian, Polish, & Ukrainian)"

1 year for a foreign language is suddenly, friend. I have already touched on the reasons why. Why you would repeat back what i said so i could make you look like a complete jackass, I'm not sure either of us are really sure.
You’ve been wathing your O’reilly Factor online huh, gettin’ to be good at this spin thing (as most non-sense conservative Right-wingers are)

Dirty Shoez said:
One would have to be an idiot to study languages from 3 different families at the same time, just so they could get E-props from a nobody.
I never indicated you should study different family languages. I was just pointing out that you’re study of French, Spainish, and Latin isn’t that extraordinary. For a western linguist, its actually quite fundamental.

Dirty Shoez said:
You do realize that you're talking like a female right now, right? Men aren't supposed to be closed up and whiny.
Blah blah blah…

Dirty Shoez said:
"you don't know me!!!" bullshit and then start crying and run to our room and bury our face in our pillow. It doesn't work like that.
Ha ha, you’re kinda funny, that’s a good one.

Dirty Shoez said:
Yes. And toothbrushes too. If the toothbrushes are fucked up, then you absolutely must be in a 3rd world country.

I would wonder if you wouldn't mind enlightening us all, sir, about what exactly does and doesn't make a country 3rd world, since you seem to think this shit is all common sense.
Would you like the original definition that stemmed from the cold war, or the contemporary use which often refers to developing countries w/o much industrial influence, struggling economies, high level’s of poverty and even higher birth rates.
There’s parts of this country which emulate 3rd world standards. Go stroll through the Cabrini Green’s, go play baseball at HP in Frisco, try scroin’ some fire (actually bammer) in Uptown New Orleans calliopes, take a stroll through Spanish Harlem, too wild, come hoop at Pratt park or down at the Vista here in seattle. Too urban for you check out Shreveport, LA or any small town in the South. Shoot, with all the WT/TT out in Aberdeen same thang…

Dirty Shoez said:
No, not grammar; attitude. You ramble on like an ass, trying to insult me, and then you fuck up trying to use impressive words instead of more common ones. That was your bad.

Spell check wouldn't have found that error anyways. Genius.
Very nominal and booooooooooring…..

Dirty Shoez said:
Again, refer to a few paragraphs upward; and also, my first post and the rules I clearly outlined.
Again, go read my second post in this thread, check my Immortal Technique quote ‘I love the place I live, but I hate the people in charge!’

Dirty Shoez said:
Friend, I could really care less. If I'm a "junkie", then I'm a junkie with a 3.8 GPA that seldom misses class. If you want to construct some kind of grand story where I do drugs the rest of the 19 hours a day I'm not in school, then go right ahead.
I ain’t constructed no life story of yours, it doesn’t really interest me.

Dirty Shoez said:
I'm wrecking you in this debate; and i would wreck you in about any classroom, any subject; so why you're choosing to emphasize this...I have no clue.
No you’re not, and no you wouldn’t…

Dirty Shoez said:
Something like that, nigga. Jealous you can't use the word, or what?
What’s there to be jealous of? You prolly ain’t got no kinfolx you can talk like that in real life, so why not use it in an online msg. board with a white guy?

Dirty Shoez said:
I don't need advice from your kind. You're a sycophant and i don't fuck with people like you.
Appearantly from your stalker comment and the discussion thus far, you obviously do fcuk wit people like me.

If I’m thus ’sycophant’ which you allegedly claim, who’s a$$ am I kissin’?

Dirty Shoez said:
See above.

You're on that man's junk more than just on a friendly level, sport.

You're the only one i've knocked heads with; and you're a nobody. You're a flyer-passer, a roadie, a future hype-man. You're nothing in the grand scheme of things. You're the guy that shoots up his workplace then one's himself because he has nothing to lose.
Again, you OBVIOUSLY know NOTHING about me…
p.s. if you want, I’ll have Crytical personally sign a poster for you to hang on you’re wall!


P.s. If you wanna keep goin’ back and forth fine, I’m bound to get tired eventually. You’ve yet to answer any questions I’ve asked.

If you want a topic sentence followed up by supporting facts from your clearly stated question/proposal, you ain’t getting’ nothing’ from me (although it appearant you yearn for my insight)… you’ll have to infer what you can from my second post in this thread.

In other words, for now, I ain’t goin’ nowhere, and I’ll keep stridin’ down the path I choose to take my life…

Oh yeah, and one more thing, exposing facts about The USA, (and gov't policies and agendas) is not anti-US anything. Rather, merely adding insight that you won't find on syndicated TV from emmbedded journalists with corporate interests...
Oct 28, 2005
Are we having a problem here, friend Ryan? Let it be known.

Sixxness said:
Oh shut the fuck up. You spelled it wrong, and got called on it when you probably forgot. Now go back to whatever is it you do in Mexico besides get on here cause you ain't got shit to do.

Just in case you need me to point it out....You spelled "IGNORANT" as "ignroant."
Friend, I didn't even notice. I was wondering what the fuck you were talking about. I've said the world multiple times in this thread, and spelled it wrong only once.

"If you can't tell I hate Bush and his cronies and puppetmasters who yank his strings, but your a puppet too" -- JoMoDo.

"Since your a BITCH" -- JoMoDo.

"your ignorant beyond words... " -- JoMoDo.

Not really the same thing.

why don't you stop wasting everyone else's time by being a true republican and twisting shit around so that you don't have to actually reply to people's responses. You won't let the conversation advance to anything but what you want it to be, again acting like a fucking republican, let go man, you can't control everything, things will still be okay.
Heh. Yeah!! Stupid Republican NBA Referees, never letting the players travel or spend 15+ seconds in the key!!!

I framed this debate the way i did for a reason: because I didn't want bullshit answers. if you hate the US government, you owe it to yourself (and to everyone within range of your bitching) to go and live within the government of other countries so you can have a measuring stick other than the propagandistic right-wing dominated press or Liberal blogs. (Damn, that sounded awfully progressive of me.)
Oct 28, 2005
So now our friend JoMoDo DOES want an Exchange? Let us see where this goes then.

JoMoDo said:
The way what is, your boring jibberish about how amazing you think you are? My opinions are formulated on their own, independent of other Siccness members. Some members share similar points of view, others are conflicting.
Sounds like something a hanger-on would say. Heh.

I’ve never had an e-stalker before. You’ll know if it pizz’s , me off. Right now, I think your lil’ boy crush is kinda cute, and I’m flattered with your obsession (it’s kinda gay on your behald, but still cute nonetheless lil’ guy)
Just in this forum, sport. Even though you said some hilarious shit in the NW forum ("Tight track! And holler at me if you want to collab with Crytical!" or some such nonsense), I'll let it go so I can focus on what is important: marginalizing duplicates of inferior quality.

I’ve never denied you’RE education, you just don’t know how things in urban cities work (especially not in America). Your big city life experience is summed up as a foreign exchange STUDENT for a semester (maybe two). Your ideals (social and political) have been inculcated due to your backwood existence.
First of all...inculcated? wtf? On my grandmother's grave, I am looking that word up right now because I have no idea what it means. (....) Ahhh, I see.

Yes, friend. You are from the Big City so you are infinitely smarter than I am. Nevermind the fact you undoubtedly know about as much about the sum of 100 people as I know about 10 people (thus resulting in more familiar, intimate relationships)--you MUST know more than I do about American culture.

This much is a fact. Not just a fact, but a requirement. Anything less would be an admission that Big Cities aren't the greatest places on earth, and that Small Cities are home to ignorant bumpkins. Nooooo, no way possible. Every single person to ever live in a big city has his or her own certificate in Street Smarts, Common Sense and Good Ideas. Everyone else is simply an overbearing, impractical, naive zealot.

That’s a good point and it is ironic. I’ll keep it in mind. You shouldn’t start a sentence with a conjunction either, it’s okay with me though. Wow, what a coincidence of how you ignored this general rule (go ahead and give a reason about how this is an exception). Keep in mind this is a msg. board and I almost never spell or grammar check let alone proof read my ideas on an internet msg. board. (This is b/c I already graduated college with my degree, so if I ain’t getting’ paid it’s not really worth my time to proofread). Also, there’s little zeal in my truth, if you’RE insulted, guess that’s your problem huh…
Something along those lines.

I could read you some classic literature with sentences that start with conjunctions; I cannot do the same for brilliant authors that say your instead of you're. But hey, the Grammar Nazi game continues. 1 point all.

Aricle 3, part 1 of the 4th Geneva Convention ‘Persons taking no active part in the hostilities, including POWs; shall in all circumstances be treated humanely. ‘

The use of White Phosphorus on sleeping women and children sure constitutes inhumane traetment in my book.
Quick question. Were you actually IN Fallujah to make sure that the insurgents weren't 'encouraging' people (under penalty of death) to stick around? .....Just wondering.

You know, when people strap bombs around themselves and blow up a dozen of their own people just to kill one soldier, you cannot put things like these past them. People who hide in mosques could easily have forced civilians to stay in the town so after their inevitable defeat, 'journalists' could come in afterwards and 'discover' 'innocent' 'women and children' that were 'murdered' 'by' the 'US military'. Come on now, fiend. The War on Terror is just as much militaristic as it is a battle of the minds.

You’ve been wathing your O’reilly Factor online huh, gettin’ to be good at this spin thing (as most non-sense conservative Right-wingers are)
Nevermind the fact you can't point out where I spun.......Yes. Because you said something funny that linked me to O'Reilly, you must be right.

You wasted my time rudely asking me 'who said suddenly?' instead of continuing the exchange, and it is your own fault you got smacked down. Deal with it.

I never indicated you should study different family languages. I was just pointing out that you’re study of French, Spainish, and Latin isn’t that extraordinary. For a western linguist, its actually quite fundamental.
Friend, who's spinning now? You say "Western Linguist" hoping to evoke images of Europeans who, by necessity, learn foreign languages; and you completely ignore the fact that the average American doesn't need to learn shit besides English.

Rest assured, sport. The other languages will come later. Swahili and Arabic are on the agenda, and it will please you to know the one is Niger-Congo and the other Semitic.

Blah blah blah…
Friend, what i said was true.

The only other person i know who has yelled that "You don't know me" shit online was a female. She said some bullshit about "i lived in poverty", and I asked her to explain, and she refused. She closed up and started whining, like you are doing right now.

Ha ha, you’re kinda funny, that’s a good one.
I am devastating.

Would you like the original definition that stemmed from the cold war, or the contemporary use which often refers to developing countries w/o much industrial influence, struggling economies, high level’s of poverty and even higher birth rates.
There’s parts of this country which emulate 3rd world standards. Go stroll through the Cabrini Green’s, go play baseball at HP in Frisco, try scroin’ some fire (actually bammer) in Uptown New Orleans calliopes, take a stroll through Spanish Harlem, too wild, come hoop at Pratt park or down at the Vista here in seattle. Too urban for you check out Shreveport, LA or any small town in the South. Shoot, with all the WT/TT out in Aberdeen same thang…
Uh.....ok then. You still didn't explain anything, you just pointed out some parks and neighborhoods.

What ABOUT them?

Very nominal and booooooooooring…..
From what i can demise: yes, it is.

Again, go read my second post in this thread, check my Immortal Technique quote ‘I love the place I live, but I hate the people in charge!’
Refer to what I said to everybody's friend Ryan, champion of champions.

This thread isn't about fixing America. This thread is about having absolutely no government to compare America's to, other than what you've read in books and seen on TV.

I ain’t constructed no life story of yours, it doesn’t really interest me.
"Once a junkie, always a junkie" -- You said this purely to hate. You wanted to cause pain. Beyond that, you want(ed) people to start viewing me as a drug addict and someone who cannot resist drugs. This is very unbecoming of you to bring up my past like that and try to hold it over my head.

Then you have the nerve to call ME a "little" man. That wasn't very big of you, sir.

No you’re not, and no you wouldn’t…
Sure I am, and sure i would. (Actually checks what he said) ...... Yes I am, and Yes i would. You are no match. The only reason you aren't acknowledging this is because you have never seen me in live action. Trust me--you would punch me in the face long before you would suffer yourself to be defeated. I would be literally destroying you up until the point of impact.

What’s there to be jealous of? You prolly ain’t got no kinfolx you can talk like that in real life, so why not use it in an online msg. board with a white guy?
Exactly that! I can always change who my 'kinfolx' are and how many times a day i use the word, but you'll always be white and never be able to use the word.

Hell, I'd be jealous of me too.

Appearantly from your stalker comment and the discussion thus far, you obviously do fcuk wit people like me.

If I’m thus ’sycophant’ which you allegedly claim, who’s a$$ am I kissin’?
Who's ass don't you kiss, champ?

Again, you OBVIOUSLY know NOTHING about me…

p.s. if you want, I’ll have Crytical personally sign a poster for you to hang on you’re wall!

Send it to your pal Sixxness. I'm sure he'd mark out.

P.s. If you wanna keep goin’ back and forth fine, I’m bound to get tired eventually. You’ve yet to answer any questions I’ve asked.

If you want a topic sentence followed up by supporting facts from your clearly stated question/proposal, you ain’t getting’ nothing’ from me (although it appearant you yearn for my insight)… you’ll have to infer what you can from my second post in this thread.

In other words, for now, I ain’t goin’ nowhere, and I’ll keep stridin’ down the path I choose to take my life…

Oh yeah, and one more thing, exposing facts about The USA, (and gov't policies and agendas) is not anti-US anything. Rather, merely adding insight that you won't find on syndicated TV from emmbedded journalists with corporate interests...
'Blah blah blah.'

'exposing facts' rings hollow coming from someone with zero World experience. If anyone needs perspective, it's you. You ought to move out of the country for a year or two so that you might fully appreciate what the United States really is.


Apr 25, 2002
Hip-Hop is a Black artform.
It started out that way, but now its influenced by many things.

We can argue this until we are blue in the faces, but regadless of any White/Latino contributions...it just is.
You have no arguement here.

And what the Black community needs right now, is Social Conservatism.
What is your definition of social conservatism?

Drop all the politics and war and economics and all this other shit.
Please clarify your statement. Are you referring to politics within the black community (like the crooked naacp), war within the black community (black on black violence) and black economics within the community (gold teeth instead of investing in gold)?

Do you mean blacks should not partake in AMERICAN politics, war, and economics?

Social Conservatism. We need strong families; intelligent, college-educated parents; and bright young Black children that are ready to take on the world. We need less abortions and pre-marital sex, and more parental involvement and personal integrity.
If this is your definition of social conservatism I have no problem with it and endorse it 100%

The last thing we need is a generation of kids who feel alienated and hate the government
I disagree. The last thing we need is a generation of kids who feel alienated and hatred towards their culture, familiy and community. I see no problem in hating a country IF you have a logical reason for doing so.

and as a result, don't even bother filing FAFSA's or considering college, and are content to spend all their money at the club, fornicating, having all kinds of sex in crazy porno positions (ahem).
Have you pondered the possibility of some of these people having a mental illness? Niggerism? Who is promoting the "party" image? Who is promoting the "hoe" image? These issues have NOTHING to do with liking or disliking this country UNLESS you make the claim that this country PROMOTES destructive behavior.

This is why Anti-USA [government] stuff gets on my nerves. Because the end result is that less Black (and other Poor) people move ahead in society, because they lack the initiative to sift through the spin and find the intellectuality. They just go with the general perception and leave it at that.
I'm "black" and I have EXTREME "anti-usa" views. My views have not hindered my learning process or ability to prosper. I don't believe black youth detest the american government. IMHO the majority of black youth know nothing about the government.

Being a poor person and a Black...I believe I have just cause to do what I do. I am working towards a bachelors right now, which inshallah will lead to a Master's in Teaching and a job as a teacher in a minority school district (Tacoma or Seattle). So time will tell if i'm full of shit or really about what I'm saying.
Black students need more teachers who can relate to them. I take my hat off to you.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
Dirty Shoez said:
Are we having a problem here, friend Ryan? Let it be known.

Friend, I didn't even notice. I was wondering what the fuck you were talking about. I've said the world multiple times in this thread, and spelled it wrong only once.

"If you can't tell I hate Bush and his cronies and puppetmasters who yank his strings, but your a puppet too" -- JoMoDo.

"Since your a BITCH" -- JoMoDo.

"your ignorant beyond words... " -- JoMoDo.

Not really the same thing.

Heh. Yeah!! Stupid Republican NBA Referees, never letting the players travel or spend 15+ seconds in the key!!!

I framed this debate the way i did for a reason: because I didn't want bullshit answers. if you hate the US government, you owe it to yourself (and to everyone within range of your bitching) to go and live within the government of other countries so you can have a measuring stick other than the propagandistic right-wing dominated press or Liberal blogs. (Damn, that sounded awfully progressive of me.)

No problem, I thought you were trying to be a smart ass and mock me. My bad. And it doesn't really matter how many times he spelled it wrong, you originally pointed out one, until I brought to your attention your incorrect spelling and then since you did it one time and he did it more than once that makes it okay for you to talk shit to him...Right guy, whatever works, I'm not stressin over it.

And you framed the debate so that you could argue with people until you got them to give you the answers you wanted to hear. But that's just my opinion.
Feb 9, 2003
2-0-Sixx said:
What about African Amerikans and the civil rights movement? Should they have saved their money and left to Africa or stay in their own home and fight for change?
Change your sig from a Malcolm X to an MLK one and you'll have a point. Malcolm X was a huge proponent of segregation. He's views and those of his father were greatly influenced by Garvey.
Oct 28, 2005
HERESY said:
It started out that way, but now its influenced by many things.
It was and is a Black artform, regardless of influences. This much is not open to debate.

You have no arguement here.
So much of a non-argument that you can't even point out a single reason why.

What is your definition of social conservatism?
You don't need one. If you can't synthesize all the elaborations I already provided, then there is nothing more I can tell you.

Please clarify your statement. Are you referring to politics within the black community (like the crooked naacp), war within the black community (black on black violence) and black economics within the community (gold teeth instead of investing in gold)?

Do you mean blacks should not partake in AMERICAN politics, war, and economics?
The reason i said "drop all the war and politics" is because the second I say "The Black community needs Conservatism", there will be some mealy-mouthed middle-class dread-sporting fuckboy, screaming some shit about "HALLIBURTON DICK CHENEY BLOOD FOR OIL! REPUBLICANS = CONSERVATISM = WAR = DEATH = BAD!"

As a result, it is now a REQUIREMENT that when discussing Conservatism and the Black Community, you must make it EXPLICITLY CLEAR that you are not talking about foreign policy, economics (per se), et al. The focus must be on the Social side.

If this is your definition of social conservatism I have no problem with it and endorse it 100%
Thank you sir.

I disagree. The last thing we need is a generation of kids who feel alienated and hatred towards their culture, familiy and community. I see no problem in hating a country IF you have a logical reason for doing so.
If the Federal Government were not the main enabling body as far as Public Education goes, I would tend to agree with you. But seeing as though it is, i cannot.

Don't hate the country and don't hate the politicians for no reason. Just like you don't go to burger king one day and the price of everything has doubled or been sliced in half--so the country doesn't change with a wave of the hand. Progress for ONE PERSON takes time. Progress for an individual CITY can take YEARS. It is not logical to expect your country to change at the drop of a hat.

Have you pondered the possibility of some of these people having a mental illness? Niggerism? Who is promoting the "party" image? Who is promoting the "hoe" image? These issues have NOTHING to do with liking or disliking this country UNLESS you make the claim that this country PROMOTES destructive behavior.
Again, I might be able to agree with this if it wasn't such a Catch 22 situation. The more someone is out sleeping around, taking drugs, etc, the more likely they are to hate the government. (I say that without a survey-in-hand, but to me, it makes perfect sense and I hope it will to you as well.)

When i was young, I wasn't really about shit. The only person I believed in was Mom (awwww). And Mom believed in the system. A decade later, I've now gotten further in college than anyone in the history of my family and I have her belief in the system to thank for that.

I'm "black" and I have EXTREME "anti-usa" views. My views have not hindered my learning process or ability to prosper. I don't believe black youth detest the american government. IMHO the majority of black youth know nothing about the government.
Yet if you asked most of them if they supported the federal government or thought it was doing a good job....we both know what the returns would be. Not good.

What the people DON'T know about, is state and city government. And because of this, they are likely to blame everything on the Top Doggs. The problem is, while they're busy blaming people that are essentially out of touch--they don't even know the names of the Mayors and Senators and Governors THAT CAN PUT THEM IN TOUCH with those same Top Doggs.

As for your own situation...that is excellent. But if you would allow me to tell a story real quick: -- There was a man on another board a few months back that posted something to the effect of: "IF YOU FILE A FAFSA, YOU'LL BE REGISTERED FOR THE DRAFT!" -- I'm sure you already know what the problem here is. If me and a few others hadn't been around to correct this jackass, who knows the damage it could have caused. Even causing ONE PERSON to re-think filing a FAFSA would have been an egregious affront.--

So that for me is the basic situation. If you hate the government, you will be less likely to check out Community Colleges and things like these, because going to college is almost synonymous with trusting the Government to create and deliver you a job upon graduation. Just the way it goes.

Black students need more teachers who can relate to them. I take my hat off to you.
It is a serious goal of mine. I wouldn't be shit right now without my hard-working teachers from K-12. I was blessed, and I want to return the favor, even if it doesn't end up being what i do for the rest of my life.
Oct 28, 2005
Sixxness said:
No problem, I thought you were trying to be a smart ass and mock me. My bad. And it doesn't really matter how many times he spelled it wrong, you originally pointed out one, until I brought to your attention your incorrect spelling and then since you did it one time and he did it more than once that makes it okay for you to talk shit to him...Right guy, whatever works, I'm not stressin over it.
Something along those lines.

Friend, I spelled ignorant wrong in the context of developing a premise for a debate. This man said "YOUR IGNORANT" in the context of trying to insult me by calling me stupid. If you cannot see the difference there, then I don't know what to tell you.

And you framed the debate so that you could argue with people until you got them to give you the answers you wanted to hear. But that's just my opinion.
The only answers I 'wanted' (so to speak) to hear were, 1) countries people had in mind, and 2) means by which they would put their plans into action.

Instead we have a bunch of people pissing and moaning. Hell, i'll sit here and tell you right now: I wouldn't mind living in England, France and Egypt for 2-3 years each. The fuck is so hard to admit about that?

Here i am, someone who LOVES America and BELIEVES in the American dream....WANTING to leave my country for almost 10 years. You mean to tell me people who DISLIKE America and believe the American Dream is a crock of shit SHOULDN'T be the ones wanting to spend 10 and 15 years outside, instead of ME?

Don't give me that "running away from a fight" shit.
Don't give me that "this is my country too!" shit.
Don't give me that "my people are FROM HERE, unlike you fucking gringos" shit.

Give me an honest answer as to why you won't leave America for more than a week or two to go on some bitch-made tour where you spend the whole time drinking and trying to get laid.

@Shit on your tadous,
I am actually headed to france to teach english sometime in the near future - once i get my proficiency to a decent level.
Es'que tu entendre l'idiome de França? Tres bien!

I'm going to resume my French studies in 2006, along with Spanish. It is going to be a fun year.