i got a question for you hiphop white people...

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Super Moderator
Apr 25, 2002
the thing about you dutch,you cool and have no problem with the skin your in.you put out a cd called "crazy white boys" and took a stand when the white rappers show made white rappers look like fools.i listen to a few white rappers and your of them based on the fact that you keep it real....and you really can rap.....im no where near racist so i dont want nobody thinking that about me,foreal.this was just a question i wanted to ask because the situation i was in.

you all good with me bro. im just wondering how the outside worlds looks at me. not that i give 2 shits, but none the less tommy james for president? hahahahah
Mar 18, 2006
id keep dude around for a personal lawyer, ya know?
lol...he was just a fool i started talkin to at work and he was talkin about the music he listen to and i was feeling his music choice so we had a cool ass conversation goin then he asked me if i smoke bud and it was a wrap from there.but the way he fliped on me in the car was a trip.like mark 7 said he played it smart but i wasnt expecting it.i was like "oooh shit the police behind us!" i dont know about yall but if im in a car full of weed smoke and get pulled over im automatily thinking "here we go again,im going to jail tonight".he turned the radio to a rock station and went corporate and the police let us go! so now im thinking "this fool is a wanna be and hell turn white real quick if a situation went down i feel sorry for any black friends he have".kinda reminds of the Justin timberlake/Janet Jackson situation.


Sicc OG
Sep 15, 2002
i dont switch up shit jus chill back confident not even trippin dont giv a fuck im all good n my mind even if i gotta quarter ah sum work n my underwear
Mar 18, 2006
its all good yall,i just wanted to ask a question thats all.the ones that came at me sideways are the ones that got offended and feel guilty about something...

edit: i got something on the line im going to see if it bites the hook tomorrow...lol....if you are my myspace friend be prepared to fall out laughing,this is going to be good......
Dec 25, 2003
i swear on everything i love the story i told is 100% true and it happened to me.
If cluckin like a chicken gets you off, then id be Foster Farms on that little whiteboy ass cop

Who gives a fuck how or why he got out of the situation?

I know hella whiteboys that just got pulled over for some minor shit and got DUIs and cars impounded, arrested, etc...

My cousin is doin 4 years right now cause probation violation - he had a shotgun on him. They pulled him over for no license plate lights.

My other homie just got off 3 possession charges cause they performed an illegal search

You swear like the police are like nah man hes white keep goin buddy!

I think what it is is - you have this preconceived notion, you find a situation that fits it, and you go look, look at that!

I'd do whatever it takes to get out of a situation like that. If the officer likes football, ima talk football. If he look like a square, ima talk like a square.


Master of Debauchery
Aug 18, 2003
Off the Grid
If cluckin like a chicken gets you off, then id be Foster Farms on that little whiteboy ass cop

Who gives a fuck how or why he got out of the situation?

I know hella whiteboys that just got pulled over for some minor shit and got DUIs and cars impounded, arrested, etc...

My cousin is doin 4 years right now cause probation violation - he had a shotgun on him. They pulled him over for no license plate lights.

My other homie just got off 3 possession charges cause they performed an illegal search

You swear like the police are like nah man hes white keep goin buddy!

I think what it is is - you have this preconceived notion, you find a situation that fits it, and you go look, look at that!

I'd do whatever it takes to get out of a situation like that. If the officer likes football, ima talk football. If he look like a square, ima talk like a square.
^^^^ Agree


Narcotic... Strange...
Apr 26, 2006
Well, I'm from Germany and here it is more about how you dress, what kinda car you drive and shit. My best homie always got pulled over when he was drivin this old ass piece of shit car, but after he bought a nicer car, they stopped fuckin with him. They normally don't harrass you based on your skin color...Well, maybe in Eastern Germany, but they pretty much hate everybody who is not from the East lol
And I switch up the way I talk from talkin to my homies to talkin to colleagues or my parents, lol. But its just a slang I grew up with. Not a black thing...
Here in finland its also about what kind of car you drive and how do your dress and shit. and to the thread starter, i can imagine how you felt when the cops pulled you over and you were high as fuck, being sure you get caught. Happened me one time also, expect they did that quick drug test to me, and i was just smoked 30 minutes ago some good bud. But it didnt show anything, which im very greatful and fucking lucky.
Oct 21, 2002
im white come from a so called slum enviroment my children a re mixed i love rap music and do rap music from time to time and ive been pulled over with a car fulla black folks "my buddys" at the time and they were shook as fuck in the car we did get pulled over for no reason though i was drivin the cop looked over flipped a bitch i pulled over and them dudes were so thug a minute ago looked as if thewy were gonna cry lol ill keep the names out to protect the hardcore image lol
Mar 4, 2007
hah, it has to do with the person, but yeah, white people do usually use their skin color to their advantage..

my cousin, this bitch, we get pulled over, but only cause she sped up to 32ish on a 25, and she was being safe since she was high as hell, but he caught her right as she sped up to get infront of another person cause the lanes were merging..

but yeah, so this bitch she turns on classical music(she sometimes makes us listen to this at parties so it ain't that fake lol) and she searches in her golve compartment for her glasses, puts them on, zips up her jacket so its all the way up to her chin, and she's pulled over kinda shitty cause of the cars on the street and pokes her head out the window sayin "uhhh umm should i move up or this good?" in this nerdy ass voice...lol

she doesn't have her license cause she lost it when she went to germany, haha its been almost a year now and she hasn't gotten a new one, so he asks for it she says "oh uuuh" and searches all frantically when lookin for her purse...cause her cars a huge ol' goddamn mess... and she goes "ooh goodness, i can't find it, oh no, i just changed purses, oh gosh......does my student id work?" hahahahha

of course he didn't give a fuck lol, he even goes "well, ya know, shit happens, its ok, just be careful this late" hahah..
well i guess we got the positive of being female and young, so cops always have sympathy for that shit...hah

but yeah, i see how unfair it is.....but then again, it all has to do with the personal discriminations of each cop...some cops don't like good lookin females, cause maybe their wife left em for another female, maybe he don't like gay guys cause he's on some machismo shit, it all depends..
but yeah....
i've never gotten pulled over, but i don't try to act hard anyways..never have and never will, always been friendly and caring..

Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
look, id rather a whiteboy get proper and shit all the sudden and get up out a charge real quick, then get all zack de la rocha on me with that bullshit whiteboy hippy revolutionary crap, shit almost got my ass kicked by some cops cuz this mutha fucka couldnt stop screaming injustice for 10 seconds

cuz look, a cop stop me im not gonna be like "WHUTCHOO STOPPIN ME FO PO PO" imma get proper too..watch how quick my fitted cap comes off...i got all types of shit in my car that can lock my ass up and whatever i can do to keep a cops nose out my biz is good.

the point is to evade getting arrested. if your homies whiteness aided in you not getting shaken down by a cop, i think thats good.

but in all fairness, let me say this: every white friend i have had (jews dont count) has SOONER OR LATER made a really, really, poor error in judgement with a racial comment or situation that has pretty much ended our friendship.

its a similar story every time. the drunken reminiscent conversation in which he pits you (the good black guy) against the evil negros that attacked his sister and gave him the lazy eye.

i was reading a book and two white kids asked me for weed because "when was the last time you seen a black guy reading a book in the park" what type of shit is that?

thats why i dont have close white friends prolly, that type of thing always comes out. ive got jewish friends, but for some reason they seem to have been exempt so far.

and dont get me wrong im not against having white friends now. im just really wary that the same thing that has happened with every single caucasian friend i have ever had in 28 years, will happen again. cant blame me, right?

i guess i try to let any caucasian friends (the ones on speaking terms and not kick it terms) i have now, know that i dont necessarily hold all that against them.

Stalka All Day

Yeezy Taught Me
Jun 28, 2007
oh my god i hella hate when people bust out with, "the cops came and homie turned all proper".......when i was younger and i tried to be a smart ass with cops all that shit did was make them be extra assholes....when u act polite they usually are polite back....either way it never hurts cuz later on they just use you trynna act all hard against you....id rather act like a punk in front of the cops and be chilling at my HOUSE later on then be like i was super gangster and be locked up...dumbasses...and 95 percent of you fuckers aint that hard...the fuck outta here with that shit!
Apr 18, 2007
would you have argued that when rollin in a tacked out whip with the boys pulling you over that it actually would have been IN ANY WAY, beneficial to your situation to leave rap music on loudly and and to not try and sound as sober and square as possible????
im a paranoid motherfucker when it comes to cops, and have had quite a few bad run-ins with them as a brainless teenager, because of one of those situations i will have back problems for the rest of my life.
you better believe that if im getting pulled over, the roach is goin out the window, the hats comin OFF, the radio is going OFF, and im gonna go out of my way NOT to say any slang words of any kind, matter of fact ima start talking like im a god damn lawyer or something.....
anybody that doesn't do the same must have never really done shit to ever get fucked with by the cops for, or they like metal bracelets and concrete pillows.
Oct 30, 2002
my whole thing is i try to go about my business with as lil or no police interaction. never speed or play my music to loud or hit corners like gta.... and when i do get pulled over its yes and no answers. i try not explain myself unless asked and usually im held for 5 mi-10 min and im on my way..why say too much?
Mar 18, 2006
i never said he should have kept it gangsta it cussed the police out or nothing like that.what im sayin is the way he flip was like he used his skin color to his advantage and from the way the police acted he did that more than once.it seemed like he knew what radio station to put it on and exactly what to say.


thats all im acting and this topic is turning into other shit...lol...i know by the time this shit hits ten pages it going to be total different from the main question....just answer the question.....

Gas One

May 24, 2006
Downtown, Pittsburg. Southeast Dago.
i dont see whats so hard about telling the truth...

like really, if a cop sees me smoking a blunt...im not gonna get all wide eyed and start fidgeting looking like theres crack in my blunt or hurreidly stomping the whole blunt out...he could be walking up to me and i'd calmly put it out and sit the blunt on something and tell dude i was smoking. a ticket, if he even feels like writing a ticket, big deal.

people make extra problems for themselves. get stopped for speeding, sir did you know you were speeding? yes sir, i knew i was speeding. atleast you show that youre not a dumbfuck. if you didnt know you were speeding when you were going 95, youre already showing you either have something to hide or youre incredibly stupid, and theres probably more things to get on you for.