i got a question for you hiphop white people...

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Nov 21, 2005
naw fuck that.. you gotta keep it thug 24/7! lol

I remember my boss she used to cuss.. at us.. and be like what the fuck are yall doing???
Don't be Set Trippin up in here!!" We would just laugh.. cause she was like 30 years old!!

And hey if she was the boss on top of my boss.. and she cussed.. so did it lol....


Super Moderator
Apr 25, 2002
well, i have black children, black friends, love hip hop and come from the streets so to speak. yet i dont use the n word, and always been a regular whiteboy. so tommy can you diagnose my situation? where i come from they just call me a crazy whiteboy. but who knows you may call it something different.
Jun 15, 2004
i act polite as i can everytime im around the police,and it seems too work everytime,if thats useing my white skin to get by then fuck it im a do it,but i dont change who i am just be really nice to the man.it goes a long way
Apr 29, 2006
what dumbass isnt gonna be polite to the police when faded? its called making the best of a shitty situation. i had a run in with the cops when i was thizzin and had pills, im not about to start talking shit to them and keep the music bumpin. no, im gonna do what they say and get the fuck away without going to jail. i dont act black in the first place though.
Apr 8, 2005
first off i think your full of shit, second off, if a person acts like hes trying to be someone else, you shouldnt be with him in the first place, i dont even believe in the terms "acting black" or anything, because that makes actions race exclusive, which isnt true. but you know dude isnt hood, and he swears to christ and the virgin mary he is, than you look just as bad for even being in the car with him. if this was meant to be funny, ill have to say u failed
Jan 13, 2007
Thats not being fake thats being smart. The fuck he look like tryna act gangsta when hes getting pulled over and his whole car smell like weed?

Of course you try and do whatever to get outta that situation.

If i was you i'd thank him for all yall not goin to jail and be thanful that the cop sent you on your way.

"You wanna go to jail or you wanna go home?"
Dec 4, 2004
i think some people are taking what Tommy says the wrong way....Dubbs example is best...there are people that put on that front just to fit in, adjust the way they talk, act, dress, etc. to fit in, when its really not them. One thing is being white and growing up around others from the hood, but its another thing to try and front like they did. they come off as ridiculous. I knew a guy exactly like this....he would be around white friends and sound regular, then come around someone who was more into hip hop for example and be like wasup man whats crackin??

Lets switch the roles....lets say it was "cool" to have a spanish accent....wouldnt it be fuckin weird if you see white dudes (or whatever race) walking around putting a heavy spanish accent on their words? A white guy raised by latinos who for example was used to that talk would be acceptable (a Miklo lol), but some random guy doing it cause its cool....lame.
Dec 4, 2004
Thats not being fake thats being smart. The fuck he look like tryna act gangsta when hes getting pulled over and his whole car smell like weed?

Of course you try and do whatever to get outta that situation.

If i was you i'd thank him for all yall not goin to jail and be thanful that the cop sent you on your way.

"You wanna go to jail or you wanna go home?"
well the whole point is....dont try to act gangsta if your not, period. whether im around family, friends, or at work i speak the same....plus or minus a few cuss words or slang of course. but my "accent" or style never changes...
Jun 21, 2006
i'm a cracker, and when i hang around a bunch of hood people long enough i do start to talk like them. its not really conscious, but it happens... i kind of talk down or up to a persons intellect, theres no point in talking to a bunch of hood rats like a college kid, and theres no point in talking to a college professor like a hood rat. As far as the cops go i'm 2-0 against them, just say yes sir, no sir, tell them what you did wrong. first time i was going 45 in a 25 and he said he'd let me go if i guessed within 3 MPH how fast he clocked me. I guessed 43 and he let me go after running my plates. Second time i ran a stop sign with 2 people in shotgun, 5 in the mid row, and 4 in the trunk (i had a tahoe) and got off because i said it was better me driving my drunk friends around then them driving themselves (even though i was lit as fuck, had hella open containers and a few kids had coke and pills on em, but he didn't even search me!)

so basically i talk with whats comfortable with the situation, i can do both, and i really just think its comedy through to talk hella hood with the peeps i kno who talk like that, but i never throw the n word around.
Mar 18, 2006
Uh oh, don't tell me TJ is plagiarizing his material now?

You are better then that TJ, don't hurt your Siccness career.
lol...i dont have to make up a big ass lie about what i went thought here.dont expect me to start making stupid ass topics and shit.mac drizza make me think about what happened to me when he said something about loving his skin when it came to getting away with shit.i swear on everything i love the story i told is 100% true and it happened to me.
Jan 13, 2007
well the whole point is....dont try to act gangsta if your not, period. whether im around family, friends, or at work i speak the same....plus or minus a few cuss words or slang of course. but my "accent" or style never changes...
What does that have to do with TJs story?

The point is, he was in a bad situation and he got himself and his homies out of it, he played the cop.

Dealing with cops is a complex situation sometimes, everyone got they own way of doing it.

Whatever works...
Apr 8, 2005
^ the point is, there is a difference between using slang, then not using slang, and changing up your WHOLE swagger. like someone said earlier, ill talk the exact same to everyone, except might use some more slang with friends, cause i just dont see opportunities to use slang with teachers and such. but i dont get a "blackcent" with friends, and talk square to teachers, thats fake
Mar 18, 2006
well, i have black children, black friends, love hip hop and come from the streets so to speak. yet i dont use the n word, and always been a regular whiteboy. so tommy can you diagnose my situation? where i come from they just call me a crazy whiteboy. but who knows you may call it something different.
the thing about you dutch,you cool and have no problem with the skin your in.you put out a cd called "crazy white boys" and took a stand when the white rappers show made white rappers look like fools.i listen to a few white rappers and your of them based on the fact that you keep it real....and you really can rap.....im no where near racist so i dont want nobody thinking that about me,foreal.this was just a question i wanted to ask because the situation i was in.
Jan 13, 2007
^ the point is, there is a difference between using slang, then not using slang, and changing up your WHOLE swagger. like someone said earlier, ill talk the exact same to everyone, except might use some more slang with friends, cause i just dont see opportunities to use slang with teachers and such. but i dont get a "blackcent" with friends, and talk square to teachers, thats fake
It's like you're trying to educate me on what being fake means. Some "shed the light on it" type shit.

I know damn well what fake is.

What i'm trying to say is that, in this situation being fake is acceptable. With cops anything is fair game.

And it worked right, they had a car full of weed smoke, got off with no ticket and ended up on their jolly ole way.

Sounds good to me.
Mar 18, 2006
I dunno, sounds to me like he played shit smart...Was he supposed to turn up "Fuck The Police" and be like "Yeah so what we got a car fulla weed smoke foo?! Fuck you pig!"?

People can speak differently in different arenas. Every other word out of my mouth is usually a cuss word but when I'm at work I don't use the same speech. I guess I'm a sellout.

he did play it smart but i never seen anything like that before!!!! i was shocked mark 7.i was high too so i was really tripping the fuck out.i never experienced being pulled over with a white guy driving with a car full of weed smoke before.and the way he flipped from "g dogg" to "billyjoe" was amazing.i swore i was going to jail that night...lol....the police walked away and drove off like it was nothing......
Mar 18, 2006
first off i think your full of shit, second off, if a person acts like hes trying to be someone else, you shouldnt be with him in the first place, i dont even believe in the terms "acting black" or anything, because that makes actions race exclusive, which isnt true. but you know dude isnt hood, and he swears to christ and the virgin mary he is, than you look just as bad for even being in the car with him. if this was meant to be funny, ill have to say u failed
bitch,yo momma full of shit!!! i said I WORK WITH HIM AT A GOTDAMN JOB CAN YOU READ!!!? i dont give a fuck if yo punk ass believe or not it was a question that i want to ask punk bitch.
Mar 18, 2006
^ the point is, there is a difference between using slang, then not using slang, and changing up your WHOLE swagger. like someone said earlier, ill talk the exact same to everyone, except might use some more slang with friends, cause i just dont see opportunities to use slang with teachers and such. but i dont get a "blackcent" with friends, and talk square to teachers, thats fake
your fake.....so you come around your friends and talk more "slang"....your fake....get out my topic.....i see right through yo punk ass....