i got a question for you hiphop white people...

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Mar 18, 2006
i use to work with a white boy that thought he was black till one day after work we got pulled over in his car full of weed smoke.that white boy turned to a corporate cracker on me!!! he even turned off the mac dre cd and put it on a rock radio station and started talking all proper to the police!!!!:confused: i sat there straight up confused and mind boggled.i couldnt believe what i was seeing.this black talkin,hiphop listening to white fool flipped on went pale face kkk on me!!!! the police walked up ask why was he driving so fast and just let us go!!!! weed smoke was pouring out the fucking car when we got pulled over. i told that fool "is that what it like to be white,your a lucky muthafucka!!!!!" he just laughed and said "yup,we got it good huh".i told that fool to drop me off back at my car real quick.i didnt say nothing to that fool ever again after that.

do you guys that kick it with black people and down with the culture use your white skin when you get pulled over or in a situation like that?
Feb 1, 2006
do you guys that kick it with black people and down with the culture use your white skin when you get pulled over or in a situation like that?
oh yes. not so far as to take out the cd, but i'm turning that shit way down. Acting like a good honkey doesn't work every time, but I'm using my polite-to-the-boss-voice every time.


Mickey Fallon
Sep 10, 2002
Tomato Alley
"i DID know i couldnt do that!" I had a friend who would change up his act depending on who he was around. He starts hanging around some "hood" folks, and he starts throwing the n word around, changing his accent, etc. One time we were all drunk at my house, and he tells this one dude-"yo, if u got a gun, we should pull a lick tonight". wow, ok 1-"If you have got a gun", like he was assuming dude had one. 2, hes acting like hes making plans to play hoop later-"aye yo, if u got a basketball, we should play later." 3rd, what part of the "lick" is "we"? like-"yo, im gonna stand outside the door, and i'll distract the cops if they show up while ur inside". i could go on and on. Ive called dude out about changing up his front and he told me i was a square. A "square" i may be (because i dont have a "hood" accent, dont wear XXXL tall tees and girbauds like this dude), but i get way more respect from the people i meet than this cat does. point blank period, thats why i dont act any certain way around anyone, i can only be myself. Ive found its gotten me a lot farther to be REAL and to be respected for that reason than to try and impress someone by being fake.
Aug 12, 2002
Damn...surprised they didn't beat you, taser you, and sodomize you, and then award him a medal for being a good samaritan and driving you to the ER.

<<Is waiting for some ''youre a racist'' comments...

<<Is a racist.

Mike Manson

Still Livin'
Apr 16, 2005
Well, I'm from Germany and here it is more about how you dress, what kinda car you drive and shit. My best homie always got pulled over when he was drivin this old ass piece of shit car, but after he bought a nicer car, they stopped fuckin with him. They normally don't harrass you based on your skin color...Well, maybe in Eastern Germany, but they pretty much hate everybody who is not from the East lol
And I switch up the way I talk from talkin to my homies to talkin to colleagues or my parents, lol. But its just a slang I grew up with. Not a black thing...
Mar 18, 2006
Damn...surprised they didn't beat you, taser you, and sodomize you, and then award him a medal for being a good samaritan and driving you to the ER..
the police just stared at me for a minute....lol...i sat there scared as fuck cause the car was full of smoke!!!! i just knew more cops was coming and we was going to jail.i was hoping the police didnt think i was kidnapping a white person!!! i was high as fuck too....


Mickey Fallon
Sep 10, 2002
Tomato Alley

and the reason its important is that that kid didnt get that these "hood" folks" werent impressed by him trying to be like them. Behind his back, they clowned the fuck outta him for his fakeness. Ive never done any "dirt" or put "work in the hood" but when im around "those people" (or anyone, for that matter( im just myself and they notice that. I could honestly give a fuck if anyone thinks im a dork. I think thats whats so hard for some white folks to get, that just because u listen to rap music, or u wear a malcolm x t-shirt, or talk in a certain way doesnt mean that ur gonna bridge the gap between white and black. Someone trying to act like someone else, to impress them, will in fact make them look worse than look cool.


Cannabis Connoisseur
Jan 23, 2006
Rich City
I'm treated like I'm latino by police :ermm: saying spanish shit in white accents so I can "understand" better.....even if they say something like "amigos" I say "what's that mean? I don't speak spanish"

btw, what race are you TJ?


not nolettuce
Jun 5, 2002
at the welfare mall
I must not because I almost always seem to get arrested when I get pulled over/stopped by the police. Then again I don't dress or act "black" either so figure that one out. I've had times when I was the only white guy out of the group and I was the only person to go to jail. Maybe it's because I'm Irish and I was almost always drunk with my run ins with the cops, I don't know.

You think any "Carlton" type black folks flip the script sometimes too? Like when they go to visit their cousins in the hood or something. Not that that would help them in anyway like a white guy changing up, just wondering.
May 30, 2006
i use to work with a white boy that thought he was black till one day after work we got pulled over in his car full of weed smoke.that white boy turned to a corporate cracker on me!!! he even turned off the mac dre cd and put it on a rock radio station and started talking all proper to the police!!!!:confused: i sat there straight up confused and mind boggled.i couldnt believe what i was seeing.this black talkin,hiphop listening to white fool flipped on went pale face kkk on me!!!! the police walked up ask why was he driving so fast and just let us go!!!! weed smoke was pouring out the fucking car when we got pulled over. i told that fool "is that what it like to be white,your a lucky muthafucka!!!!!" he just laughed and said "yup,we got it good huh".i told that fool to drop me off back at my car real quick.i didnt say nothing to that fool ever again after that.
What do u expect? That's how a lot of white cats act. Not all but a lot the ones that roll with a majority of niggas. If I hang around a white boy he has to be WHITE. He can't be a token cracker. If they listen to hip hop that's cool with me but if there on some suburban white boy that's impressed by this gangsta shit GTFOH! I normally don't associate with too many whiteboys that are from the hood cuz majority of them seem to wanna over compensate on there ghetto character just to fit in.That shit don't go with me. Look @ the movie Malcom X. Malcom & his homie Shorty were fuckin with them white broads pulling all kindz of licks but as they got caught up them white braods sqaured the fuck up & them niggaz went to jail for like 10 years.

Samething with Patty Hearst. She gets kidnapped & gets turned out by some black radicals & starts bustin licks with them dudes & fuckin one or more of the members of the organization. When she gets caught she's all of a sudden white again talking bout she was brain washed. I don't fuck with people who wanna be black/white etc. when its convient for them. Fuck'em.

DJ Mark 7

Jul 18, 1977
I dunno, sounds to me like he played shit smart...Was he supposed to turn up "Fuck The Police" and be like "Yeah so what we got a car fulla weed smoke foo?! Fuck you pig!"?

People can speak differently in different arenas. Every other word out of my mouth is usually a cuss word but when I'm at work I don't use the same speech. I guess I'm a sellout.
Jan 17, 2006
the truth is no matter who u are, if your not an idiot, your not gonna talk to the cops the same way u talk to your friends

just like your not gonna go in for a job interview with jordans, a fitted cap and some girbauds

sometimes u gotta adjust wat u say to make the best of a situation