I don't post here much but SHOULD GAY MARRIAGES BE LEGAL IN CA?

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Feb 9, 2003
Sergeant Hustle said:
Adoption by who? There are enough unwanted kids. Two gay parents who want to love and care for their child are better than zero parents or one bad parent.
Barren women who cant procreate so they decide that their best option is for her and her husband to adopt or men who cant copulate due to sterility and go to adopt a child with their spouse.
May 5, 2002
That's great, but I'd be willing to bet that there are more unwanted children then there are barren couples.

Furthermore using logic offered up by some folks in this thread, if you are barren and cannot create a child, you are in essense like a gay couple who cannot create a child naturally. Therefore you should not be able to have children because you cannot make one on your own.
Feb 9, 2003
Just because they use faulty logic doesnt mean you have to.
"Who is truly an idiot? He who is called an idiot by his peers of the peer who follows the way of the idiot?" - Confucius¹

¹He didnt really say that, but i think the point stands.
May 5, 2002
Natural selection is not faulty logic. Survival of the fittest...these are long held ideologies that I am referring to here. Someone who is barren cannot reproduce. Therefore they should not be able to have children because they cannot do so through natural means. Much like gay people who cannot produce children thru natural means.

You can't say one thing and not mean the other in a true debate. It was stated that since gay people cannot create children naturally, they should not be able to raise kids. By this logic, the same is true for barren couples.
Jun 28, 2003
@hustle....i didnt know you were dyke.....from the last time i saw you, i thought you had a black boyfriend....

in any case, you took what i said out of context....i didnt mean that just because gays cant have kids naturally that they shouldnt be able to raise kids , i said maybe "it was a sign" that it wasnt intended....dont twist my words
Dec 2, 2002
Sergeant Hustle said:
if you need both genders to raise a kid properly, then by that logic single people should not be allowed to have/raise kids either. people should not be allowed to get divorces, and if women get knocked up out of wedlock, their kids should be automatically aborted.
i didnt know you had to be married and live together to raise a kid

oh yeah you dont have to

you jus gotta have a man and woman
Jun 28, 2003
^^^youve come face to face with me before...i wasnt talkin shit then and i aint talkin shit now....ive never been nuthin but koo to your azz but if you want to act like im another one of the siccness members lined up against you then so be it

i swear some cupcakes on this board (like jazzfan) take shit way out of context and pick on every fuckin word thats put down....i said dyke....BOO HOOO!!! mr fuckin politically correct messageboard policeman....go play hall monitor somewhere else, like on a fox news right wing republican message board...im mexican, but i wouldnt cry if someone called me a lettuce pickin beaner....yall need a hug huh?
May 5, 2002
Honestly, I don't know why you're getting so upset over this. I wasn't speaking on you directly but obviously the comment touched a nerve. Much like your comment about butch dykes and men in heels touched a nerve with me. As long as people continue to look at everything thru one dimension, we won't make any progress forward.

You didn't know I was gay so you felt it ok to speak so carelessly. I understand that. But at the same time there are a lot of things you don't know about a lot of people and you're true colors on that situation came to the light. The lesson here is you never know who you are really dealing with, and if you're not careful you could burn bridges over comments like that. I'm not saying with me, but possibly with someone else.

Jazzfan asked you a simple and poignant question. He didn't attack you over it. You got defensive for a reason. Don't get on him about it because he's not the one who made the comments initially.
Feb 9, 2003
Sergeant Hustle said:
Natural selection is not faulty logic. Survival of the fittest...these are long held ideologies that I am referring to here. Someone who is barren cannot reproduce. Therefore they should not be able to have children because they cannot do so through natural means. Much like gay people who cannot produce children thru natural means.

You can't say one thing and not mean the other in a true debate. It was stated that since gay people cannot create children naturally, they should not be able to raise kids. By this logic, the same is true for barren couples.
No shit. I was talking about the children being aborted because they have no parents. That was the faulty logic i was talking about.
Jul 9, 2002
MRxBULLETx831 said:

i swear some cupcakes on this board (like jazzfan) take shit way out of context and pick on every fuckin word thats put down....i said dyke....BOO HOOO!!! mr fuckin politically correct messageboard policeman....go play hall monitor somewhere else, like on a fox news right wing republican message board...im mexican, but i wouldnt cry if someone called me a lettuce pickin beaner....yall need a hug huh?

I'm not taking anything out of context at all, you used a word which Sgt Hustle or other may find offensive and then you say you been nothing but cool with her? I guess that was back when you thought she had a black boyfriend huh?

If you let someone call you a beaner without at least saying something then I don't know what to tell you.

I never attacked you at all and I get branded a "cupcake" if you cant speak on topics such as this in a mature fashion then maybe this isnt the place for you.
Feb 9, 2003
i know you were. but you also said "You can't say one thing and not mean the other in a true debate." You said one thing, so you must have meant the other, unless you were not following your own statements. you just said this was a debate, but because of your sarcasm you diviated from what you said and what you meant, does that mean this isnt a true debate? am i going anywhere with this? the answer: no. im just incredibly bored, dont mind my ranting.
Dec 2, 2002
Sergeant Hustle said:
if you need both genders to raise a kid properly, then by that logic single people should not be allowed to have/raise kids either. people should not be allowed to get divorces, and if women get knocked up out of wedlock, their kids should be automatically aborted.