Good thread Troll now I can speak my mind. Federation has some Hyphy Rolas, but not clown shit. It's cool, as a youngster I can relate, even though I'm more of an old school person. I still sport a Pendleton, some creased dickies, and some cortez, and even though that's a style of a cholo, I'm not one. But seeing how I'm old school, and I see how other people bangers or non-bangers that do that shit, I just laugh, and enjoy my time on earth instead of complaining about another mans taste en musica or dressing. I'm more Mob Shit, the Old Black and Brown is better than the new one, but I'm feeling their hyphy music. N'sane of Mental Illness-Where you from: "We gettin Hyphy in the streets we goin dumb, *goin dumb*, in the 209 valley murder slums, murder slums. 5150 Stocktone's where I'm from mother fucker, where you from motha fucker, where you from!"