let me get somthing strainght because you are spoinning the truth. we (USA) supported the Muhajadeen ( SP) in their attempt to expel the SOVIETS not the Russians from spreading COMMUNISM. now just because Bin Laden happened to be one of the Fighters for the Northern Alliance/Mujahadeen doesnt mean that we supported HIM we supported the opposing force to the SOVIET UNION AND COMMUNISM
Ya.... and? Were we or were we not supporting him in order to maintain containment? The answer is simple, yes. If there is any "spinning" going on its what I just read from you...
1. yes he is a danger to us.
2. yes he is a danger to his own people.
hers somemore questions to ask.
Q. is he a danger to Israel (one of our closest Allies)
A. yes, he is a danger to them, he destabalizes the region and is a terrorist himself becuse he encourages suicide bombers in Palisinian territories and pais them for their killing of innocent lives.
Q. Is he a threat to the rest of the Region by invading his neighbors?
A. yes, he has Invaded Kuwait and iran. and has threatened to invade Saudi Arabia
Q. so all in all does he have to disapear???
A. yes and the sooner the better wheather it be peacefuly or by force!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
1. You can find anyone in the world and make an arguement that their a danger to us, when in reality its not likely...
2. We concur...
Q1. wtf cares if he is a danger to isreal? Again, you can make a claim that every muslim nation is a danger to isreal, that ain't no excuse to go to war...
Q2. Saddam may be a nut but he's not stupid, he knows if he even attempts to invade a country he's GONE in a sec... BTW, who was helping him in the whole Iran ordeal?
Q3. I'm no fan of Saddam, I'd love to see him disapear, but the fact is thats not our responsibility. The whole idea of "regime change" is rediculous... next thing you know we're gonna be running around everywhere replacing people we don't like...
its because alote of people are of the mind-set of Sheryl Crow the singer in that they believe that "war is ALWAYS bad" and that "we should try our hardest to have no emenies".
its just typical liberals living in La-La land who think that war is never the answer.
Gross generalization, I'm far from a pacifist, however, pointless wars are POINTLESS...