Hick Gangsta Rappers

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Apr 25, 2002
Youre the white dude in the lab coat on CNN trying to tell people what they are or arent. Yet, you have NEVER been there in you entire life.
True and false. The white dude with the lab coat metaphor is a very good one, but I have been to and thoroughly explored the overwhelming majority of the places I mention, including Gary IN.

And youre ALSO talkin about two VERY big extremes on the complete opposite sides of the spectrum. Yes, I HAVE lived in Minntonka...and it was a very safe and cozy and I would live there again. No I have NOT been to Gary so guess what? I cant speak on it. You could die in Minnetonka by being hit by a drunk driver just as fast as you could die from a gunshot wound going through Gary....so that stat still has nothing to do with anything.
True, it's an extreme example. But it's about the odds, of course you could get hit by a drunk driver or even shot in Minnetonka, but even if you include all other unnatural forms of death besides murder, Gary people are dying at an exponentially higher rate than those in Minnetonka (year after year). I think that says something right there, I think it matters. I've been both places but knew how they were alike and how they were different before I set foot on either one.

There are hoods EVERYWHERE and there are CRAZY muthafuckas EVERYWHERE.....from Minnetonka to Gary to Stockholm to Okinawa....
It's that word "odds" again. If 1% of the population in City A is crazy muthafuckas and 10% of the population in City B is crazy muthafuckas, then life is going to be a lot more challenging in City B.

BTW, this subject has been beaten to death...can we give it a rest? If you think you have the power to say who is and who ISNT a "real thug", so be it. That does NOT make you right.
It's that word "odds" again. If a dude from Minnetonka claims to be a real thug, and a dude from Gary IN claims to be a real thug, I'm not going to believe either one of them until they provide evidence, HOWEVER, I would suspect that there is a greater chance the dude from Minnetonka is fake.

Using a non-musical and more uplifting real life example, if you're the federal govt and you're going to put a free library somewhere, and the criteria is to reach the most children who are well into their elementary school years and are way below reading level, where would you put it? If the choice was between Tonka and Gary, where would you put it? They are the same size, and there are kids in Tonka that can't read, there are kids in Gary that can't read. What do you do, put them on the wall and throw a dart???

No, you side with "ratio data" over the touchy feely postmodern way at looking at society.
Oct 21, 2002
he is from warmsprings and i will say warm springs and madras thats a city that is outside of the rez are not a joke been out to both places sevral times, been out to were night shield lives it goes down there too but the rezes that were super bad imo were pine ridge and navajo rezes
May 4, 2003
I don't know how much of that you're serious with, and how much of that you're just posting on here trying to get some attention. Your basic thought process, I do agree with 100%. All you are saying that there should be a connection between a rapper's lyrical themes and his physical environment. Absolutely there should be.

But what you're way offbase on, is the diagnosis of their physical environment. It is hilarious that you come from Frisco, if there was some sort of licensing agency for the "right" to rap about gangster themes, there wouldn't be much coming out of SF. Of all the major cities out there, SF has one of the lowest violent crime rates, one of the smallest black populations, one of the lowest poverty rates, one of the highest median incomes, and one of the highest percentage of residents with college degrees. SF boys wouldn't get their "permits" to rap about gangster stuff unless they are from one of two tiny pockets of town.

And you've also misdiagnosed the Northwest. Yakima, Pasco (and the mentioned Sunnyside) all have higher crime rate averages over the last 10 years than both Seattle and your precious San Francisco. Somebody said it earlier, those towns are all majority Latino, but I think by saying red neck you really mean "not black." No question, a greater percentage of Sunnysiders are doing bad things than San Franciscans, no question about it.

And I disagree completely with anybody saying the "if you haven't been here.....then you can't speak on......" That is so not true, all you have to do is educate yourself with a little demographic information, maybe sprinkle in some crime statistics and some maps, and you can develop a pretty detailed understanding of what a community is like without ever going there in your life.

I don't think many people on here have ever been to Gary, Indiana and I don't think many people on here have been to Minnetonka, Minnesota. But c'mon, if you're going to look at the demographics (Gary: 80% black, 25% poverty, median income around $30,000, AVG of 45 murders per 100,000 people the last 10 years vs. Minnetonka 95% white, 1% poverty, median income of around $100,000, AVG of 0.5 murders per 100,000 people the last 10 years). You don't ever have to go to either place in your life, and you know they are two very different "types" of communities. All you have to do is stay on your p's and q's by continually looking at new data when it comes out, b/c stuff does change over time, but the data always shows that. That's an extreme example, but it illustrates the point.
Most of what you're saying is true. The difference is for one,I'm from one of those "small pockets", Hunter's Point, I grew up around all that shit. That's besides the point, I'm a grown man, I don't feel the need to front like I'm the hardest out there, I'm on some regular shit. Cats that know me know I'm real without having to perpetrate on some fake thug shit. All these corny ass hicks acting like superthug need to chill with that. You seen that shit on TV and heard it in the music you listen to. How is your environment really gonna be that hard when your nearest neighbor is a mile away and all the "thugs" hang out at your town's one and only gas station? Just cause you're poor doesn't mean you get to talk about the shit hood cats go through. If you live in the sticks you can still be poor, but your environment when you step outside is totally different. Truth spoken.
May 4, 2003
No matter where you're from or what color you are, don't rap about shit you haven't lived thru, seen, been around or done. Period. Of course with someone like Eminem or Red Head Steve you know that when they say certain things, they aren't meant to be taken serious. Eminem never drove around with Kim dead in the front seat and Red Head Steve isn't really the Green River killer. Everyone knows that. But when you have people selling cds who actually WANT you to take them serious, that's a violation straight up. That's what I hope dude meant when he started this thread. And believe me, it shows right away when someones bars are not genuine. It doesn't matter what color they are or where they're from. If that is what he meant then I feel him. Hip hop is world wide and infiltration of the fake is one of those things that comes with the territory. Basically just keep it real and don't disrespect the game cause it goes way deeper than the music. They don't have to like you but they'll have no choice but to respect you if you come from the heart. And respect was one of the main foundations of hip hop. Dig that.
Thank you, somebody understands.
Apr 25, 2002
Most of what you're saying is true. The difference is for one,I'm from one of those "small pockets", Hunter's Point, I grew up around all that shit.
That is true, HP is one of the small pockets I was referring to. I would guess probably annoys you if somebody saw you were from SF and said you're soft just b/c a bigger chunk of SF is soft than most cities, even though I know HP is not.

How is your environment really gonna be that hard when your nearest neighbor is a mile away and all the "thugs" hang out at your town's one and only gas station? Just cause you're poor doesn't mean you get to talk about the shit hood cats go through. If you live in the sticks you can still be poor, but your environment when you step outside is totally different. Truth spoken.
Now you're getting a little more specific, bringing up the issue of density. I still think that dividing a vague "shit hood cats go through" statistic (whatever you want to call it, a sum of x,y,z) is far more accurate if you do it per person rather than per mile.

Ever been to Gary IN? Part of what makes that place so scary is that so many buildings and so many plots of land have been abandoned, there are more places for bad things to go on unnoticed, and if somebody's coming at you, less human activity around (including police) to help you. I know that their neighbors aren't a mile away like the example you used, but still, there is probably even a negative correlation between density and crime.
Apr 25, 2002
Somebody delete this thread, who gives a f*ck where anybody is from. Ha ha.
Who gives a fuck??? He's talking about YOU man.

If he's in a CD store and sees the album KHEVLAR & BLACK-OP: KILL EVERYBODY but flips the CD over and sees an address in Snohomish County for the contact info, he's putting your CD right back in the stack, he's not looking at production credits, he's not going to take it to a listening station, he's just putting it right back, all b/c of an address he has never visited (or studied data from LOL). It doesn't matter if it's a rough track in Everett or a mansion in Mill Creek, if it's SnoCo he ain't even considering buying it.

That doesn't bother you?
Feb 21, 2003
Who gives a fuck??? He's talking about YOU man.

If he's in a CD store and sees the album KHEVLAR & BLACK-OP: KILL EVERYBODY but flips the CD over and sees an address in Snohomish County for the contact info, he's putting your CD right back in the stack, he's not looking at production credits, he's not going to take it to a listening station, he's just putting it right back, all b/c of an address he has never visited (or studied data from LOL). It doesn't matter if it's a rough track in Everett or a mansion in Mill Creek, if it's SnoCo he ain't even considering buying it.

That doesn't bother you?
^^I Totally agree
Apr 25, 2002
xpanther you made this thread hella interesting, I agree with most of what you sayin.

For the record, there's more than two rough "pockets" in SF. Anywhere the Housin Authority has left there mark can be called a rough pocket man.
May 4, 2003
yeah this Khevlar cat is EXACTLY what I'm talking about. I saw the album cover he posted, straight clown music. White people are making up ridiculous characters of what they think Black people act like and trying to pass it off as legitimate music. That shit is racist and fucks things up for everyone. Sorry homie, but you really need to quit it.
Apr 25, 2002
yeah this Khevlar cat is EXACTLY what I'm talking about. I saw the album cover he posted, straight clown music. White people are making up ridiculous characters of what they think Black people act like and trying to pass it off as legitimate music. That shit is racist and fucks things up for everyone. Sorry homie, but you really need to quit it.
Now is it the fact that he's white that bothers you or is it his geography that bothers you???

Which of those two distinguishing characteristics has lead you to believe he's not real, or is it something that's neither of those two that's lead you to think that???
May 4, 2003
It's a combination of the 2, don't get me wrong, I know white people that are on some thug shit, I just don't believe he's one of them. There are other reasons too, that corny ass album cover, that other picture on here where he's got panties on the wall and looks like a straight up bitch. His whole fake ass image. Shit I've read recently on this board, etc. I haven't been on here long so I might have misread him, but that's what it seems like to me. This thread wasn't specifically about dude, but he's a perfect example of what I was talking about.
Sep 12, 2002
Its not only in the Native/ Latino communities.... Now with Meth Epidemic growing, You got the "CWB"s in every little blue collar town from Walla-Walla to Medford trying to stay high. Even the hicks do dirt!!
Sep 12, 2002
Nightshield is from a messed up REz, i think Pine Ridge and other spots out there are tough too!! Browning MT has 600 unsolved murders since the 70's.. the town is about 8,000 people.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
I wish I was joking. This shit is weird to me for real. All these hicks in random towns in Washington wish they were from the Bay, and they actually make their best biting attempt at copying it. Crazy. Why not just be a fan?
lol @ this....there's a lot of cats that do the bay sound up here. i don't think they "wish they were from the bay," but maybe they do......i think they just like the sound....for all you know, some of them might be from the bay and moved up here....or whatever.

i think copying the bay shit is lame as fuck obviously....but i know a couple people who lived up here, then moved down to cali and then moved back a few years later and they have added cali/bay shit to their style etc....

but seriously, pasco isn't all red necks. maybe you need to get out more?
Dec 12, 2006
Hey bruh I seriously laugh my ass off when I read people from outside the city try to break it down. You cant do it, Im from Ingleside Ocean Ave n Capitol and that aint a ghetto but in the south side of Frisco we got diverse ass ethnic neighborhoods with and without public housin and cultures that does not exist or flourish in Seattle or any part of Washington. I hear hella white people say yea man its rough around here theres hella mexicans, so what? what the fuck does that mean? I live around some brown peoples so shit is hood life I need to act hard??? I live next to a meth shack and abortion clinic two blocks down in Spokane, WA and its cozy son. I could not say that for a most bay area cities
The only really diversity of living experience ive seen has been on Indian reservations in Idaho, (my first up here was a job as a travelin salesmen) and taht shit is poverty. Not to mention hellla segregated and isolated from everyting else, and the only white peopel I saw ran the bar. Theres somethn in the youth up here in washington people wanna act like they got their bang on or prove somethn I dunno