Hick Gangsta Rappers

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Oct 21, 2006
... *sigh*

I looove when people talk about shit and its their best 'guess' .. if you havent been to the places about which you speak WHY are you talkin' about them...? you 'heard' Idaho is all potato fields and the Tri is filled with rednecks so you wanna make jokes and build on your own assumptions until they become your very own small minded truth... how sad.
nope....I beg to differ Kalyn. Being the only person on this board I am aware of born and raised in Pasco, I will testify there are absolutely no thugs or gangsters that have ever touched that city. We are all farmers and used car salesmen. Matter of fact, my next album is all about the practice of said things. I am calling it, "Asparagus and Acuras".
Apr 25, 2002
I been lurking on this board for a minute, this shit baffles me. I'm a Seattle resident originally from Frisco. Why is there hardly any Seattle cats on this board? All I see is a bunch of hicks (if this doesn't apply you know who you are) . Honestly I'm not comfortable with rednecks pretending to be thugs and rapping about it. If you want to be a fan that's fine, but please don't try to emulate that shit. That shit is weird. Gangsta rappers from Pasco and Idaho? hahaha. Go make country music, seriously.
I don't know how much of that you're serious with, and how much of that you're just posting on here trying to get some attention. Your basic thought process, I do agree with 100%. All you are saying that there should be a connection between a rapper's lyrical themes and his physical environment. Absolutely there should be.

But what you're way offbase on, is the diagnosis of their physical environment. It is hilarious that you come from Frisco, if there was some sort of licensing agency for the "right" to rap about gangster themes, there wouldn't be much coming out of SF. Of all the major cities out there, SF has one of the lowest violent crime rates, one of the smallest black populations, one of the lowest poverty rates, one of the highest median incomes, and one of the highest percentage of residents with college degrees. SF boys wouldn't get their "permits" to rap about gangster stuff unless they are from one of two tiny pockets of town.

And you've also misdiagnosed the Northwest. Yakima, Pasco (and the mentioned Sunnyside) all have higher crime rate averages over the last 10 years than both Seattle and your precious San Francisco. Somebody said it earlier, those towns are all majority Latino, but I think by saying red neck you really mean "not black." No question, a greater percentage of Sunnysiders are doing bad things than San Franciscans, no question about it.

And I disagree completely with anybody saying the "if you haven't been here.....then you can't speak on......" That is so not true, all you have to do is educate yourself with a little demographic information, maybe sprinkle in some crime statistics and some maps, and you can develop a pretty detailed understanding of what a community is like without ever going there in your life.

I don't think many people on here have ever been to Gary, Indiana and I don't think many people on here have been to Minnetonka, Minnesota. But c'mon, if you're going to look at the demographics (Gary: 80% black, 25% poverty, median income around $30,000, AVG of 45 murders per 100,000 people the last 10 years vs. Minnetonka 95% white, 1% poverty, median income of around $100,000, AVG of 0.5 murders per 100,000 people the last 10 years). You don't ever have to go to either place in your life, and you know they are two very different "types" of communities. All you have to do is stay on your p's and q's by continually looking at new data when it comes out, b/c stuff does change over time, but the data always shows that. That's an extreme example, but it illustrates the point.
Oct 21, 2002
... *sigh*

I looove when people talk about shit and its their best 'guess' .. if you havent been to the places about which you speak WHY are you talkin' about them...? you 'heard' Idaho is all potato fields and the Tri is filled with rednecks so you wanna make jokes and build on your own assumptions until they become your very own small minded truth... how sad.

There are savages and killas in every town from here to Bridgeport, CT and I've been to so many of them..... its when you underestimate who the hell you talkin' to and go off what ya 'heard' that you may find yourself really fucked off...

thank you well put
Oct 21, 2002
I don't know how much of that you're serious with, and how much of that you're just posting on here trying to get some attention. Your basic thought process, I do agree with 100%. All you are saying that there should be a connection between a rapper's lyrical themes and his physical environment. Absolutely there should be.

But what you're way offbase on, is the diagnosis of their physical environment. It is hilarious that you come from Frisco, if there was some sort of licensing agency for the "right" to rap about gangster themes, there wouldn't be much coming out of SF. Of all the major cities out there, SF has one of the lowest violent crime rates, one of the smallest black populations, one of the lowest poverty rates, one of the highest median incomes, and one of the highest percentage of residents with college degrees. SF boys wouldn't get their "permits" to rap about gangster stuff unless they are from one of two tiny pockets of town.

And you've also misdiagnosed the Northwest. Yakima, Pasco (and the mentioned Sunnyside) all have higher crime rate averages over the last 10 years than both Seattle and your precious San Francisco. Somebody said it earlier, those towns are all majority Latino, but I think by saying red neck you really mean "not black." No question, a greater percentage of Sunnysiders are doing bad things than San Franciscans, no question about it.

And I disagree completely with anybody saying the "if you haven't been here.....then you can't speak on......" That is so not true, all you have to do is educate yourself with a little demographic information, maybe sprinkle in some crime statistics and some maps, and you can develop a pretty detailed understanding of what a community is like without ever going there in your life.

I don't think many people on here have ever been to Gary, Indiana and I don't think many people on here have been to Minnetonka, Minnesota. But c'mon, if you're going to look at the demographics (Gary: 80% black, 25% poverty, median income around $30,000, AVG of 45 murders per 100,000 people the last 10 years vs. Minnetonka 95% white, 1% poverty, median income of around $100,000, AVG of 0.5 murders per 100,000 people the last 10 years). You don't ever have to go to either place in your life, and you know they are two very different "types" of communities. All you have to do is stay on your p's and q's by continually looking at new data when it comes out, b/c stuff does change over time, but the data always shows that. That's an extreme example, but it illustrates the point.

lol mr research i love that shit
Dec 11, 2002
nope....I beg to differ Kalyn. Being the only person on this board I am aware of born and raised in Pasco, I will testify there are absolutely no thugs or gangsters that have ever touched that city. We are all farmers and used car salesmen. Matter of fact, my next album is all about the practice of said things. I am calling it, "Asparagus and Acuras".

... lol.. you are a fool... :devious:
Dec 11, 2002
And I disagree completely with anybody saying the "if you haven't been here.....then you can't speak on......" That is so not true, all you have to do is educate yourself with a little demographic information, maybe sprinkle in some crime statistics and some maps, and you can develop a pretty detailed understanding of what a community is like without ever going there in your life.

I'm following you.. and I do appreciate your knowledge of demographic information... still and yet.. for you to describe where I stay at- using the maps and crime stats are you able to tell me about the mindset of the people..? of the blocks and blocks of labs in this small ass town..? in two years when the new stats come in you might be able to tell me how many people were shot or stabbed to death per capita but will you be able to tell how many of them were within the 12 or 16 block area my people live and do business..? Stats on paper will give you a generalized overview of one County vs another but its still not the most accurate portrayal of how folks actually live... no argument .. just my opinion..
May 2, 2002
No matter where you're from or what color you are, don't rap about shit you haven't lived thru, seen, been around or done. Period. Of course with someone like Eminem or Red Head Steve you know that when they say certain things, they aren't meant to be taken serious. Eminem never drove around with Kim dead in the front seat and Red Head Steve isn't really the Green River killer. Everyone knows that. But when you have people selling cds who actually WANT you to take them serious, that's a violation straight up. That's what I hope dude meant when he started this thread. And believe me, it shows right away when someones bars are not genuine. It doesn't matter what color they are or where they're from. If that is what he meant then I feel him. Hip hop is world wide and infiltration of the fake is one of those things that comes with the territory. Basically just keep it real and don't disrespect the game cause it goes way deeper than the music. They don't have to like you but they'll have no choice but to respect you if you come from the heart. And respect was one of the main foundations of hip hop. Dig that.
Apr 25, 2002
For you to describe where I stay at- using the maps and crime stats are you able to tell me about the mindset of the people..?
Answer: No

That's a little too qualitative. You could make educated guesses based on the demographics for sure (i.e. when you look at a small town in the South, and you see whites and blacks are literally separated almost without exception by the railroad tracks rolling through town, you could make guesses on various mentalities in town), but probably not, that's the kind of thing that really does require an extensive visitation.

are you able to tell me about the blocks and blocks of labs in this small ass town..?
Answer : No

Certainly there is no census stat for meth labs, and even police statistics don't track that type of activity very well, you just read about it when one gets busted.

in two years when the new stats come in you might be able to tell me how many people were shot or stabbed to death per capita but will you be able to tell how many of them were within the 12 or 16 block area my people live and do business..?
Answer : Yes

If you were to give me your address, then that shouldn't be that hard to figure out at all.

Stats on paper will give you a generalized overview of one County vs another but its still not the most accurate portrayal of how folks actually live... no argument .. just my opinion..
Answer : I agree

Yep, it's the issue of scale, which is extremely important. That's why it's always best to paint the finest picture that the data will allow. For major cities, the unit is the block group, so rather than making gross statements about places like "King County" or "Bellevue" you can get extremely detailed information about what's known as a block group, which is a collection of about 4 city blocks. So it's not perfect b/c there are changes even block to block, but it paints a fairly fine picture, so with this type of information you can show the avg dude who calls Seattle middle-upper class whities, that this statement is certainly accurate for a portion of the city, but not all of it.

For the small towns (under 50,000 people I believe), you can actually get all of this detailed information by block. So you could tell me the town in Idaho you live in, and I could come up with block data for everything ranging from race, ethnicity, income, education, commute times, occupation, etc at the block level. But certainly that won't tell you where the meth labs are, but you could use other indicators as a way to make educated guesses....without ever visiting.
May 9, 2002
And I disagree completely with anybody saying the "if you haven't been here.....then you can't speak on......" That is so not true, all you have to do is educate yourself with a little demographic information, maybe sprinkle in some crime statistics and some maps, and you can develop a pretty detailed understanding of what a community is like without ever going there in your life.
Here we go with this shit again. All you ever do is look at stats, and thats your problem. Youre the white dude in the lab coat on CNN trying to tell people what they are or arent. Yet, you have NEVER been there in you entire life. Do you also ONLY look at stats when making assumptions about sports players or teams?

I don't think many people on here have ever been to Gary, Indiana and I don't think many people on here have been to Minnetonka, Minnesota. But c'mon, if you're going to look at the demographics (Gary: 80% black, 25% poverty, median income around $30,000, AVG of 45 murders per 100,000 people the last 10 years vs. Minnetonka 95% white, 1% poverty, median income of around $100,000, AVG of 0.5 murders per 100,000 people the last 10 years). You don't ever have to go to either place in your life, and you know they are two very different "types" of communities. All you have to do is stay on your p's and q's by continually looking at new data when it comes out, b/c stuff does change over time, but the data always shows that. That's an extreme example, but it illustrates the point.
And youre ALSO talkin about two VERY big extremes on the complete opposite sides of the spectrum. Yes, I HAVE lived in Minntonka...and it was a very safe and cozy and I would live there again. No I have NOT been to Gary so guess what? I cant speak on it. You could die in Minnetonka by being hit by a drunk driver just as fast as you could die from a gunshot wound going through Gary....so that stat still has nothing to do with anything.

Your problem is you look TOO much into numbers, and you are OBSSESED with averages and stats. It jades you perspective and makes alot of what you say subjective, even though you THINK you are being objective.

There are hoods EVERYWHERE and there are CRAZY muthafuckas EVERYWHERE.....from Minnetonka to Gary to Stockholm to Okinawa....

BTW, this subject has been beaten to death...can we give it a rest? If you think you have the power to say who is and who ISNT a "real thug", so be it. That does NOT make you right.



The Rabbi
Feb 26, 2006
NE Portland
lol at this thread! tuck it in, sing it a lullabuy, and give it a rest. every body is right and wrong! put your egos away and unlock your sensibility.
white people ride tracktors and black people need to shoot them cuz the mexicans are crossing the border to canada to laugh at the french in spanglish while the arab suicide bombed my favorite quiznos/starbucks, so paul allen decided to slap travis outlaw for bein ugly, and thats why i took my fat italian ass to the festa and ate spaghetti and meat-a balls with my greasy ass euro-fro.
the real truth is, if yur momma did crack, than your an OG no matter what color u are, and you can have all the "bling bling" you want, its how u bought it that makes it shine.
Oct 21, 2002
lol at this thread! tuck it in, sing it a lullabuy, and give it a rest. every body is right and wrong! put your egos away and unlock your sensibility.
white people ride tracktors and black people need to shoot them cuz the mexicans are crossing the border to canada to laugh at the french in spanglish while the arab suicide bombed my favorite quiznos/starbucks, so paul allen decided to slap travis outlaw for bein ugly, and thats why i took my fat italian ass to the festa and ate spaghetti and meat-a balls with my greasy ass euro-fro.
the real truth is, if yur momma did crack, than your an OG no matter what color u are, and you can have all the "bling bling" you want, its how u bought it that makes it shine.
lol ur a fool euro fro
Oct 23, 2006
I wish I was joking. This shit is weird to me for real. All these hicks in random towns in Washington wish they were from the Bay, and they actually make their best biting attempt at copying it. Crazy. Why not just be a fan?
its not where your from homie- its where your at and who you are specifically. I hate seeing people get bunched together in one group like that, especially if you don't know shit about them. Also theres a good number of Seattle cats who post here, stick around for awhile and that will become obvious.
May 2, 2002
Hick gangsta rappers, huh? Now there's an oxymoron if I ever heard one. I wasn't aware there was such a thing. Thanks for bringing that to my attention.
Sep 12, 2002
I'm a country bumkin' I guess you could say. U don't have to be from Cali to be validated " Street or Gangsta. My demographics are probaly hard to find, but my home Indian Reservation probaly has a 5X the violent crimes per capita and we barely make the Mcnally Maps...real talk Right here in Central Oregon. i know Yakima & Spokane have the same demogrpahics because of the rez's and other elements. You might yourself unsafe out here in the boondocks!! Watch out for the HICKS!!! Looks are decieving.... Alot of dark shit happens out here in the Wastlelands.
Apr 25, 2002
I'm a country bumkin' I guess you could say. U don't have to be from Cali to be validated " Street or Gangsta. My demographics are probaly hard to find, but my home Indian Reservation probaly has a 5X the violent crimes per capita and we barely make the Mcnally Maps...real talk Right here in Central Oregon. i know Yakima & Spokane have the same demogrpahics because of the rez's and other elements. You might yourself unsafe out here in the boondocks!! Watch out for the HICKS!!! Looks are decieving.... Alot of dark shit happens out here in the Wastlelands.
TRUE. Rosebud in South Dakota in the early 70s had one of the highest murder rates in the country, nowadays I think that's down slightly, but the poverty is still top 5 percentile and the suicide rate among teenagers is top 1 percentile. You absolutely do not have to go there to figure out that life there is just a little more challenging than it is in the neighborhood where I grew up (or Minnetonka).

I'm so glad they've got somebody like Night Shield making music, they deserve a voice in hip-hop.

What reservation are you talking about in Oregon?


Evergreen Hustlah
Sep 13, 2005
Tha Eva Green
correct me if i'm wrong but i think jsk is from warm springs rez...i currently reside on the colville rez on the eastside of WA...shit is crazy on the rez, but feels normal to me...i had countless homies die round here, murder, suicide, genocide...fucc'd up