I don't know how much of that you're serious with, and how much of that you're just posting on here trying to get some attention. Your basic thought process, I do agree with 100%. All you are saying that there should be a connection between a rapper's lyrical themes and his physical environment. Absolutely there should be.
But what you're way offbase on, is the diagnosis of their physical environment. It is hilarious that you come from Frisco, if there was some sort of licensing agency for the "right" to rap about gangster themes, there wouldn't be much coming out of SF. Of all the major cities out there, SF has one of the lowest violent crime rates, one of the smallest black populations, one of the lowest poverty rates, one of the highest median incomes, and one of the highest percentage of residents with college degrees. SF boys wouldn't get their "permits" to rap about gangster stuff unless they are from one of two tiny pockets of town.
And you've also misdiagnosed the Northwest. Yakima, Pasco (and the mentioned Sunnyside) all have higher crime rate averages over the last 10 years than both Seattle and your precious San Francisco. Somebody said it earlier, those towns are all majority Latino, but I think by saying red neck you really mean "not black." No question, a greater percentage of Sunnysiders are doing bad things than San Franciscans, no question about it.
And I disagree completely with anybody saying the "if you haven't been here.....then you can't speak on......" That is so not true, all you have to do is educate yourself with a little demographic information, maybe sprinkle in some crime statistics and some maps, and you can develop a pretty detailed understanding of what a community is like without ever going there in your life.
I don't think many people on here have ever been to Gary, Indiana and I don't think many people on here have been to Minnetonka, Minnesota. But c'mon, if you're going to look at the demographics (Gary: 80% black, 25% poverty, median income around $30,000, AVG of 45 murders per 100,000 people the last 10 years vs. Minnetonka 95% white, 1% poverty, median income of around $100,000, AVG of 0.5 murders per 100,000 people the last 10 years). You don't ever have to go to either place in your life, and you know they are two very different "types" of communities. All you have to do is stay on your p's and q's by continually looking at new data when it comes out, b/c stuff does change over time, but the data always shows that. That's an extreme example, but it illustrates the point.