HBO: Game of Thrones

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Nov 24, 2003
I am still scratching my head at one thing.

I'll need to look in the books to double check but I thought when Stannis attacked King's Landing he had about 20,000 men.

Obvioulsy he lost quite a few in that battle so at best lets say he had 15,000 left (although I read the estimate was as low as 2,000).

Anyways so Stannis has a force of 15,000 and Mance had an army of about 100,000....

When Stannis roles up on Mance, it looks like Mance has about 500 people. Where are the other 99,500 soldiers? How could 100,000 be taken so easily by an army 1/10 the size?

Any explanations? Am I missing something?


Oct 21, 2002
Stannis had a lot of sellswords he bought with the loan the iron bank gave him and the wildlings were super unorganized and spread out. Once Stannis had Mance (and his wife and child in the book) and the rest of the different clans leaders they fell apart. You could say they didn't want a war as much as they were willing to fight to get to the other side of the wall before the Walkers got there.

Speaking of Mance....
Did they legit burn Mance and not Rattleshirt? They sure didn't do any hints or winks that it was actually Rattleshirt. I'm sure they could write around it but I was really looking forward to seeing Ciaran Hines in Winterfell as Abel, interacting with Reek and shit.


Aug 22, 2003
Seattle, WA
In the books (there it is lol) its reasoned they were taken easy because theyre unorganized and selfish and don't know how to battle, also stannis has armored cavalry and proper weapons. Wildlings are just bums basically wearing hides and fur using old ass weapons or fighting with janky ones like clubs and shit. They just charge in headfirst with no leadership or plan or orders because theyre all free men and they get massacred by ppl who have armor and are riding on horseback and are trained to block and parry and move in formations etc. Also a lot of them tried to flee knowing the arnored cavalry was going to massacre them

Scaling hundreds of thousands of people with cgi is super expensive and hbo is cheap. Either it looks like shit and its goofy like the lord of the rings and still costs millions or they have to do it in the dark to reduce the cgi costs. All the most expensive scenes are always done in dark because you can get away with having far less detail. Hbo already blew a significant portion of lasts seasons wad on the cgi for the wall battle and the battle choreography, they simply didn't have the money to do anything else or were unwilling to use it. Remember this show they gotta travel to several countries and feed all these ppl and dress them in custom tailored clothes and do hair and makeup etc production costs are already extremely expensive as is, and they want to make money. Most ppl pirate this show, if all these losers paid for the content the show would be far more profitable andmaybe hbo would be willing to spend more. As of now it doesn't make sense

And B-Buzz @B-Buzz who the hell knows lol. They just rewrite stuff and add in characters and remove characters as they go on and they've gotten extremely bold about it. At this point its clear they dont even respect GRRM anymore, the shows become theirs more than its his and they want to prove to it as much as they can. I wouldn't be surprised if theres kinda like a off hand bullying type thing going on cause hes so slow at writing the books. Like a "screw this guy, GoT is ours now that hes become powerless to stop us anyway"
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Nov 24, 2003
In the books (there it is lol) its reasoned they were taken easy because theyre unorganized and selfish and don't know how to battle, also stannis has armored cavalry and proper weapons. Wildlings are just bums basically wearing hides and fur using old ass weapons or fighting with janky ones like clubs and shit. They just charge in headfirst with no leadership or plan or orders because theyre all free men and they get massacred by ppl who have armor and are riding on horseback and are trained to block and parry and move in formations etc. Also a lot of them tried to flee knowing the arnored cavalry was going to massacre them

Scaling hundreds of thousands of people with cgi is super expensive and hbo is cheap. Either it looks like shit and its goofy like the lord of the rings and still costs millions or they have to do it in the dark to reduce the cgi costs. All the most expensive scenes are always done in dark because you can get away with having far less detail. Hbo already blew a significant portion of lasts seasons wad on the cgi for the wall battle and the battle choreography, they simply didn't have the money to do anything else or were unwilling to use it. Remember this show they gotta travel to several countries and feed all these ppl and dress them in custom tailored clothes and do hair and makeup etc production costs are already extremely expensive as is, and they want to make money. Most ppl pirate this show, if all these losers paid for the content the show would be far more profitable andmaybe hbo would be willing to spend more. As of now it doesn't make sense

Honestly that is pretty much exactly what I was thinking.

I am only through book 2 but the scene really came off as a budget saving move.

The surprise wasn't as much Stannis being able to out maneuver the wildlings, it was more like where the fuck are the wildlings.. He just rides up and there is like 500 people with Mance. I can see how Stannis would win but it should have been a bigger fight.
Props: BUTCHER 206
May 13, 2002
Not sure if you all went over this, but did anyone see why the replaced dude that played Daario Naharis (leader of the Second Sons) this season?
Yeah the original guy left GOT so he could star in some movie.

It was a bit confusing because they replaced him with a guy that looks nothing like him and has a beard.

Neither are like how the book describes him where he was very flamboyant, dyed his beard blue and his mustache gold. Probably would have looked retarded on TV lol so they went with more of a regular look I guess. But for whatever I don't like the new guy at all.
May 9, 2002
Yeah the original guy left GOT so he could star in some movie.

It was a bit confusing because they replaced him with a guy that looks nothing like him and has a beard.

Neither are like how the book describes him where he was very flamboyant, dyed his beard blue and his mustache gold. Probably would have looked retarded on TV lol so they went with more of a regular look I guess. But for whatever I don't like the new guy at all.

Like that?


Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002

Does this season seem like it's way different? Varys and Tyrion together? Sansa and Littlefinger out of the Eyrie? Mance getting killed with no foreshadowing? Brienne running into Arya and Sansa?

Kinda feel like knowing the books means nothing at this point.
Props: BUTCHER 206


Oct 21, 2002

Does this season seem like it's way different? Varys and Tyrion together? Sansa and Littlefinger out of the Eyrie? Mance getting killed with no foreshadowing? Brienne running into Arya and Sansa?

Kinda feel like knowing the books means nothing at this point.
Just going to ignore Jaime & Bronn going to Dorne huh lol
May 9, 2002


Oct 21, 2002
pretty good episode, felt a little long but they covered a lot of shit so they can start moving everything along now. Not sure what I think about Sansa taking Jeyne Poole/Arya's place but it should be interesting when she meets Reek.
Best parts
- Stannis' nod to Jon
- showing the Khaleesi whore that Jorah was fucking
- dude who's playing the high sparrow is really good.
- What I'm hoping is R.S.


Oct 21, 2002
"I am here for Hizdahr," the knight said. "Throw down your steel and stand aside, and no harm need come to you."

Khrazz laughed. "Old man. I will eat your heart." The two men were of a height, but Khrazz was two stone heavier and forty years younger, with pale skin, dead eyes, and a crest of bristly red-black hair that ran from his brow to the base of his neck.

"Then come," said Barristan the Bold.