Have You ever had a Panic Attack

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Feb 23, 2008
yea but it feels more like im just REALLY uncomfortable and it only happens when im laying down i noticed...anyone only have them under certain conditions?? or do they always happen outta no where
yea i had one in early december 08' for the first time when i woke up and not from a nightmare but hasnt happened since.
by the way did you have a shorter breath after?
Feb 23, 2008
So if someone were to jump out from behind a corner to scare one of you, would you freeze up and start hyperventilating or something?
i would take flight and smash that fools face in without blinkin.
never been scared of a panic attack just happened outta the blue with no strees or pressure triggering it
no explanation
Jan 5, 2006
its hard to explain it to someone whos never had it before.. its basically like a bad trip.. its like nausea, a cold flush around your body, fast heart beat, hard time breathing, tight chest.

try working out the hardest youve ever worked out like pushing your body to the absolute max.. its kinda like that, your body is so fatigued and it panics.
Sep 9, 2003
So if someone were to jump out from behind a corner to scare one of you, would you freeze up and start hyperventilating or something?
No I wouldn't because that's not fear.. that's being startled..... But if you jumped from behind a corner with a gun, threatening to kill me.. then that can definitely trigger a panic attack...


Sicc OG
Jul 21, 2002
damn some of yall are describing some serious issues, I only get them when i'm really really high for the most part. last time i had one was like a week ago when i took a couple rips of a high quality joint that i put a bunch of keif in, i seriously started buggin. started impulsivley doing shit around the house to try to ignore the shit. I'll never take pills or any of that stuff unless i start having them all the time. I should just stop smoking weed and i probably wouldnt ever get them
Dec 29, 2008
wow the shit you guys are describing is crazy

i don't think these types of attacks are as common as you guys make it sound
i don't know anyone who has ever had a panic attack
May 7, 2002
wow the shit you guys are describing is crazy

i don't think these types of attacks are as common as you guys make it sound
i don't know anyone who has ever had a panic attack
I'm surprised at the numbers as well, especially with those whose attacks were triggered by marijuana.
Feb 15, 2003
unfortunately i'm all too familiar with this topic...

I went through a period of time when I was getting them frequently while trying to stop smoking and drinking and make life changes, i think it was pressure from life and my body reacting to not having alchol, cigs and weed after such a long time of using them....

the only time I get one now is when I'm really hungover, or if i smoke weed...

I still smoke occasionally and i think its because my tolerance to weed has gone done so when i smoke i get really high and it triggers a panic attack..

i have learned to manage them a lot better but they are definately not a fun thing to go through

the best way to describe it for me is I start having hella random, rapid negative thoughts, trouble breathing, feel heart beating, hands tingling, feel like i am going to lose control or go crazy, or just completely pass out...

the best thing to do is get educated on them...

for a while there i couldnt sit in a room with a lot of people cuz i would fear having a panic attack... now i am in school and work with little to no problems and no medication.....

the thing that sucks is fearing having another one, its key to get over that

the only thing to fear, is fear itself

just realize it's only anxiety and its not gonna kill you
Dec 29, 2008
i just really don't get the connection between being hella zooted and the urge to start panicking. when i get really high my body is like "yes, high five"
Dec 17, 2004
i just really don't get the connection between being hella zooted and the urge to start panicking. when i get really high my body is like "yes, high five"
sometimes being "hella zooted" will make you think a lot...like think a lot a lot...and thats what anxiety is...over thinking about possible bad shit. its all in your head

i went for a couple years when i was 19-20 getting frequent panic attacks. i was convinced i had a heart condition or something and that would trigger shit. i would go for weeks in a row with a non stop feeling of anxiety. it was horrible. worst period of my life. dont really get attacks anymore. after about a couple years i learned to control them, but i still get flashback type symptoms every once in a while (pressure in chest, pain in left arm, tingly/cold hands, etc.)