Have You ever had a Panic Attack

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Mar 13, 2003
with me i have never gotten them until last year (summer time) Wife pregnant with 4th child and the economy starting a downswing worried about if we gonna be able to keep our house(which we will be foreclosing soon......better off since the fire we had, never wanna go thru that again) I think my "fear" or "anxiety" is coming from a fear in death for me....Never cared about that shit until wifey and I started having a family now all i want is to live and see them all grow up! I felt like i've done had enough of this anxiety bullshit but at the same time dont want to take Xanax or shit like that....My dr. prescribed it to me before, and even tho it would go away i'd have this mind numbing feeling...kind of like zoned out and shit. Dont want. I've been taking this herbal medicine stuff and dont get attacks as often, i dont know if its the herbal medicine (no not weed. Magnolia root and Holy basil) or just me cuz i've been trying to overcome it mentally...hard as shit. I couldnt understand why (still dont) i get attacks but i try to control it with slow deep breaths now and distraction from my current mind state....So far it's worked for me.........Heres something i learned with MMA fighter Caro Perisian (sp?) last fight, he is also suffering from Panic/anxiety attacks...When i get the attacks i can feel hot in the face, anxious, and a real sense of dying...........shit sucks but hopefully i can overcome this w/o a fuckin shrink, lol
Jan 5, 2006
i think i went throught he worst part of it.. like Karo said tho.. those full blown panic attacks where you dont know if its ever gonna end, your heart is pounding like crazy.. cold flushed body, hot face all that shit makes u contemplate suicide, its unbearable.

The more you have them the more you get used to it tho.
Apr 25, 2002
i think i went throught he worst part of it.. like Karo said tho.. those full blown panic attacks where you dont know if its ever gonna end, your heart is pounding like crazy.. cold flushed body, hot face all that shit makes u contemplate suicide, its unbearable.
the thing is when they happen day after day after day 3-4 times a day makes you wanna blow your head off , makes you feel useless how especially the only thing you want to do is sleep and not function at all . i got througth it, still fight througth daily not that i get them daily but its a battle........rock n roll
Feb 23, 2008
well if you get panic attacks from smoking weed and weed has estrogen(a hormone everybody produces but women more than men) then thats why yall are gettin em. oh yea and estrogen also makes you grow man tits
May 7, 2002
would you agree a vitamin depletion and such are still dependant on the (conditioned) satisfaction level of ones assertions/beliefs that keep him in check?

im saying that even the level of certainty that one needs in order to be satisfied is as well a subsconscious conditioning of the mind. Therefore it could all be bypassed on the level of consciousness.

an analogy: i could want more until it reaches my approval standards, or i can adjust my approval standards and be just as satisfied with little.
I agree, absolutely!

But I just wanted to point out that it is not 'all in your mind' as some people may think. Because once you have developed the disorder, you are sort of neurologically fucked, as well.

I should add though, in some cases it may have very little to do with one's assertions/beliefs. Poverty, for example. If you grow up in an environment where you have poor nutritional resources (not to mention all the other negative aspects of growing up in poverty), you are much more prone to some disorders.

Also, anxiety disorders are genetic. Not genetic in a sense, if your mother has Social Phobia, you will have it too. But, genetic in a sense, you will be neurologically 'weaker' (e.g.,chemical imbalance in your autonomic nervous system) from birth, hence making you much more prone to developing mental disorders. Shy people, for example, are much more prone to panic attack disorders, social phobia, etc. It is sort of like alcoholism. You're not BORN an alcoholic, but if you're born to an alcoholic, you are much more prone to alcoholism. In this case, I mean even children who never knew their genetic parents, and were brought up by non-alcoholic foster parents, are more likely to become alcoholics, according to many studies.

I hope that makes sense.
May 7, 2002

the only time I have got them is when I was high, & it usually comes from Sativa highs for me, ...I cant fuck with Trainwreck or it is game over.

My good friend cant smoke weed no more, & she was my smokin buddy for yeeeeeears.

they got her on all sorts of meds now.
Yes. I started smoking weed at a really young age. Around 11, or 12. I smoked up to my late teens. I was never a 'pot head', all though I would smoke on a daily basis, on and off for many years. I quit at around the age of 19. I began having panic attacks when I was 23. So I'm not sure if having once smoked weed, contributed to me developing this disorder.

I am surprised at how many of you guys experience panic attacks when high on weed. I wish I knew more about how marijuana may contribute to development of a panic attack. I wonder if there are studies on the correlation between marijuana and specific mental disorders.
Apr 25, 2002
Man this thread is hella real, I didn't realize how many people have had them. The first one I ever had it wasn't too bad, I just thought I was hella sick and went home and basically shrugged it off. The 2nd time was fucked up tho, hit me hella hard while I was driving in SF, thought I was gonna die for real. I got some xanax presecribed from the Doc, don't really use it but keep it in the car just in case. Makes me feel better that I can pop a couple pills just in case I need to... what's fucked up is if you have one and you're with someone and they don't understand how fucked up it is to have a panic attack and they try to clown you about it... shit ain't no joke man, one of the worst feelings you can ever go through.
Jan 5, 2006
the thing is when they happen day after day after day 3-4 times a day makes you wanna blow your head off , makes you feel useless how especially the only thing you want to do is sleep and not function at all . i got througth it, still fight througth daily not that i get them daily but its a battle........rock n roll
there was a point from the middle of december to the middle of january, basically winter break.. i would have them everyday.. usually at night.. i could feel all the stress i was putting on my heart too. It slowly faded away though.. i get some anxiousness here and there but i am so glad i was able to overcome that shit without treatment, i tried to but my medical insurance took forever and still is taking forever, i was pretty much forced to go thru it with no prescriptions.. pills or therapies.

I did alot of reading on this subject and i feel im pretty literate in the subject. I was able to treat myself.. not 100% but its getting there.. its hard explaining it to other people.. they dont understand wtf a panic attack is or how it feels.
Mar 24, 2004
can it happen from stopping smoking weed? i smoked only for like 2 years and i quit almost 2 months ago..but i notice after a few weeks of not smoking, sometimes i feel like i cant breath, i get hot, and i just need to move around or something. it only happens when im laying down though or going to bed, would this be a panic attack??
Sep 9, 2003
how does one go from feeling high to feeling like they're gonna die? It sounds like a lot of you have had this experience. Can you enlighten me how this happens?
For me it was like being calm to instantly being frightened to death..

"When we're afraid we function at our purest level,

When we're afraid we approach our essence

Real fear can only exist if you think something frightening can occur.."

Real Shit
Sep 9, 2003
can it happen from stopping smoking weed? i smoked only for like 2 years and i quit almost 2 months ago..but i notice after a few weeks of not smoking, sometimes i feel like i cant breath, i get hot, and i just need to move around or something. it only happens when im laying down though or going to bed, would this be a panic attack??
I want to say yeah, this was my first time ever having one.. and I had the same symptoms, its scary huh?
Mar 24, 2004
yea but it feels more like im just REALLY uncomfortable and it only happens when im laying down i noticed...anyone only have them under certain conditions?? or do they always happen outta no where
Apr 25, 2002
damn heellllla mothafuckas get panic attacks from blowin mj.i used to get panic attacks sometimes when i was super lit.............but i first started get'em back when i was smokin sess,that had me thinkin it was some laced shit,cus it was only sess.one time i was sittin on the toilet,heart beatin out my shirt,numb from the waist down,and my chest burnin like it was on fire,and super dry throat feelin like i was gonna die of cotton mouth.i remember that day me and my dudes smoked like 9 sess blunts in like 15 minutes between like 6 or 7 of us.that was the highest i ever got till that point in time and i think it was the first time i had a panic attack.thats probly what set my occasional attack off.i quit weed like 4 or 5 years ago pretty much cus i hated gettin them.like real over high.i started smokin again like a few months ago (for artistic reasons) but i just take a few puffs and im lit so i dont try to over do it.once you have them a few times,you kinda learn how to control them,IM JUST HIIIIIGH!!!!!!
Apr 25, 2002
damn,right now im super lit and i was reading someones post about getting valium for it then i thought,"damn, maybe i can get a doctors note for medical mj", then it hit me that it would kinda be defeating the purpose............

im a dumb ass......
Oct 16, 2002
man it's crazy cuz i been gett'n panic attacks now for a minute...never took no medication or went to the doc i just deal with it on my own and try to control it as much as i can....shit sucks hella bad tho, be feel'n all shitty and get this dirty ass gut feel'n that i fuck'n hate so much that i want to stick a knife in my stomach....

but for the last two months i been cool tho...i still think i should see a doc even tho cuz i know this shit has changed me cuz i really didn't want to be round ppl and i just straight up hate that fuck'n feel'n esp. in my stomach....

i don't even smoke weed anymore well compared to what i used to....hardly ever smoke a blunt unless am with friends and have a couple shots of hennessy in me otherwise i just take couple light hits from the pipe cuz i feel like if i get to high it's gonna trigger a panic attack..
Jan 5, 2006
For me it was like being calm to instantly being frightened to death..

"When we're afraid we function at our purest level,

When we're afraid we approach our essence

Real fear can only exist if you think something frightening can occur.."

Real Shit
the mind is a powerful thing, hard to defeat.. so instead of fighting it you learn to control it and pay no attention to the feelings.