Haters only

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Cannabis Connoisseur
Jan 23, 2006
Rich City
I'm talking about the mid-80s homie, shit was bleak to watch. Oh and I forgot to mention that seeing 30,000 white people doing the "tomahawk chop" and that lil' chant thing is pretty repulsive too.
yeah....that shit is fucking gay.....I don't like them more for the racist name, same with the redskins


Sicc OG
Apr 25, 2002
fuck the saints yankees mets phillies 6ers knicks bulls pistons lakers panthers saints bucs steelers 49ers saints colts and the 72 dolphins for being such fucking faggoty faggots
Apr 25, 2002
What sports team do you hate more than any other?

Top of my list, I gotta say the Patriots. They have brought Gayness to an all new level. They are so gay, they even have a player on the roster whose last name is Gay. It's not really even the players that I hate so much either, because before Brady and the rest of the Queers teamed up, I always thought what a pussy ass name they have. The Patriots? The fuck out of here with that gay shit. Might as well call them the Republicans or Ultra Conservatives. It got a 1000X worse ever since the "brady rule" that cheated da Raiders out of the superbowl. Never forget, never forget.

Next, it's gotta be the Lakers. I have always enjoyed watching them lose games, no matter who they're playing. Pussy ass yellow. Even when the guy that used to have Aids was playing they were as gay as Tony Romo. I remember cheering for the Mediterranean team (Sacramento) in the playoffs all the time but they always got screwed by the refs. Same with Portland. Cheaters.

Yankees. I hate baseball and fortunately I rarely ever watch the "sport", but dispite my lack of interest I fuckin hate the Yankees. Wow, you guys are so good because there is no salary cap and you happen to be the richest team on the planet and can afford to pay a trillion dollars on a-rod. Fuck that, Money cant buy you happiness a-roid!
nuff said

i hate to add the "media" that covers sports. you mean to tell me you went to college to cover sports ? isnt there a war or a genocide u could be covering ? get off Terrell owens dick , why aren't you going after clemens you fuckin hypocrit,the reporting is like reading people magazine . that dude skip from espn's cold pizza is a fuckin homo sexual and jim rome is his lover. i wish jim rome would die slowly , i hope he gets kicked to death by a bunch of european soccer hoodlums

fuck the jazz , fuck the dodgers
Nov 7, 2006

fuck boxing, shit puts u to sleep now with the MMA in effect

fuck the colts, i respect them but there too good and my team always face em so fuck em lol

Nov 7, 2006
^^^so ur tryin to say u bang nasty bitches so u can keep it real? good for you and if u ask me

fuck nasty bitches but not literally like you i just hate on em
Nov 16, 2006
as for teams i hate its a 3 way tie between
LA Dodgers- aint even into baseball that much but fuck these gay ass hollwood dick in the booty ass mufuckas

Dallas Cowfags- AMERICAS TEAM????THE FUCK OUTTA HERE WIT YOUR 12 YEAR PLAYOFF WIN DROUGHT.aint gonna diss texas though cuz i been there and its the shit

BITCH ASS OAKLAND RAIDERS- 95% of raider fans are fuckin retarded ass pussies who either got punked in high school or werent hard enough to be let into a gang so they treat they precious little raider nation like its a gang. fuck al davis skeletor lookin ass

PS- i used to hate the packers back in the day but not so much now. and at the moment i hate the pats also but i gotta give them props at the same time.
Jan 17, 2008
The Chicago Bears- One of the most overrated teams to ever play football. Mike Dicksuck is a loser. So yeah. FUCK DA BEARS.

S.A. Spurs- They think they are the high and mighty team of Basketball.

Detroit Pistons- FUCK RASHEED WALLASS. Do I need to say more.

Boston Red Sox-Really do not like them at all.
Nov 7, 2006
whoa wtf? did you really say that?

whats ur mlb team?

i swear to you im in so much shock from that statement right now, its unbeleivable
lol. how bout fuck baseball. i just hate baseball and decided to say the sox since they won it all and kinda represent baseball right now lol. i fucking hate baseball even though i live in boston i still cant fucking sit through a game unless i'm at the actual stadium watching. same way with hockey. i do rock redsox hats from time to time though but not to rep the team but where i'm from