westbaygiant said:
I dont mind if people in new york or in the dirty south bump it and immitate it, or people from chicago or fukin alaska or fuckin africa or whereever, but when people from So. Cal do it, it makes me laugh cause you fools are always talking shit about NorCal but now your swinging off our dicks, Bwahahahahah!
Truth is, only muthafuckas down here gettin hyphy are kids and losers. Anyone over the drinking age getting hyphy is the same mothafucka getting to the club before 9:30 to get their $3 incredible hulk on, waiting for the dj to play some lil jon, all while they kids are at grandmas. They'll go for anything thats hot for the moment. Losers and kids, G.
Now, no one else misconstrue my position here. I have spent my money on Cali artists all up and down this state and don't a fuck if a motherfucker is from my neck of the woods or the bay. It's just that this motherfucking thread has turned into some socal vs bay shit by one of the biggest idiots on here since wattsup. Cuntbag is already spewin the same mess in the general hip hop forum and is prolly getting shit going in the bart.