Dubcnn: I mean you know Spider Loc and Game were both there..
Man fuck that bullshit man, I ain't with all that bullshit man! Him and Game, all that shit, I ain't with that! I done hollered at Game. They need to cut that shit out. Because it's nothing, it's petty. First of all Spider Loc ain't sold no records, so he need to be cool with everybody right now. G-Unit cannot save you, cuzz. This is the West Coast nigga, you need to go according to the plan, and the plan is ain't nobody tripping with nobody.
So I'ma say it like this, any nigga that's tripping on the West Coast gotta deal with me. I got everything out here, so it's just like that. So nigga fall in line or fall out. We not having that out here, we worked too hard to get the game back in our corner to where people are looking to hear some
good music. They not looking to hear no diss music. Anybody can do that, nigga you don't move nothing with that!
See now you tearing up the fanbase on the West Coast, now they gotta pick between you and him! As opposed to pickin' both of ya'll! What makes more sense, if a nigga have to pick you or you, or pick both of ya'll! When they go down south to buy a record guess what, they not buying one, they buying all of them! It's not by accident why Snoop the only nigga that sells a million records on the West! The rest of you niggas get 9 videos and all this exposure, and still can't go platinum! I ain't even gotta put a video out to go platinum. Muthafuckin "Real Talk" got 2 million hits right now. You hear what I'm saying?