Good Cock & Bad Cock
This is what these two do when they out at the bars and shit tryin' to pick up bitches, one acts all nice and the other acts like a dick... to let the other one (good cock) save the day and yes ppl actually call them good cock and bad cock. They work together as a team to pick up chicks, lol. FAGS, lol.
My old man calls me Olive Oil to "try" and piss me off, but I'm over it. It's like whatever, fuck you, I'm skinny and there's nothing I can do about it. Before that it was skinflint. I was like, “What the fuck does that even mean?” And he was like, “I dunno, you look like a flint of skin.” Um, ok, whatever dad.
My old man had names for my sister and all her friends too. He called them the "Skank Train" and made fun of all of them because they all dyed their hair like every other week and spent numerous hours in the bathroom (spraying perfume and putting on make up) getting ready for when they went out. They were:
Skank Dog
Super Skank
Spanky Skank
Skunk Dog
And The Caboose
Oh and I had a friend who always came over to get high and then she would lay out on the couch all fuckin' day long. My dad called her Beluga Whale, saying she was always beached out, lol. He called her Brown Cow too cuz she was always tanning and super tan. LOL, we used to have a tanning bed and every time she came up from tanning he'd say, "How Now Brown Cow?" LOL, used to laugh my ass off at that. She'd get so pissed too, lol.