Freedom Town: Aesthetic and Recreational Lawn Alternative

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Jun 23, 2008
Gold Coast, Australia
I like quite a few current cartoons like Regular Show, Adventure Time, etc ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. I mean I guess they have quite a few adult elements that go over kids heads too but I just think they are funny and Adventure Time is really fucking weird.

I think it's pretty stupid to be like you are xx years old you shouldn't be into/like ______ anymore in most cases. The My Little Pony with Bronies thing is more that it's a show that's specifically aimed at little girls that a group of grown men just don't only seem enjoy (whatever there) but actually self identify themselves as a group because of how into it they are. That's a little weird to me but like I said to each their own I guess.
yeah if you genuinely like a show aimed at kids then watch it. but im sure 95% of these cunts only watch a show so they can talk about it with their hipster friends
Props: DubbC415
Jun 23, 2008
Gold Coast, Australia
yeah adding millions of people who couldnt go before but keeping bout the same amount of doctors is gonna do great but hey that at least hired 16,000 new irs agents to make sure those who dont want it or sign up get fined
lol i was gonna argue the same points as icon but then i decided i wasnt going to argue economics and politics on a website called siccness with a dude named drunkaholic lol
Props: DubbC415
Jun 23, 2008
Gold Coast, Australia
just was at the gym and i thought i felt some thunder go off and i thought it was weird because it was clear when i got there. come out 45 mins later and there is a car about 200 yards away that looks like it flipped about 10 times. cops, fire trucks and ambulances everywhere. pretty the thunder i thought i felt was this car flipping from that far away. would be very lucky to get out of that alive by the look of it.


Bob Pimp MOBBEN!!!
Apr 25, 2002
Indo Slapmaster Yesterday at 7:53am

All I need is a few more donations to get "Rolling Stone" video edited complete. Anyone who donates will get a special shout out at the end of the video (name/Twitter/IG)! This video will be aired on all majors bayarea blogs and internet radio station websites as YouTube and vevo. Please be a part of this song and video. Support by donating any amount to [email protected] threw thanx!

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