Freedom Town: Aesthetic and Recreational Lawn Alternative

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Jan 18, 2008
Rip City
So after I baked that DiGiorno, I realized I wanted a pizza cooking sheet. Because the two cookie sheets we have don't fit a pizza on them, so it s higher on one side then the other. Anyways. I'm shopping after work and I got look at them, and we have fucking one kind, and it's $25, I'm like dats out. So I'm heading up to pay and I walk by the clearance section and I just happen to look over and see a 2 piece fucking pizza cooking sheet. So I do a Tiger Woods fist pump, and look at it was $18.99, but then I get $50 off for clearance, and then add on $15 employee discount. After realizing, I'm going to pay $5 for this god damn 2 piece pizza cooking sheet, I proceeded to Tebow. I spent the walk up to the check stand struting with pizza sheet in hand and kinda waving it around so people could see what I was purchasing. I get in line and start talking to the other people in line about what a great deal I got on this fucking 2 piece pizza cooking sheet. They were all very impressed, and one man even shook my hand. It was a great day. Girl asked if I wanted her to put the 2 piece pizza cooking sheet in a bag, and I said hell no, I want to walk with this find. I blew her a kiss and skipped out the store.


Raider Nation
Feb 21, 2005
I like HD and all, but wtf... how can a word that used to mean tiddies mean all this shit:

-a home invasion
-any sort of come up
-smoking weed
-getting pussu
-staying positive

I mean those things really aren't even similar,except a home invasion and a come up. but home invasions are messed up, unless the home belongs to some punk ass bitch ass person. if someone invaded my home I would be pissed... that's not chi chi.