I spent a good 3 hours yesterday volunteering at the SPCA socializing and walking their dogs. They happened to have one of the dogs from the shelter I was running that got shut down and she remembered me and was hella happy lol
im kinda worried about this stimulus bill but of course im too lazy to look into it. the radio said something about everyone getting $1,200. that sounds like bullshit and i dont think ill see any of that money for some reason. it also sounds like some bullshit because what the hell is hiding in that bill? seems like a pacification payment while some liberties get stripped away and some shady shit is happening behind the scenes
Well I got to particpate in letting 90% of the hotel know they are officially laid off as of today. There is now a team of 12 of us running the whole place.
I also get to carry around a letter from my GM saying I'm an essential employee. In case the cops decide to bother me walking to work I guess? That's the least of my worries as I'll probably flip out on them if they do and tell them to suck a fuck then be shot to death.
My dad does landscape and he been working this whole time before the lockdown he apparently got stopped by city official because they banned gas backpack blowers which is retarded cause the area he works in is full of nothing but trees and leafs they are banning gas lawn mowers also
Man I was supposed to go see both Rage Against the Machine & Tool now those are postponed till whenever. Just canceled my week long trip to Philly on 04/16 to be there for 04/20 and chill with my friend I've known for 20+ years. One bright note is I got my money back on my round trip ticket no questions asked.
I have my first birthday in four years and finally turn ten and the whole world decides to turn to shit lmao
its funny after so many years of trash talking whiskey i love the stuff now and just drink it straight. i even semi like jack daniels. the only thing i dont like is jim beam lol... shits just harsh and not tasty
bought a 25 pound bag of jasmine rice and like 10 pounds of ribeye steak 30 pounds of hamburger a bunch of pork chops and chicken. probably going to end up eating meat and rice everyday for like a month and gain like 20 pounds