i need to turn in my final project for programming by tomorrow night but im in super unmotivated ultra procrastination mode. i hate this stupid project. in the testing stage and i know the solutions i need to fix it are probably 5 lines of code total and rearranging a couple things but im just so brain dead and done with this quarter. Statistics im highly confident I'll end up with a 4.0 grade. Calculus I'm really unsure. I'm either going to get fucked or I'll get a 4.0. I've turned in 26/30 of the homeworks, 4 of them are bonus homeworks so it doesnt matter. The instructor hasnt responded to my emails in 10 days about turning in the last 4 homeworks and hasnt graded about 16 of them that i turned in ages ago. I just said fuck it and took pictures of each page and sent them and am waiting. if they go ungraded my grade is going to slide down to like a 3.4, if he gives full credit for everything ill have a 96.6% becuase i got 200/200 on the final. so a 4.0
sitting on a 99% in programming just need to get that final project turned in. ugh. stressed for no reason lol i just need to buckle down and get it done