i woke up hungry for shake and bake pork chops and went to the store; ended up spending $150 lol
but now im loaded up on choice sirloin steaks. loaded up on copious amounts of chicken drumsticks and chicken breast filets. got my pork chops, four really nice thick cut pork chops. a couple salmon filets. some ground turkey. a couple gallons of milk and some containers of egg whites and liquid whole eggs... ive just been mixing the eggs in the milk. just cracking eggs into milk and shaking it up i can taste the egg and detect the texture change and its digusting but adding the containers is undetectable. its all pastuerized and worth the risk for those gainz, right babe? some other small stuff. about to kill this 6 pack of pineapple ciders, and i have a lagunitas night pils.
thank you for reading my diary / shopping list, I appreciate your time
i know; ive been meaning to get down there and pick up like 24 of them. i think they come in a 6pack? and also like 10 gallons of organic milk... have a fridge jam packed with milk and eggs lol
its lazy but i have to keep the calories up and im tired of figuring out what to eat every day. a gallon of 2% milk plus a container of eggs is 2550 calories, 192g carbs, 125g fat, 182g protein. it makes things so much easier
Chick fila fucked up my order todayso they hooked me up with 2 extra large waffle fries and 8 tenders for free to go with my and my hynas spicy chicken sammich. They were hyphy
Hell yeah. Thats a good amount of walking and its great that you're feeling good. Recently I've been saying exercise isn't really a part of weight loss, its all diet; but it definitely helps things out. When you break down fat a lot of it leaves your body through respiration, a lot of it occurs when you're sleeping and just breathing normally, but getting your heart rate and breathing rate up a little bit can give you a really nice boost
Chick fila fucked up my order todayso they hooked me up with 2 extra large waffle fries and 8 tenders for free to go with my and my hynas spicy chicken sammich. They were hyphy
I feel like i need to exercise more and my diet is poor yet I never get too fat lol I think I do enough to maintain myself where i am with just walking my dogs daily