What's making you not stop? Is it an anxiety thing? Stress thing? Just a boredom thing? Are you surrounded by a lot of people who drink all the time?
I bet the edibles and stuff have helped you cut down quite dramatically. I think I replaced smoking weed with drinking more, and I'm trying to work on replacing drinking with exercise but I still get bored as fuck on my weekends. Then sometimes I just get anxious and stressed and I just drink a ton and it's like I don't even really get drunk even though I'm binge drinking obscene amounts. I'm still trying to figure it out.
Your organs are probably fine. Do you take NAC - N-Acetylcysteine? It's good for liver detox. TUDCA - Tauroursodeoxycholic Acid is even better for the liver, as long as you take it AFTER drinking. It's actually bad to take it before drinking. TUDCA is kind of expensive though