Freedom Town: Aesthetic and Recreational Lawn Alternative

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The Bakersman
Aug 14, 2006
So this has been all over Facebook tonight, and it’s shitty, to say the least. Hopsin was arrested outside of his show in Orlando, FL. The first report I saw was from Hard Target (, who was opening this date of the tour. He said this:
Wow hopsin is getting arrested right now for trying to help stop a altercation, police are fucking dumb
A few hours later, MK (, known for his videos talking shit about any and everything posted this:
I just heard from Hopsin’s team that yes he has been arrested on a petty charge in Florida. He is posting bail shortly and will be released soon. The baseless charges will all but certainly be dropped. Now everyone calm your rectums. We’re good. Thank you for your support.
I guess we’ll hear the full story out of the Funk Volume camp soon. If what Hard Target said was right though, it sounds like some bull-motherfuckin-shit. If you were at the show and know anything about it, hit us up and tell us what went down!
You read it first. bull-motherfuckin-shit.
Sep 20, 2005
so this douche that lives like 30 minutes away comes to town and at 2:30 in the morning he calls 20 times rings the door bell non stop for 10 minutes and still doesnt get the picture so he decides to take the screen off the window and let himself in im sitting there like is this stupid ass fool for real