Shitposting is an easy task that will surely land you to the top of this sub-Reddit.
Don't believe me? Look at the top , they're mainly shitposts. Now Shitposts aren't bad, it's just they require little effort and you'll get upvoted pretty often BUT people do hate shitposts since they want this subreddit to be serious and about actual discussion.
Now enough about shit posts , in going to teach you how to do it:
Step 1: firstly your gonna need to find yourself something somewhat funny , it doesn't need to be so funny you'll spit out your milk. So just go to Twitter or Facebook , if you can a meme page and steal their memes . If not , find a picture from a movie or a tv series and caption it . Or find a picture in a game and caption it
Optional : you can actually make your own meme , which is highly unlikely because who actually makes memes and doesn't steal them
Step 2 : now post the picture . But before that you have to title your post Now you can either make it "relatable" or make it seem somewhat funny
Step 3 : profit , sit back and enjoy your 5 seconds of fame before the next shitpost
Adapted from a [now removed] post on /r/CODZombies by /u/Basilqazi
Don't believe me? Look at the top , they're mainly shitposts. Now Shitposts aren't bad, it's just they require little effort and you'll get upvoted pretty often BUT people do hate shitposts since they want this subreddit to be serious and about actual discussion.
Now enough about shit posts , in going to teach you how to do it:
Step 1: firstly your gonna need to find yourself something somewhat funny , it doesn't need to be so funny you'll spit out your milk. So just go to Twitter or Facebook , if you can a meme page and steal their memes . If not , find a picture from a movie or a tv series and caption it . Or find a picture in a game and caption it
Optional : you can actually make your own meme , which is highly unlikely because who actually makes memes and doesn't steal them
Step 2 : now post the picture . But before that you have to title your post Now you can either make it "relatable" or make it seem somewhat funny
Step 3 : profit , sit back and enjoy your 5 seconds of fame before the next shitpost
Adapted from a [now removed] post on /r/CODZombies by /u/Basilqazi