
I was wondering if you like me. Obviously you do or did to some extent, because okcupid says we like each other. But.. would you like me enough to..eh..date me? Like be my boyfriend? Or would you like to get to know each other some more first? I really like you. You make me feel comfortable. I know I was nervous at first last night, but I think it may have been like butterflies in my chest. Not literal bugs in my chest, I don’t have worms! I am wondering though if I could handle you being gone so much for your job. I guess it would be easier if I could spend a longer extended period of time with you at least for one day each time you are here, because last night wasn’t too long. I have ideas on how to be less boring next time, because I feel I may have been boring to some extent? And… I don’t know if you got my texts last night, but Pikachu was lifting up my shirt exposing a boob for your viewing pleasures. But I should probably tell you I get really clingy sometimes. I’ve been told it’s part of my Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. I am currently getting therapy for that.The psychiatrist I have been working with has helped tremendously already, I was a nutcase before.
I am going to try spending more time with friends and my studies to distract myself from you. Something that I think would help is having a steady boyfriend, having someone who I know cares about me and that I will eventually get to see him even if he goes away sometimes. Him, meaning you in this case. That doesn’t mean in constant contact because obviously that is impossible with you job, plus it could be unhealthy for us mentally and I wouldn’t want us to lose ourselves.
Oh and I don’t think the okcupid percentages are too accurate, because I used to talk to a guy who had 90 something with me, but he was a nightmare with how he treated me sometimes. We never met though. Sorry for writing this novel to you, but if you likes Barnes and Noble, I am guessing you like to read, so eh… enjoy? I am laughing like an idiot now. Not sure why. But I think whenever you go away, I will write you letters that I can give to you when you get back. If only we had owl mail like Harry Potter(taking a risk here since I don’t really know your opinion on Harry Potter..), but that would be convenient because then we could mail each other things from your boat. But then the enemy ships would track the owls and shoot them down then you’ll never get my letters T_T
Plus they could follow the owls they didn’t shoot and find you ship and attempt murder upon you which would make me sad, so please don’t use owl mail. Maybe dolphin mail. But I don’t want to be cruel to the animals either. But I think the dolphins would enjoy it possibly. They seem to like people.
You are so smart and beautiful and kind..\I am easily infatuated, but it takes a lot for me to become unattached to someone, but while I am attached to someone, no one else’s intelligence even counts as intelligence, beauty becomes nonexistent as the object of my affection is the only source of it.. Like an eclipse that blocks out the sun, only the eclipse it bright...my science is probably off...but I was attempting to woo you.
You make me feel funny in my pants too :<
Just typing to you though I have yet to send it is easing my anxiety, so I know I can ward off any potential clinginess, unless you like that I can share some of it.
I have the strangest feeling this is going to ruin any chance of dating you, but I wanted you to know how I feel.
Also, I wanted to say that if by chance you didn’t want a relationship with me, I wouldn’t get suicidal or anything. I have had to loosen peoples hold on me before metaphorically speaking, and it always works in the end.
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