re: HD, the thing is he rarely has one great song on an album to me, his projects as a whole are good but nothing ever outshines the rest, so its hard to rank his albums when they dont have heavy hitters on them
Why would I not listen to the unemployed 90s baby that lives it home for advice on what television shows I should waste my life watching. Seems like his bona fides are unimpeachable in that department.
Organic Chemistry lab... synthetically make shit that is biological active.
Difference from Biochem, is they the chemical make up of living shit, and how it works on a molecular level. Our lab trys to synthetically make compounds that could be on cancer surfaces. So in hopes that anti-bodies attack it, you can make a vacine out of it.
Organic Chem > Bio Chem. Organic Chem is Drug Chemistry, and all about synthesis.