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Oct 25, 2011
I swear I read somewhere that locs dad died and locs was in a car crash and that's what fucked up his brain. Idk if his dad was in the car, and the crash itself caused mental damage, no clue.

I think I either read it on a random site via googling or someone defending him in youtube comments. Maybe you all know this info? Idunno lol but if it is true that's pretty fucked up.
From what I understand is his pops did die in that car crash & The Locs went 5150 in the hospital afterwards when they told him his pops died & it just went on from there.

I am not a doctor, but I am pretty sure schizophrenia can be triggered by tragic events, but I dunno about all that for sure except that he went 5150 @ the county hospital & they kept his ass for a while

His first CD cover was a pic being taken as he left the mental ward.