EA Confirms Fight Night Round 4

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May 13, 2002
^^yep thats a huge factor especially with guys like mike tyson, joe frazier.

And a thing about the physics again, Look at how Toney's head is leaning up against Joe's chest, with joe's arms above toneys head (kind of resting on his head) and how their arms lock (not magically go through like on previous versions!). That's got to be the best game physics, most realistic that is, I've seen in a game. Very impressed!!
Dec 9, 2005
This could quite possibly be the greatest game ever created, based on the article and everything I've seen thus far.

I may quit my job and just become a full time Fight Nighter
Jan 18, 2006
I have a feeling there gonna fuck things up with the controls, I heard they added a new engine or some shit. I liked Fight Night 3 the best cuz of the controls and know im gonna be very disappointed when i play the new one.
May 13, 2002
^^^Do you use the sticks or are you a button pusher?

If you use the sticks, like the game was intended to be played, you wont be disappointed. However if you're a button pusher it will probably suck at first because online play will not allow buttons, but from what I gathered single play will still allow it.

The new engine they added is for the actual physics of the game. This has me the most excited because it adds soooo much realism to the game. This means that arms can get tangled, bodies/arms/fists clash, etc. Not like on previous games where arms would go through arms, or your fist might go through there face or body. This is the dopest part of the new game, imo. Punches can now glance off your opponent, whereas before every punch landed was the same. Plus, this new engine allows for inside fighting, another huge plus and again adds to the realism. You can see in the gameplay video I posted, James Toney resting his head on Frazier's body, and Frazier's arms were kind of pushing toney's head downwards. Thats fuckin dope as hell because thats the physics engine at work and their body parts reacting to the events occurring, so it's not as robitic or predictable movements like before.

One thing I heard a game developer discuss was fighting with George Formeman. He said he loves how real it is because you can push off your opponent while their inside and nail him with a hook or a jab as he's traveling backwards, just like Foreman did in real life. Again, this is all due to the new physics engine.

It's not going to be perfect, but from what I've read and seen, it will be the most realistic boxing game to date.
Dec 9, 2005
Hey hey hey, I use the buttons, but I feel like its more precise with the buttons, as far as which punches I throw, and I also am able to throw my combinations more effectively.

I hardly throw haymakers, and I'm so glad the stupid ass parry + stun you for 3 seconds shit is gone. That was the achilles heel of FN3.

I hated that shit, and its not realistic whatsoever.
May 13, 2002
The button pushing IS more accurate if you're good at it, the problem that I have with it is it makes the game so unrealistic, because you got guys throwing insanely fast combo's and it just doesn't feel realistic at all. Especially when it's say Ricky Hatton throwing a 10 punch combo in 1.5 seconds. The sticks imo makes the game play a little more real.

BTW, the parry system has been completely removed from Fight Night 4, so that gay ass parry + stun your opponent + haymaker crap is gone.