E40 & KEAK on 106th & Park

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Aww, that's fucked up. The Challenger in the freestyle friday battle dissed E-40.. Nigga was hella weak, but that nigga was tryna huride.. Talkin bout dude Corny and should try and be a back up dancer for E-40 or some shit.
Apr 25, 2005
Damn yall already took all da words out of my mouth. Overall the performance was good, Keak's verse was understandable. I still can't believe dumb ass julisa said keak da sheek...I was hella rollin. The crowd wasn't really doin shit, they was barely movin, we all kno if TMW2G come on anywhere in northern cali that shit almost starts a riot. Da interview was cool julisa was feelin 40's mouthpiece, it was like every other 40 Water interview, all they ask him is about his slang mainly. Props 2 40 though he repped da Yay hard.
Mar 17, 2006
^^^Niggaz must be goofy if they don't know what he's about...
Now that's the real.

But overall, the performance was dope, but the 106 crowd was WEAK AS FUCK!!!! They never do shit whenever someone performs. I mean, there were some people giggin' but it was not hyphy. They want to wear the stunna shades and try to look cool, but they just look stupid if they aint going stupid. Feel me? BET should really have a show taken place in CALI, cuz everyone in NY is boring as the weather. And I don't think the challenger's little verse was a direct hit to 40, homeboy's flow was weak anyways so it didn't matter at all.
Mar 29, 2006
i know what hes about bitch but i lived in washington d.c for a minute and dem niggas thought he was goofy till i force fed them e 40 in my car.pay attention next time you comment on something pussy