Im curious about something, so many people on this forum talk about white people in america causing so much damage to minorities, its FUCKING BULLSHIT, MONEY AND POWER CAUSE DAMAGE TO MINORITIES NOT WHITES AS A WHOLE. All i hear from this forum is hate and prejudice towards whites, when all this hate is directed at the wrong people. you should be worrying about classism instead of skin color, classism is what creates racism and holds down minorities. i think its ridiculous when i hear statements about all whites are racists but some just hide it, NO, intelligent people period know the difference between classism and racism. i grew up poor, i still remember waitin in line countless times as a child at the food bank, havin my mom walk me to and from school because the one car we had didnt work and we didnt have the money to fix it. i remember my dad commin home at 7 after puttin in 13 hour days and bustin his ass to keep our family afloat. middle-lower class "whites" get the same amount of shit out of society as minorities, neither of my parents actually finished with a highschool diploma, they both dropped out and got their GED, my mom went back to school for 3 years when she was 37 to better our lives. basically what im tryin to say is, HATE THE RICH AND GREEDY, HATE THE RICH PEOPLE IN YOUR COMMUNITY THAT DONT DONATE MONEY OR TIME TO HELP THE LESS FORTUNATE. HATE THE MOVIE/TV STARS THAT POISON OUR YOUNG AND GET PAID FOR IT AND DONT DO SHIT IN RETURN. but please dont hate or be prejudice of people because theyre white, how is "racism" ever going to end if all sides of the problem dont open their eyes.