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Who do you hate?

  • Everyone

    Votes: 4 11.4%
  • Whites

    Votes: 6 17.1%
  • Rich & Greedy

    Votes: 18 51.4%
  • Other

    Votes: 7 20.0%

  • Total voters
Dec 18, 2002
Im curious about something, so many people on this forum talk about white people in america causing so much damage to minorities, its FUCKING BULLSHIT, MONEY AND POWER CAUSE DAMAGE TO MINORITIES NOT WHITES AS A WHOLE. All i hear from this forum is hate and prejudice towards whites, when all this hate is directed at the wrong people. you should be worrying about classism instead of skin color, classism is what creates racism and holds down minorities. i think its ridiculous when i hear statements about all whites are racists but some just hide it, NO, intelligent people period know the difference between classism and racism. i grew up poor, i still remember waitin in line countless times as a child at the food bank, havin my mom walk me to and from school because the one car we had didnt work and we didnt have the money to fix it. i remember my dad commin home at 7 after puttin in 13 hour days and bustin his ass to keep our family afloat. middle-lower class "whites" get the same amount of shit out of society as minorities, neither of my parents actually finished with a highschool diploma, they both dropped out and got their GED, my mom went back to school for 3 years when she was 37 to better our lives. basically what im tryin to say is, HATE THE RICH AND GREEDY, HATE THE RICH PEOPLE IN YOUR COMMUNITY THAT DONT DONATE MONEY OR TIME TO HELP THE LESS FORTUNATE. HATE THE MOVIE/TV STARS THAT POISON OUR YOUNG AND GET PAID FOR IT AND DONT DO SHIT IN RETURN. but please dont hate or be prejudice of people because theyre white, how is "racism" ever going to end if all sides of the problem dont open their eyes.


Another wigger who's flipping out because he keeps getting his hoe card pulled.

Faggot, you know you say nigger this nigger that about your so called black friends. Fuck peckerwoods.


Sicc OG
May 18, 2002
That [SIZE=1to your comment "middle-lower class whites get the same amount of shit out of society as minorities do"[/SIZE]

OK...I STRONGLY DISAGREE WITH THIS COMMENT!!!!! though "whites" might have the understanding of what it is to not have/or struggle ...they could not possible understand the amount of BULLSHIT that minorities go threw on a day to day basis.

Have you ever been placed in the back of a Dinning environment when there were plenty seats in the front???

Have you ever had people Not wanna hang with you when they find out your not white???

Have you ever been denied a job because of your race?

Have you ever dated someone and because your not "white" then your not acceptable to bring home????
etc.....and this is only the beginning I am sure that if you asked you'd find alot more b.s. stories.

I personally dont have a problem w/ people until they disrespect me...then I have a problem . Everyone does have racism in them in some form.

Yes, media plays a part in this, but so does the everyday "joe".This steams from the household or experiences.

I am the lightest shade of brown and because of that I get accepted into circles most wont and I can tell you threw experience that the people(whites) that say there not racist are the first to throw stones cause when you walk away your still the N*****, or the dirty mexican. as soon as I spoke up then all of a sudden I wasn't good enought.Now dont get me wrong I am not on her crying for sympathy cause I dont let other people put a value on me or how I should feel about myself.I am proud of who I AM and wouldnt change it....but exprience leads to my though that "WHITES ARE NOT BETTER THAN ME AND I AM NOT BETTER THAN THEM BECUASE I AM MEXICAN",However I am better than those who chose to think on a SUPERFICIAL LEVEL.


Sicc OG
May 23, 2002
KF, do some research into the prevalence of antiblack racism among "middle-lower class 'whites'" who "get the same amount of shit out of society as minorities" and see if your opinion doesn't change. You could start with The Wages of Whiteness by David Roediger.
May 16, 2002
I talked to some white people a while ago that had to leave the area because they were shooting a Tribe Called Quest video there and they only wanted to have black people in the video, that's pretty fucked up and it shows that racism spares no-one although the minorities have suffered from it the most.

I'm a person who really don't care how many pigments your skin has, and I try my best to treat anyone I meet without having any prejudices or assume that a person is this way ot that way before really knowing the person.
One thing I hate is people who always pull the race card (the term race is btw stupid since there are more differences between two monkeys in the same tribe, then differences between the two most genetically different people in the entire world) and doesn't understand that I hate them because they are retards, not because who their mother was.
Jun 12, 2002
Stop this ''White'' Bullshit...I Live In Ireland (For the Time Being college etc etc)...Although In El Segundo I never counted Irish People as ''White''..The Complexion Is of a White appearance...I myself am 1/4 Irish and I personally (Regardless Of What other's Speak) Do not count Irish as White ..Italian..etc etc.......

I got no problem with White people..Not many in the Neighbourhood, But If One of you say you never smoked out with a white liein'...There crazy as a mothafucca and fun to be around (In my opinion)...

Apr 25, 2002
How do you not consider irish people white??? They are like the whitest white people. As far as white people I can relate alot more to irish people though. There is a certian common tie between catholic peoples that i just cant put my finger on.
Jul 24, 2002
"Dont hate me cause im white" u know how fuckin dumb that sounds ... but there is alot of hate in the world today so u can expect all of this, especially on the internet...all u can do is ignore it..its only directed torwards u if u make it that way..

@ nostril u a fuckin a pic up so i can see what u look like.
Aug 25, 2003
Looks like we have some more ignorant views I see that most hate whites and quick to call them wiggers(Nostril Queen) but in the end your not taking responsibiltity for your own actions Its funny how so many people hat whites but yet those that do from Recornd companies and such are their bosses. This whole hat white thing is funny because I personally see all this internet chit chatter but Iam truly willing to bet thatr half you cats are scared to go up to a white persona nd talk all that shit. Just get along being racist means your just mad about history which we have no control over. If slavery is the issue look at how many of the Africans sold their own people to slavery and if thats the truth then looks like you and us are to blame so Iam seeing a 50% oin both fronts. And it was about greed not about color if roles were reversed then it would be the same only with whites complaining. get over it and look to the future not then past. You live in the past you will become the past. There is no movement which can bring back the lives that slavery took or any other horrific historically event. Move on its time for us to point the real finger as a whole against those in power not whites or blacks but those in power. Fuck What Everyone Says about white people Iam happy to be white and proud. I was born this color and I dont feel bad about anything, this is my life and no one elses.

Apr 25, 2002
^^^ First of all, like I said before, Africans selling thier people as slaves didn't happen until white colonialism introduced money and trade into the tribal systems.

You say if roles were reversed it would be white people complaining... we'll the roles arent reversed, and never will be so you can shut your yap on telling non-whites on how to feel.

You say in the end we're not taking responsibility for our own actions??? I believe white people have mastered that practice since the beginning of colonialism.

You say get over it. Look to the future and not the past. Thats exactly what you guys do cause the past aint an issue for you. You want us to just forget all the generations of pain and suffering and struggle that still happens to this day because you say so??? Fuck you.

I dont have to prove how ignorant you truly are. Your doing a good enough job.
May 14, 2002
Droopy Eye said:
I hate them because they are retards, not because who their mother was.

Goes double way offcourse I don't care about skin colour

if you are cool then you're cool
if you are an idiot then you're an idiot

black's, white's, chinese, arabic and all rases got both people

but I don't care tho, this topic is to fucked up to get involved in