Do u think da curront state of rap/hip-hop is be makin da youth stupid as fuck??

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Feb 17, 2006

i will say that the ideas and images the current state of hip hop portrays (such as having more money makes you somehow better, blatant materialism, lack of respect for women outside of physical appearance, etc.) is corrupt

and i will say that the fact that these ideas and images aren't only accepted but also encouraged and celebrated is a contributing factor to making the youth stupid as fuck

the difference i see between the current state of rap and hip hop as compared to that of pop or rock or some other form of popular music is that rap and hip hop seem to be conveying an overall lifestyle and conformity to that lifestyle whereas other types of music do not seem to have the same ideas and celebration of those ideas in every fuckin song. if you constantly hear the same shit over and over again, conformity and an unthinking population will eventually follow, and i think that's where we're going
May 13, 2002
the difference i see between the current state of rap and hip hop as compared to that of pop or rock or some other form of popular music is that rap and hip hop seem to be conveying an overall lifestyle and conformity to that lifestyle whereas other types of music do not seem to have the same ideas and celebration of those ideas in every fuckin song. if you constantly hear the same shit over and over again, conformity and an unthinking population will eventually follow, and i think that's where we're going
Do you think that is by design...that those messages are deliberately aimed at specific groups of america?
Jul 10, 2002
Corporate america has infiltrated hip-hop and turned it into hip-pop.

Blaming hip-hop on the stupidification of the youth is tantamount to Deloris Tuckers argument in the mid-nineties.

Commericialization of material possesions defining one's sense of self worth is really to blame.

There is still real gritty, grimy, cultural enhancing, mind bending hip-hop out there, but it ain't glamourous, and everyone thinks you need to be signed to do it big
Dec 12, 2006
we live in a corporate american, with a corporate news feed, The goal of the people in power is to keep mainstream America in the dark, and more interested in some bitches tites on a reality show then the state of our nation. So Yes, Yes, and Yes its done on purpose, the corporate music biz is about makin money not enlightening people


Sicc OG
Jun 30, 2005
I have come to think that it's actually the other way round - the current state of hip-hop is the result of the state of society.


Sicc OG
Jun 30, 2005
If you think about it, hip-hop really started to suck when it became widely popular which inevitably resulted in a much greater proportion of "regular folks" both among those who were making it and those who were buying it (especially the latter)

Which, I think, is the reason why it went downhill after the mid 90s
Feb 17, 2006
Do you think that is by design...that those messages are deliberately aimed at specific groups of america?
of course...that's marketing 101 - you gotta have a target audience, and i think rap/hip hop came to the forefront of the music scene to the point where it seems to be more prevalent in the top 40 all the time when musicians and their bosses found out they could market this shit to white kids

and they know that the money is within the white community especially the teenagers. and now it seems this music is being made so that all-white schools can play it while their girls' basketball team is warming up before the game

but, let's look at who these kids look up to now and who they aspire to be...soulja boy, jim jones, etc. and while they may be rich, they don't contribute to society and the well-being of our neighborhoods. grab a book, get an education, and help out the people rather than being a fuckin pig and caring only for yourself
Jan 14, 2006
IMHO, cellphones and myspace have made things just as worse.
i believe that in some way yes, but its more general than that-the internet itself.

the amount of thinking involved in every day life nowadays is much less than what it used to be.

the easily accessible media formats such as the internet have contributed to the decreased thinking needed to find information. in turn, making us all stupid in a way.

watch the documentary called "The Definition of Stupidity" much better answers on it.

and for the question, yes rap/hip-hop has made the youth really stupid.
....just go look at some of the songs and artists that promote these stupid ass things people do: ecstasy movement by thizz. promoting all kinds of stupid stuff. if you dont think rap/hip-hop is stupid as hell just go listen to soulja boy.
Jun 10, 2002
me personally I think the rap shit thats been coming out lately has been putting the wrong ideas in these kids heads. like being a big ass drug dealer is a great thing, and life isnt bout anything more then fucking bitchs, getting high and getting money. and the fucked up thing is that the rappers preaching this bullshit havent done half the shit they are talking bout and preaching to these kids, Rick Ross etc. anybody that has been there knows its not the life to be in and its not all that glamourous at all. they only show the one side of it not the downside. and its not good what so ever