Courageous Congressman and Presidential Candidate Advocates Bombing Mecca

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May 13, 2002
Tha_Perv said:
And neither did anyone else dumbass. That's why he was Man of the year in TIME magazine back then. No one knew what was really goin on.
lol, ok, no one opposed Hitler? Really, thanks for the informative history lesson. I could have sworn Hitler imprisoned and killed his political opponents, especially the communist members who opposed him.

FYI, Hitler was man of the year because the owner of Time magazine was himself a Fascist.
May 13, 2002
Tha_Perv said:
Communists are idiots. They are not Christians, YOUR going way off track here bud. Focus please, then post.
Really? So there are no such things as Communist Christians, there have never been Communist/Socialist Christian Parties throughout the world? Thanks again for the great history lesson.

And for the record, I was not off track.

Originally Posted by Tha_Perv
Yes but Christians widely condem psyco's like Hitler.

Originally Posted by 2-0-Sixx
Not at the time they didnt.

Originally Posted by Tha_Perv
And neither did anyone else dumbass.

Originally Posted by 2-0-Sixx
lol, ok, no one opposed Hitler? Really, thanks for the informative history lesson. I could have sworn Hitler imprisoned and killed his political opponents, especially the communist members who opposed him.
Oct 14, 2004
HERESY said:
According to who? Jesus preached about hell more times than heaven.

Where does it say this? Hell is NOT the Lake of Fire and anyone suggesting someone else needs to read it should read it for themselves. The first to occupy the lake of fire are found in rev 19:20. The devil is cast into the lake in rev 20:10, hell itself is cast into the lake in 20:14 and whoever is not in the book of life is cast into the lake in verse 20:15.

Can you provide ANY scriptures to support your claim?

Not according to Rev chapters 19 and 20.

Yes they do.
No they dont your not paying attention to what Iam saying. There is no hell, it was called shoel, it was a void like place. Hell doesnt exist, read more post less.
The King James version has hell in it for the first time. Hell was made up. The Lake of Fire is where the Devil and his followers will go. Read, you have no idea about what you speak.
Jul 25, 2005
2-0-Sixx said:
First off, it's YOU'RE, for the thousandth time, second, yes the Christian COMMUNISTS opposed Hitler, but the masses did not.
And they were wrong, and alot probably died in WWII. Just like the Muslims now a days are not condeming any attacks, and therefore will die in WWIII when the planet is sick and tired of Islam.

You'd think they'd learn.
May 13, 2002
Tha_Perv said:
And they were wrong, and alot probably died in WWII. Just like the Muslims now a days are not condeming any attacks, and therefore will die in WWIII when the planet is sick and tired of Islam.

You'd think they'd learn.
Really, so the Muslim population isn’t condemning terrorist attacks? Fascinating. Do a Google search for “Muslims against terrorism” and look at the countless Muslim groups that oppose terrorism.


Apr 25, 2002
Rob S4 said:
No they dont your not paying attention to what Iam saying. There is no hell, it was called shoel, it was a void like place. Hell doesnt exist, read more post less.
The King James version has hell in it for the first time. Hell was made up. The Lake of Fire is where the Devil and his followers will go. Read, you have no idea about what you speak.

You're 100% correct! I'm not paying attention to what you're saying because you aren't saying much. There is no hell? Please show me scriptures from the bible which state this.

The hebrews DID have a version of hell (I've listed this info many times before on this site). The difference is their version was used as a place of purging (and torment) but lasted for 12 months. Take your advice, read more and post less. Grace us with your knowledge of rabbinic judaism, rob.

Hell was made up.
Some will say god was made up. Some will say the green man outside your window, riding a motor cycle with no tires is made up. What scriptural evidence can you provide which states hell is made up? Is it in the Textus Receptus? Vulgate? Tanakh? Septuagint?

The Lake of Fire is where the Devil and his followers will go.

Ok, thats fine but that doesn't remove the FACT that the bible states hell itself is cast into the lake of fire (the verse has already been given) and that Jesus spoke/preached about a place of damnation more than he preached about heaven. That doesn't remove the fact that the bible states whoever is not written in the book of life is cast into the lake of fire (the verse has already been provided).

Read, you have no idea about what you speak

Read what? I'm sure no one would come to you with questions about theology so save it. You seem to misunderstand the OBVIOUS and that is SHEOL (or hell) has DIFFERENT sections. SHEOL is not one big place of torment but it DOES have a place of torment.

Have a good one.
Aug 20, 2004
LOL...this is fuckin ridiculous...this is the same kid that got beat up by the same black kid in middle school..and now he hates black people...when are people gonna rise above common ignorance????

Jul 25, 2005
Gringo Starr said:
LOL...this is fuckin ridiculous...this is the same kid that got beat up by the same black kid in middle school..and now he hates black people...when are people gonna rise above common ignorance????

Buddhists havent bombed anything yet.
Mar 27, 2004
you guys, why even argue with these faggot racists? u know all these people are good for is making multipage threads in forums with not a lot of readers, and asking you if u want fries with that at ur local fast food restaurant.

i mean seriouslly, if u want to end this retarded discussion, compare the education levels of joe, rob, other fag, against all the people who call them retarded. i think that would end this shit once and for all.
Jul 13, 2005
2-0-Sixx said:
BY FAR Christianity has caused more mayhem and destruction than any other religion known to man.
Which is clearly and definitively not true. News flash: Muslims weren't exactly nice during the Crusades. People seem to forget that.

-The Spanish Inquisition
-Salem Witch Trials

I don't really care. Blame Christians for whatever you like; right here, right now, we're not trying to annihilate Moslems. Moslems are trying to annihilate us.

Our first response to 9/11 should have been to nuke something. Maybe not necessarily Mecca - but something. You don't win wars by with a tit for tat exchange: you nuke us, we nuke you. You win wars by escalating the enemy's losses to unbearable levels faster than they ever imagined, until they get down on their knees and beg you to stop. And then you keep going. You keep going until it'll take them decades to stop bleeding, let alone even begin to dream of recovering.

We shouldn't be waiting to use nukes. We should use nukes first.

This is not a game.

You cannot place the blame on all the people when in truth it is only a small minority of people using aggression.
Unlike Christians, it's not a small percentage of Muslims who fully SUPPORT the attacks. There is no comparison. Not even close. And you seem willing to forgive Muslims for having slavery TODAY and seem ignorant that Hitler and his people were vigorously opposed to religion. Hitler didn't want his power diluted.

-The Holocaust
You are aware that Nazis were vigorously anti-religion, right?

