Courageous Congressman and Presidential Candidate Advocates Bombing Mecca

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Apr 25, 2002
The REAL jewish (HEBREW) people are SEMETIC. They trace to SHEM not japheth or ham. The ARABS of the middle east trace to shem also.

Once again Both were Semetic people. So if "an arab is an arab is an arab" (something YOU said in another thread) would that make Jesus a "towel head"?
Jul 25, 2005
HERESY said:
Thanks for proving my point!!!!


ps adam and eve were NOT semetic.
It aint rocket science. The bad muslims are doing bad for all the good muslims (if those are real) and we don't have time to weed out the bad in my opinion.

So bomb mecca. save us some time and lives.
Jul 13, 2005
2-0-Sixx said:
[Old Testament Violence]
The New Testament's hippy teachings abrogated the OT, according to mainsteam christian thought. OT is there for meditation, not guidance. Even if christians still actively lived by the OT, there is no standing command to find infidels and "murder them wherever you find them" - as is the koran's status quo.

Where was the deafening outcry and condemnation for 9/11 from moderate moslems? Nowhere to be found.
Jul 13, 2005
By Ann Coulter

Among the patriotic lesson plans for 9-11 was one proposed by the National Council for Social Studies, which recommends a short story titled "My Name is Osama." Calculatedly inciting hatred toward white American boys, the story is about a nasty little boy, "Todd," who taunts an Iraqi immigrant named "Osama."

This is the lesson to commemorate the biggest hate crime in history – committed by someone named "Osama" against people with names like "Todd." How about a 1942 lesson plan titled "My name is Adolf"? Might the 9-11 lesson plan inquire into what little "Osama" thinks about the terrorist attack? May we ask? (Question from the actual lesson plan: "Why, do you think, did Osama's family leave Iraq?" Incorrect answer: Because his father wanted to go to flight school in America.)

Since the horrific attack by practitioners of the "Religion of Peace," there have been a slew of hate crimes – committed by Muslims against Americans. Hesham Mohamed Hadayet murdered two and wounded many more at Los Angeles International Airport. Suleyman al-Faris, aka "John Walker Lindh," joined an attack in Afghanistan that left Michael Spann dead. Abdel Rahim, aka "Richard Reid," tried but failed to murder a plane-load of people on an American Airlines jet headed to Miami.
The only backlash by actual Americans – not imaginary characters named "Todd" – consists of precisely one confirmed hate crime. Some nut in Arizona murdered a Sikh thinking he was a Muslim. Current hate crime tally: Muslims: 3,000 (and counting); White Guys: 1.

In the spirit of specifically targeting only the worrisome Muslims, I note that the media have inadvertently identified several of them with blinding clarity. In case you missed these stories, I bring them to your attention so you will be forewarned: Do not fly with any of these kids.

Soon after the terrorist attack, the New York Times chatted with students at the Al Noor School, a private Islamic academy in Brooklyn – evidently the Arab equivalent of the Horace Mann High School (Anthony Lewis, '44). None of the students said they had experienced any harassment since Sept. 11. To the contrary, their school had been deluged with support from local Catholic schools, hospitals, state education officials and political leaders.

But the love was entirely one-sided. The students stated point-blank that they would not fight for America against a fellow Muslim, denied that Osama bin Laden was behind the attacks, and criticized the United States for always opposing Muslims.

"Isn't it ironic," one student sneered, "that the interests of America are always against what Muslims want?" (That's why the last several major American interventions abroad – in Kuwait, Somalia, the Balkans – were all conducted in defense of Muslims.) Though uniformly refusing to believe bin Laden was behind the terrorist attack, the students showed a remarkable lack of curiosity about who was.

Students from the Al Noor School were interviewed again a few weeks ago, this time by CBS' "60 Minutes." The students instantly and enthusiastically agreed with the proposition that a "Muslim who becomes a suicide bomber goes to Paradise for that action." "Definitely," one student said, calling a female suicide bomber "very brave."

"Do you believe they are martyrs? Holy martyrs?" Again, without hesitation, the students affirmed: "Yes" and "of course."

As to whether suicide bombers would go to Paradise, the students said they earnestly hoped so. "I mean, they're doing it for a good cause," one boy explained. "I pray that they go to Paradise," another said. Not only that, but one student said, "I think we'd all probably do the same."

Weeks later, at the urging of the principal, the students modified their answers slightly. But according to CBS, "None of them changed their view that suicide bombers in Israel would go to Paradise." The Islamic studies teacher at Al Noor claimed the students misunderstood true Islam: "If you go to chapter 4, verse 29, it says so clear, 'Do not kill yourself.'"

It's always so comforting when Muslims cite the precise verse from the Quran that tells them killing is wrong. Don't all empathetic human beings understand that instinctively? What if they lost their Quran that day and couldn't remember?

In any event, and more to the point, the Quran does not strictly inveigh against killing and dying for Allah. In the eye-opening book "Unveiling Islam," Christian-convert authors Ergun Mehmet Caner and Emir Fethi Caner say the Quran "promises Paradise to those who die in battle for Islam more certainly than it promises salvation to anyone else."

The Quran instructs: "Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day ... until they pay compensation with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued." It promises that "if you are slain or die in the way of Allah, forgiveness and mercy from Allah are far better than all they could amass." Muhammad says: "Fighting is prescribed upon you. ... Tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter."

The real "Todd" of Sept. 11 prayed to a different God. Realizing the Muslim hijackers were on a mission of death, Todd Beamer and the other men decided to fight back.

He did not shout "God is great!" before ripping out an innocent man's entrails. He prayed: "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: He leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for Thou art with me."

Jul 25, 2005
Joe DiMaggio said:
By Ann Coulter

Among the patriotic lesson plans for 9-11 was one proposed by the National Council for Social Studies, which recommends a short story titled "My Name is Osama." Calculatedly inciting hatred toward white American boys, the story is about a nasty little boy, "Todd," who taunts an Iraqi immigrant named "Osama."

This is the lesson to commemorate the biggest hate crime in history – committed by someone named "Osama" against people with names like "Todd." How about a 1942 lesson plan titled "My name is Adolf"? Might the 9-11 lesson plan inquire into what little "Osama" thinks about the terrorist attack? May we ask? (Question from the actual lesson plan: "Why, do you think, did Osama's family leave Iraq?" Incorrect answer: Because his father wanted to go to flight school in America.)

Since the horrific attack by practitioners of the "Religion of Peace," there have been a slew of hate crimes – committed by Muslims against Americans. Hesham Mohamed Hadayet murdered two and wounded many more at Los Angeles International Airport. Suleyman al-Faris, aka "John Walker Lindh," joined an attack in Afghanistan that left Michael Spann dead. Abdel Rahim, aka "Richard Reid," tried but failed to murder a plane-load of people on an American Airlines jet headed to Miami.
The only backlash by actual Americans – not imaginary characters named "Todd" – consists of precisely one confirmed hate crime. Some nut in Arizona murdered a Sikh thinking he was a Muslim. Current hate crime tally: Muslims: 3,000 (and counting); White Guys: 1.

In the spirit of specifically targeting only the worrisome Muslims, I note that the media have inadvertently identified several of them with blinding clarity. In case you missed these stories, I bring them to your attention so you will be forewarned: Do not fly with any of these kids.

Soon after the terrorist attack, the New York Times chatted with students at the Al Noor School, a private Islamic academy in Brooklyn – evidently the Arab equivalent of the Horace Mann High School (Anthony Lewis, '44). None of the students said they had experienced any harassment since Sept. 11. To the contrary, their school had been deluged with support from local Catholic schools, hospitals, state education officials and political leaders.

But the love was entirely one-sided. The students stated point-blank that they would not fight for America against a fellow Muslim, denied that Osama bin Laden was behind the attacks, and criticized the United States for always opposing Muslims.

"Isn't it ironic," one student sneered, "that the interests of America are always against what Muslims want?" (That's why the last several major American interventions abroad – in Kuwait, Somalia, the Balkans – were all conducted in defense of Muslims.) Though uniformly refusing to believe bin Laden was behind the terrorist attack, the students showed a remarkable lack of curiosity about who was.

Students from the Al Noor School were interviewed again a few weeks ago, this time by CBS' "60 Minutes." The students instantly and enthusiastically agreed with the proposition that a "Muslim who becomes a suicide bomber goes to Paradise for that action." "Definitely," one student said, calling a female suicide bomber "very brave."

"Do you believe they are martyrs? Holy martyrs?" Again, without hesitation, the students affirmed: "Yes" and "of course."

As to whether suicide bombers would go to Paradise, the students said they earnestly hoped so. "I mean, they're doing it for a good cause," one boy explained. "I pray that they go to Paradise," another said. Not only that, but one student said, "I think we'd all probably do the same."

Weeks later, at the urging of the principal, the students modified their answers slightly. But according to CBS, "None of them changed their view that suicide bombers in Israel would go to Paradise." The Islamic studies teacher at Al Noor claimed the students misunderstood true Islam: "If you go to chapter 4, verse 29, it says so clear, 'Do not kill yourself.'"

It's always so comforting when Muslims cite the precise verse from the Quran that tells them killing is wrong. Don't all empathetic human beings understand that instinctively? What if they lost their Quran that day and couldn't remember?

In any event, and more to the point, the Quran does not strictly inveigh against killing and dying for Allah. In the eye-opening book "Unveiling Islam," Christian-convert authors Ergun Mehmet Caner and Emir Fethi Caner say the Quran "promises Paradise to those who die in battle for Islam more certainly than it promises salvation to anyone else."

The Quran instructs: "Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day ... until they pay compensation with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued." It promises that "if you are slain or die in the way of Allah, forgiveness and mercy from Allah are far better than all they could amass." Muhammad says: "Fighting is prescribed upon you. ... Tumult and oppression are worse than slaughter."

The real "Todd" of Sept. 11 prayed to a different God. Realizing the Muslim hijackers were on a mission of death, Todd Beamer and the other men decided to fight back.

He did not shout "God is great!" before ripping out an innocent man's entrails. He prayed: "The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: He leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul: He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for Thou art with me."

May 13, 2002
Joe DiMaggio said:
The New Testament's hippy teachings abrogated the OT, according to mainsteam christian thought. OT is there for meditation, not guidance. Even if christians still actively lived by the OT, there is no standing command to find infidels and "murder them wherever you find them" - as is the koran's status quo.

Where was the deafening outcry and condemnation for 9/11 from moderate moslems? Nowhere to be found.
Yes, let's just simply disregard the OT and pretend there is no violence in the New Testament!

As an Atheist, I am disgusted with both religions however, if you want to compare the amount of violence in the name of Christianity to that in the name of Islam, BY FAR Christianity has caused more mayhem and destruction than any other religion known to man. But that is not the point. The majority of the people in both faiths oppose violence and it is the EXTREMISTS that use violence as a means to achieve certain political outcomes, all in the name of their religion. In other words, they use their religion as an excuse to justify violent behavior. Just like the Christian abortion clinic bombers, the KKK, the Nazi’s, etc. etc. You cannot place the blame on all the people when in truth it is only a small minority of people using aggression.
Jul 25, 2005
Just like abortion doctors do. Being athiest is a religion all together, why? cause it's still a faith and a belief.

Why don't we start collecting all the numbers on violence done in the name of no religion? Like bank roberrys and Ted Bundies? That will far outweigh the crimes done in religious causes. So if you think your oh so mighty and above cause your an athiest, well your an IDIOT.
Jun 27, 2003
Tha_Perv said:
Just like abortion doctors do. Being athiest is a religion all together, why? cause it's still a faith and a belief.

Why don't we start collecting all the numbers on violence done in the name of no religion? Like bank roberrys and Ted Bundies? That will far outweigh the crimes done in religious causes. So if you think your oh so mighty and above cause your an athiest, well your an IDIOT.
Wow, that was really retarded...

I guarntee, a lot of criminals follow some religion or another.

Atheism does not follow any "belief" system or "faith" system, wtf are you talking about? Atheism is just a label put on people because society likes labels.

BTW, the argument was more violence and wrong doing has been done in the name of Christianity as opposed to Islam, you still haven't disputed that. Just stop posting already.
Jul 25, 2005
Actually if you want to know what this post is really about, it's about the benefits we'd gain from bombing mecca. You want to bash christianity? Make your own topic. Quit blurring the fact of the matter, that Earth would be a better place once Mecca is a parking lot.

And sure athiest is a label, but so is Muslim and Christian. Cause we like labels. :rolleyes:
Jul 13, 2005
2-0-Sixx said:
BY FAR Christianity has caused more mayhem and destruction than any other religion known to man.
Incomparable. Crusades came during a time when the Bible wasn't available to peasants. It is available now, and as we all see, there is no way for a despot to brainwash the masses with it.

ISLAM ON THE OTHER HAND has direct commands to murder infidels. The Bible certainly contains the things you mentioned, but it didn't result in discriminatory dogma, save female priests, as has been the case in the Koran. And, your personal opinions aside, I'd hardly equate "original sin, fornication, and all the rest of that shit" with "kill the infidel".

But that is not the point. The majority of the people in both faiths oppose violence
Nope. Where is the deafening outcry from the moslem world condemning Bin Ladin and his suicide bombings. Nowhere, instead Al Jazeera glorifies them.

Moslems are hate mongering scum. What other explanation is needed for why "Osama" is the #1 name for newborns in the middle east, even over Mohamed?

You cannot place the blame on all the people when in truth it is only a small minority of people using aggression.
Yes I can, because silence and a refusal to condemn makes an ipso de facto accomplice.
May 13, 2002
Tha_Perv said:
Being athiest is a religion all together, why? cause it's still a faith and a belief.
No, my brainless friend, Atheism is a lack of a belief and lack of faith.

Why don't we start collecting all the numbers on violence done in the name of no religion?

Like bank roberrys and Ted Bundies? That will far outweigh the crimes done in religious causes. So if you think your oh so mighty and above cause your an athiest, well your an IDIOT.

lmao, you'RE a fucking idiot, period!! There is NO doctrine, no book, no teachings or writings that can inspire and tell Atheists to be criminal, unlike that of most religions. Atheism is simply a lack of a belief in a god, nothing more.

BTW, how many times have people destroyed your arguments in the past when you had different screen names? How many times must you be banned before you quit posting here?