Courageous Congressman and Presidential Candidate Advocates Bombing Mecca

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May 13, 2002
Joe DiMaggio said:
Incomparable. Crusades came during a time when the Bible wasn't available to peasants. It is available now, and as we all see, there is no way for a despot to brainwash the masses with it.
-The Spanish Inquisition
-Salem Witch Trials
-The Holocaust

I can give a lot more comrade.

ISLAM ON THE OTHER HAND has direct commands to murder infidels.
So the Nazi's were not killing in the name of the Lord?

[quote[The Bible certainly contains the things you mentioned, but it didn't result in discriminatory dogma, save female priests, as has been the case in the Koran.[/quote]

LMAO. Slavery was justified thanks to the bible.

"[Slavery] was established by decree of Almighty is sanctioned in the Bible, in both Testaments, from Genesis to has existed in all ages, has been found among the people of the highest civilization, and in nations of the highest proficiency in the arts." Jefferson Davis, President of the Confederate States of America. 1,2

Nope. Where is the deafening outcry from the moslem world condemning Bin Ladin and his suicide bombings. Nowhere, instead Al Jazeera glorifies them.
Where was the outcry from the majority of Christian amerikans when we illegally invaded Iraq? Where is the majority of Christian Amerikans when it comes to the issue of the Death Penalty? Where is the outcry? Nowhere, instead Fox News glorifies them.

Moslems are hate mongering scum.
It sounds like you're the one full of hate.

What other explanation is needed for why "Osama" is the #1 name for newborns in the middle east, even over Mohamed?
Please provide a source, but if this is true, I suppose they see him as someone who is fighting the claws of Western Imperialism and they see him as some kind of hero or defender of their homeland.

Yes I can, because silence and a refusal to condemn makes an ipso de facto accomplice.
Then you must equally place the blame on all Christians as well.
Jul 13, 2005
2-0-Sixx said:
Where was the outcry from the majority of Christian amerikans when we illegally invaded Iraq?
There was no illegal invasion of Iraq.
Where is the majority of Christian Amerikans when it comes to the issue of the Death Penalty?
There is none because majority of christians don't claim to oppose the death penalty. Majority of moslems outwardly feign opposing terrorism and believe something entirely different.

What a thoroughly brainless analogy. What drugs are you on right now?

Response to the rest later.
Jun 27, 2005
Rob S4 said:
^^^Hahhahahah good stuff Perv.

I agree lets do what needs done. The Muslim world has caused nothing but trouble for the rest of the world.
Actually crackas have done more damage and caused more trouble in the world than anyone else ever could. Lets bomb the white devils.
Jun 27, 2005
Joe DiMaggio said:
XxtraMannish said:
Of course I'm serious. There was no illegal invasion of Iraq. In 2003 there was a heroic, preemptive strike against the terrorist breeding ground of Iraq - but no illegal invasion I know of.
The whole fuckin thing from jump was based on faulty fuckin information and anybody with a brain knew it. Once it became painfully obvious that there were NO WMDS, thats when bush came up with the whole "liberating iraq from an evil dictator" bullshit. george bush is not some type of hero. he is the most powerful terrorist in the world. He invaded a country that did not pose a threat and did not provoke us on any type of level. face facts.
Jun 27, 2005
Tha_Perv said:
Big deal, countries get taken over a ton throughout history. It's how we get things done. get over it hippie.
Im far from a hippie, and countries may get taken over from time to time but that dont change the fact that the war is illegal.
Jun 27, 2003
Joe DiMaggio said:
XxtraMannish said:
Of course I'm serious. There was no illegal invasion of Iraq. In 2003 there was a heroic, preemptive strike against the terrorist breeding ground of Iraq - but no illegal invasion I know of.
What teorrists? It's a known fact that Al Qaeida viewed Saddam as an enemy. The terrorists didn't come until AFTER the Army went in, overthrew the government, and brought complete chaos upon the country.

If Osama IS the number one name given to newborns in the Middle East, so what?

Christianity/Judaism/Islam all spring from the same source. They all adhere to a God who demands fear from his subjects and condones the killing of infidels. Sodom and Gomorrah ring any bells? The "great flood" of Noah's time?

@ Joe, please provide PROOF of your claims that the majority of Muslims support terrorism as I asked before. Before, you gave me some bullshit excerpts from the Koran which has NOTHING to do with whether or not the majority of Muslims support terrorism. However, considering many American Christians support baby bush and his terrorist action in Iraq; I guess you can make an argument that the majority of American Christians support terrorism. Looks like we have to nuke Texas...
Jul 25, 2005
Jae iLL said:
Joe DiMaggio said:
What teorrists? It's a known fact that Al Qaeida viewed Saddam as an enemy. The terrorists didn't come until AFTER the Army went in, overthrew the government, and brought complete chaos upon the country.

If Osama IS the number one name given to newborns in the Middle East, so what?

Christianity/Judaism/Islam all spring from the same source. They all adhere to a God who demands fear from his subjects and condones the killing of infidels. Sodom and Gomorrah ring any bells? The "great flood" of Noah's time?

@ Joe, please provide PROOF of your claims that the majority of Muslims support terrorism as I asked before. Before, you gave me some bullshit excerpts from the Koran which has NOTHING to do with whether or not the majority of Muslims support terrorism. However, considering many American Christians support baby bush and his terrorist action in Iraq; I guess you can make an argument that the majority of American Christians support terrorism. Looks like we have to nuke Texas...
They support it because they do not condem it. :lick:
Oct 14, 2004
2-0-Sixx said:
Yes, let's just simply disregard the OT and pretend there is no violence in the New Testament!

As an Atheist, I am disgusted with both religions however, if you want to compare the amount of violence in the name of Christianity to that in the name of Islam, BY FAR Christianity has caused more mayhem and destruction than any other religion known to man. But that is not the point. The majority of the people in both faiths oppose violence and it is the EXTREMISTS that use violence as a means to achieve certain political outcomes, all in the name of their religion. In other words, they use their religion as an excuse to justify violent behavior. Just like the Christian abortion clinic bombers, the KKK, the Nazi’s, etc. etc. You cannot place the blame on all the people when in truth it is only a small minority of people using aggression.

Tell me your kidding. People just twist Gods word around. You dont read the Bible do you? I doubt you have even touched it save for the few times you have been on here bashing it. Read into it more understand. There isnt even a hell. It says that only the Devil, his prophet, and his followers will go to a lake of fire. The rest will recieve punishment according to God. Get your head out of the King James version. They have found corrections by the thousands. The old Hebrew and Greek scriptures never talk of a hell. And the message of Love is all over both testaments. When God had slayings of people in Old Testament is to get rid of evil. These people were Evil in all ways, and if you have read your Bible God hates Evil and Sin. If these people were to only have so many killed then they could rise back up as a more evil source. Islam talks of killing now anyone who opposes you, Islam is evil. The Bible speaks to love your neighbor, God loves everyone even people who dont believe in God like you. One day you and God will talk about that and then you will be punished for it. Not with Fire and Brimstone (Unless you follow the Devil like the terrorists do)and not for eternity since eternity is a word made up from man.
May 13, 2002
Rob S4 said:
People just twist Gods word around.
Listen, I’m not going to argue religion with you (those are your beliefs and you have the right to believe in whatever you want) but what I quoted pretty much sums up my points. People “twist” the words written in the bible or the Koran or in other words, they “misinterpret” the meanings or better yet, they pick and choose sections that fit their already established beliefs. My point is that terrorists, whether an Al-Queda bomber or a Christian Abortion clinic bomber, uses religion as a tool to try and justify violent actions for political outcomes. Hitler used the bible and the church for political outcomes. Does that mean all Catholics are Nazis? Of course not. The same is true for Al-Queda and Muslims.
Jul 25, 2005
2-0-Sixx said:
Listen, I’m not going to argue religion with you (those are your beliefs and you have the right to believe in whatever you want) but what I quoted pretty much sums up my points. People “twist” the words written in the bible or the Koran or in other words, they “misinterpret” the meanings or better yet, they pick and choose sections that fit their already established beliefs. My point is that terrorists, whether an Al-Queda bomber or a Christian Abortion clinic bomber, uses religion as a tool to try and justify violent actions for political outcomes. Hitler used the bible and the church for political outcomes. Does that mean all Catholics are Nazis? Of course not. The same is true for Al-Queda and Muslims.
Yes but Christians widely condem psyco's like Hitler. Musllims do not. Hell they don't even kick the terrorists out of their temples. So if they don't want to help, they become part of the problem. Bomb Mecca.


Apr 25, 2002
There isnt even a hell.
According to who? Jesus preached about hell more times than heaven.

It says that only the Devil, his prophet, and his followers will go to a lake of fire.

Where does it say this? Hell is NOT the Lake of Fire and anyone suggesting someone else needs to read it should read it for themselves. The first to occupy the lake of fire are found in rev 19:20. The devil is cast into the lake in rev 20:10, hell itself is cast into the lake in 20:14 and whoever is not in the book of life is cast into the lake in verse 20:15.

Can you provide ANY scriptures to support your claim?

The rest will recieve punishment according to God.

Not according to Rev chapters 19 and 20.

The old Hebrew and Greek scriptures never talk of a hell.

Yes they do.