Compton Shooting

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May 13, 2002
nefar559 said:
70MPH in a residential is not cool in my book, specially at night were the visiably of the driver is low...what are people suppose to be inside the house when the sun goes down?
fuck that dude period

2-0-Sixx said:
Wow, so in your eyes, speeding in a residential neighborhood should be punished by death. Thanks for answering the question honestly.

BTW, I should be dead 100 times over
Put aside your feelings towards the SPEEDING driver for a second and look at the real issue at hand. Do you or do you not feel the police were wrong for firing 120 shots in a residential area at an unarmed man?
Jul 7, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
Put aside your feelings towards the SPEEDING driver for a second and look at the real issue at hand. Do you or do you not feel the police were wrong for firing 120 shots in a residential area at an unarmed man?
i understand where you stand, but i'm not going to defend this guy..sorry. But wasnt dude wrong for speeding in a residential area? yes. Was the police wrong for firing 120 shots? i dont know. after all "the suspect drove over lawns, curbs and sidewalks while trying to elude the authorities." The SUV peelout, should have the police drop their weapon down? formed a human shield to stop the SUV?

i dont know, what i would have done, if i was one of the police officers, if i see that we are blocking him and he peels out, there is a certain distance that if he gets close in an SUV, i'm going to start shooting. hsould i shoot the tires? would that stop him? should i shot him? should i let him go?

the police siren turns on, what you should you do? out run them? the guy had a choice, and he made the wrong choice. and lucky he didnt die, or an innocent by stander.
Jul 7, 2002
KrypticFlowz said:
Thank you for that statement Sargeant Nefar of the Compton Police department, Doing 70mph at midnight in a residential neighborhood is NOT cool at all, I'd rather grab 20 of my friends, point them down a street and then shoot our guns until the clips are empty.
it was either that or hold hands to form a police barricade
Apr 1, 2002
MAC-11 said:
get this...

i know a WHITE man that was killed in a WHITE neighborhood.... by a mixed group of officers in danville.. 30+ rounds.... thought he was reaching for weapon

who do u blame there???????

when your surrounded by cops with guns drawn and you dont want to get shot..... give up
I can't really blame anyone, the situation you are stating is ambiguous, article? I know what happened but if dude was reaching for something then....but 30+ rounds is quite rediculous. I can't really comment w/o the full details.

nefar559 said:
70MPH in a residential is not cool in my book, specially at night were the visiably of the driver is low...what are people suppose to be inside the house when the sun goes down?
fuck that dude period

you mean weathy neighorhoods, where everyone who lives in the ghettos/barrios/trail parks wants to live.
No I mean White neighborhoods/suburbs/ and weaLthy neighborhoods. The nicer neighborhoods, the ones with the majority of Whites residing there. What is meant by "where everyone who lives in the ghettos/barriors/trail parks wants to live"? That statement is irrelevent and I'm wondering why you chose to say that?

2-0-Sixx, dude was armed, with a vehicle. BUT he unarmed himself (if you will), by decelerating and eventually allowing the car to roll on it's own w/o acceleration at 1mph and still got blasted, this was where most of the shooting occurred.
Aug 31, 2003
nefar559 said:
i understand where you stand, but i'm not going to defend this guy..sorry. But wasnt dude wrong for speeding in a residential area? yes. Was the police wrong for firing 120 shots? i dont know.

i understood your point of view on this situation all up to right there. are you honestly not sure if it was wrong for the police to unload 120 shots in car in a residential neighborhood? you said earlier what if kids were playing outside and the car could've hit someone. well what if kids were playing outside at took a bullet in the head? what if someone was inside watching tv in the comfort of their own home and got shot what? i'm not saying to take up or to feel sorry for this person but to say you're unsure if the police were also in the wrong is insane.
Apr 25, 2002
nefar559 said:
. But wasnt dude wrong for speeding in a residential area? yes. Was the police wrong for firing 120 shots? i dont know.
okay so next time your going 40 in a 25 zone you better expect to get atleast 20 shots from the police.......

your logic in this discussion is fuckin stupid,thats not my opinion,thats a fuckin dont know if the cops were wrong for firing 120 shots in a residential neighborhood? dude was wrong for doin 70 fine,the cops were wrong for shootin all fast was he going when he got fired at.even the police chief dont know why they fired so many shots.......
Jul 7, 2002
Foul Mouth said:
okay so next time your going 40 in a 25 zone you better expect to get atleast 20 shots from the police.......

your logic in this discussion is fuckin stupid,thats not my opinion,thats a fuckin dont know if the cops were wrong for firing 120 shots in a residential neighborhood? dude was wrong for doin 70 fine,the cops were wrong for shootin all fast was he going when he got fired at.even the police chief dont know why they fired so many shots.......
ok genius, what would you have done?
Apr 25, 2002
I think some people are missing the point of why what the cops did was so fucked up. Maybe if the cops had shot at his ride while he was actually driving recklessly (if he really was driving as dangerously as they say), they might have more of a case. But this cat was already completely surrounded and had his SUV slowed down to a speed that wasn't endangering anyone...and those fuckin pigs just start lettin off at him like they're at war. No way you can call that self defense or protection of civilians when they swiss cheese dudes car like that when he was UNARMED had already slowed to a speed I could run faster than. And what's more dangerous and irresponsible...driving 70 mph through a residential area, or unloading 90+ bullets in a residential area?
Jul 7, 2002
naner12 said:
i understood your point of view on this situation all up to right there. are you honestly not sure if it was wrong for the police to unload 120 shots in car in a residential neighborhood? you said earlier what if kids were playing outside and the car could've hit someone. well what if kids were playing outside at took a bullet in the head? what if someone was inside watching tv in the comfort of their own home and got shot what? i'm not saying to take up or to feel sorry for this person but to say you're unsure if the police were also in the wrong is insane.

well what i dont understand is how to get the lunatic? everyone who is disageeing with me, is saying that its wrong to shoot 120 at that dude. but what was the alternative? hold hands and sing a peace song?

i hear shots outside, i'm not goign to run out to the front lawn and see, i'm going to hit the floor.

if children were outside i think the police would done somehting to prevent shooting them.
May 13, 2002
nefar559 said:
i understand where you stand, but i'm not going to defend this guy..sorry.
I'm not asking you to defend him nor am I defending him. The entire point is whether or not the police are wrong for firing 120 shots into a residential neighborhood.

But wasnt dude wrong for speeding in a residential area? yes.
Yes. He deserved to be arrested and given a speeding ticket or a reckless driving ticket or something along those lines, along with whatever other charges he committed, but not being shot at 120 times.

Was the police wrong for firing 120 shots? i dont know.
Nefar, did you watch the video? Was it necessary for the police to fire 120 shots?? There is no way deep down inside you can honestly say yes. I believe you're only saying "I don’t know" because you don’t want to admit they were wrong and contradict your original statement.

after all "the suspect drove over lawns, curbs and sidewalks while trying to elude the authorities." The SUV peelout, should have the police drop their weapon down? formed a human shield to stop the SUV?
How about firing a couple shots at the tires? You know- 118 less shots then what they fired.

i dont know, what i would have done, if i was one of the police officers, if i see that we are blocking him and he peels out, there is a certain distance that if he gets close in an SUV, i'm going to start shooting.
And there’s why you should never become a cop.

the police siren turns on, what you should you do? out run them? the guy had a choice, and he made the wrong choice. and lucky he didnt die, or an innocent by stander.
It doesn’t matter what choice this man made; the point of this thread is whether or not the police were wrong for firing 120 shots in a residential neighborhood.

Out of all your concerns for the safety of the innocent children that could have been hit by this car, not once have you mentioned the people that could have been hit by stray bullets. A cop got shot. Several houses got shot. You're being a bit of a hypocrite if you ask me.

i hear shots outside, i'm not goign to run out to the front lawn and see, i'm going to hit the floor.

if children were outside i think the police would done somehting to prevent shooting them.
Really? How can that be when bullets went through house windows? What if a kid was walking to the kitchen to eat cereal and took one to the face? Are the magic police bullets going to stop?

I think your giving police officers way to much credit. You should check the stats of young black men that are killed by police on a year to year basis.
Jul 7, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
Out of all your concerns for the safety of the innocent children that could have been hit by this car, not once have you mentioned the people that could have been hit by stray bullets. A cop got shot. Several houses got shot. You're being a bit of a hypocrite if you ask me.

i know what you're saying, know what i'm saying.

1. dude had a choice,

2. dude was a reckless driver

2-0-Sixx said:
Really? How can that be when bullets went through house windows? What if a kid was walking to the kitchen to eat cereal and took one to the face? Are the magic police bullets going to stop?
that was wrong, police should have been careful.
May 13, 2002
1. So did the police

2. Cops were reckless

At least acknowledge that the police were wrong Nefar. It doesn’t matter if dude was a reckless driver or whatever. You should be able to clearly see that the police were wrong for firing that many times
Apr 25, 2002
nefar559 said:
ok genius, what would you have done?

well me not being a "trained" officer i would box the car in with police units like Hersey said.and i bet i could've tooken out the two tires on my side by myself without hititng the windshield.think about it.they could've done "alot" besides firing 120 shots at the car and houses.......

and thanks for the compliment but honestly,im not a genius,just very logical........